Tags: JuliaComputing/DataSets.jl
## DataSets v0.2.8 [Diff since v0.2.7](v0.2.7...v0.2.8) **Merged pull requests:** - CompatHelper: bump compat for AbstractTrees to 0.4 (#47) (@github-actions[bot]) - Remove manifest, gitignore generated docs files (#51) (@mortenpi) - Determine data repo from DEPOT_PATH (#52) (@mortenpi) - Remove DataSets._current_project (#53) (@mortenpi) - Handle hyphens in dataset() (#57) (@mortenpi) - Backports for 0.2.8 (#58) (@mortenpi)
## DataSets v0.2.7 [Diff since v0.2.6](v0.2.6...v0.2.7) **Closed issues:** - Rename `BlobTree -> FileTree` (#41) **Merged pull requests:** - Cleanup: Split most code out of DataSets.jl (#36) (@c42f) - show method for DataSet: add line at the top (#37) (@fonsp) - Data REPL fixes: `ls` shows the stack etc (#39) (@c42f) - Add DataSets.from_path(), allow `-` in dataset names (#40) (@c42f) - Fix file naming inconsistency (#44) (@c42f) - BlobTree API refactor including newfile() / newdir(), and renaming. (#45) (@c42f) - DataSet configuration (#46) (@c42f) - Backport allowing `-` in dataset names to 0.2 (#49) (@mortenpi) - Fix nightly tests (#50) (@mortenpi)
## DataSets v0.2.4 [Diff since v0.2.3](v0.2.3...v0.2.4) **Merged pull requests:** - Revive the data REPL (#19) (@c42f) - Add drivers section to Data.toml for autoloading (#20) (@c42f) - Various cleanups (#21) (@c42f) - More Data.toml schema validation and other minor cleanup (#22) (@c42f) - Use `/` as separator for dataset namespaces (#23) (@c42f)
## DataSets v0.2.3 [Diff since v0.2.2](v0.2.2...v0.2.3) **Merged pull requests:** - Use ResourceContexts.jl for resource handling (#12) (@c42f) - Storage driver for data embedded in Data.toml (#15) (@c42f) - Add lock to global storage driver registry (#16) (@c42f) - Bugfix for storage backend compatibility, plus tests (#18) (@c42f)