List of Programs related to data structures and algorithms
No. | Name | Source | Live | Documentation | Level | Pattern |
1 | Stack using array | Source | JavaScript | - | Easy | Using Array operations |
2 | Stack using linkedlist | Source | JavaScript | - | Easy | Using LinkedList operations |
- Queue using array: JavaScript
- Queue using linkedlist: JavaScript
- SinglyLinkedlist implementation: Source Playground Documentation
- DoublyLinkedlist implementation: Source Playground Documentation
- Binary Search Tree: Source JavaScript Documentation
- Unweighted undirected graph: Source Playground Documentation
- HashTable: JavaScript
No. | Name | Source | Live | Documentation | Level | Pattern |
1 | Contains duplicates | Source | Playground | Documentation | Easy | Set/Object |
2 | Two sum2- Input array sorted | Source | Playground | Documentation | Medium | Two pointers |
3 | 3 sum | Source | Playground | Documentation | Medium | Two pointers |
4 | Product of array except self | Source | Playground | Documentation | Medium | Prefix and postfix pattern |
5 | Max sum subarray | Source | Playground | Documentation | Medium | Kadane's algorithm |
6 | Minimum size subarray sum | Source | Playground | Documentation | Medium | Sliding window |
7 | Sort Colors | Source | Playground | Documentation | Medium | Two pointers |
8 | Maximum product subarray | Source | Playground | Documentation | Medium | Kadane's algorithm |
9 | Find minimum in rotated sorted array | Source | Playground | Documentation | Medium | Binary search technique |
10 | Maximum Circular subarray | Source | Playground | Documentation | Medium | Kadane's algorithm |
11 | Rotate array | Source | Playground | Documentation | Medium | Two pointers |
12 | Search in rotated sorted array | Source | Playground | Documentation | Medium | Binary search |
13 | Container with most water | Source | Playground | Documentation | Medium | Two pointers |
14 | First missing positive number | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Hard | In-place hashing |
15 | Best time to buy stock and sell stock | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Greedy algorithm |
16 | Two missing numbers | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Sum and average calculations |
No. | Name | Source | Live | Documentation | Level | Pattern |
1 | Longest substring without repeating characters | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Sliding Window |
2 | Longest repeating character replacement | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Sliding Window |
3 | Minimum window substring | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Hard | Sliding Window |
4 | Valid anagram | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Frequency counting |
5 | Group anagrams | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Frequency counting |
6 | Valid palindrome | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Two pointer |
7 | Longest palindromic substring | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Expanding around center |
8 | Palindromic substrings | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Expanding around center |
9 | Encode and decode strings | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Basic string and array operations |
10 | Greatest common devisor of strings | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Euclidean and String operations |
11 | Reverse words in string | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Basic string and array operations |
No. | Name | Source | Live | Documentation | Level | Pattern |
1 | Climbing stairs | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Dynamic programming |
2 | Coin change | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Dynamic programming |
3 | Longest increasing subsequence | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Dynamic programming(Bottom up) |
4 | Longest common subsequence | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Two-dimentional bottom up Dynamic programming |
5 | Word break | Source | JavaScript | Source | Medium | Bottom up dynamic programming |
6 | Combination Sum 4 | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Bottom up Dynamic programming |
7 | House robber | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Fibonacci pattern bottom-up dynamic programming |
8 | House robber 2 | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Bottom-up dynamic programming |
9 | Decode ways | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Dynamic programming |
10 | Unique paths | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Dynamic programming |
11 | Jump game | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Dynamic programming or Greedy |
No. | Name | Source | Playground | Documentation | Level | Pattern |
1 | Sum of two integers | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Bitwise operations |
2 | Number of 1 Bits | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Brian Kernighans |
3 | Counting Bits | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Dynamic programming |
4 | Missing number | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Bitwise XOR |
5 | Reverse Bits | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Bitwise operations |
No. | Name | Source | Playground | Documentation | Level | Pattern |
1 | Sort Stack | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Stack push & pop |
2 | Balanced Brackets | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Stack push and pop |
3 | Reverse Polish Notation | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Stack push & pop |
4 | Daily Temperatures | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Monotonic decreasing stack |
5 | Number of People See In Queue | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Monotonic decreasing stack |
No. | Name | Source | Playground | Documentation | Level | Pattern |
1 | Reverse sublist | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | List traversal |
2 | Detect cycle in a linkedlist | Source | Playground | Documentation | Easy | Floyd's cycle-finding or Tortoise and Hare algorithm |
3 | Merge two sorted lists | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Arithmetic comparison |
4 | Merge K sorted lists | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Hard | Divide and conquer |
5 | Remove Kth node from end of list | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Two pointers |
6 | Reorder list | Source | Javascript | Documentation | Medium | Two pointers |
7 | Find middle node | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Two pointers |
8 | Find Kth node from end of list | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Two pointers |
9 | Partition list | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Two pointers |
10 | Remove duplicates | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Two pointers |
11 | Binary to decimal | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | List traversal and math operations |
No. | Name | Source | Playground | Documentation | Level | Pattern |
1 | Swap first and last | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Swap nodes |
2 | Palindrome check | Source | Playground | Documentation | Easy | Two pointers |
3 | Swap node pairs | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | List traversal and update pointers |
No. | Name | Source | Playground | Documentation | Level | Pattern |
1 | Maximum depth of binary tree | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Depth First Search(DFS) with recursion |
2 | Same tree | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Depth First Search(DFS) with recursion |
3 | Invert or Flip binary tree | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Swapping nodes and Depth First Search(DFS) with recursion |
4 | Binary tree maximum path sum | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Hard | DFS using recursion |
5 | Binary tree level order traversal | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Depth First Search(DFS) with recursion |
6 | Serialize and deserialize binary tree | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Hard | DFS preorder traversal |
7 | Subtree of another tree | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Depth First Search(DFS) with recursion |
8 | Construct binary tree from preorder and inorder traversal | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | DFS with recursion |
9 | Validate BST | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Depth-First-Search(DFS) using recursion |
10 | Kth smallest element in BST | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Iterative inorder traversal using stack |
11 | Lowest Common Ancestor of BST | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Iterative tree traversal |
12 | Trie | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Iteration over string characters |
13 | Design and Search words Datastructure | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Trie and DFS recursion |
14 | Word search 2 | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Hard | Backtracking with Trie |
No. | Name | Source | Live | Documentation | Level | Pattern |
1 | Clone graph | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Depth-First-Search(DFS) using recursion |
2 | Course schedule | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | DFS using recursion |
3 | Pacific Atlantic waterflow | Source | Playground | Documentation | Medium | DFS using recursion |
4 | Number of Islands | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | DFS using recursion |
5 | Alien dictionary | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Hard | Kahn's algorithm for topological sorting |
6 | Graph valid tree | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Union Find algorithm(+ union by rank & path compression) |
7 | Number of connected components in an undirected graph | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Union Find algorithm(+ union by rank & path compression) |
No. | Name | Source | Live | Documentation | Level | Pattern |
1 | Set matrix zeros | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | In-place updates through traversal |
2. | Spiral matrix | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Boundary matrix traversal/spiral pattern |
3 | Rotate image | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Inplace square rotation |
4 | Word search | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Depth-First Search (DFS) using recursion |
No. | Name | Source | Live | Documentation | Level | Pattern |
1 | Insert interval | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Basic math operations |
2 | Merge interval | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Sorting and basic math operations |
3 | Non-overlapping intervals | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Greedy and basic math operations |
4 | Meeting rooms | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Greedy and basic math operations |
5 | Meeting rooms 2 | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Two pointers |
No. | Name | Source | Live | Documentation | Level | Pattern |
1 | Duplicates | Source | JavaScript | JavaScript | Easy | Using Map |
2 | Two sum | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Using Map |
3 | First non repeating character | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Using Map |
4 | Group anagrams | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Using Map & its methods |
5 | Verify Common Elements | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | Using Map methods |
6 | Longest consequtive sequence | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Find sequence using set or hash table |
7 | Valid Sudoku | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Using Map and Set methods |
8 | Letter combinations | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Backtracking with hash table mapping |
9 | LRU Cache | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | Combination of Hash Table and doubly linked list |
No. | Name | Source | Playground | Documentation | Level | Complexity |
1 | Bubble sort | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | TC: O(n2), SC: O(1) |
2 | Selection sort | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | TC: O(n2), SC: O(1) |
3 | Insertion sort | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Easy | TC: O(n2), SC: O(1) |
4 | Merge sort | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | TC: O(n log(n)), SC: O(n) |
5 | Quick sort | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Medium | TC: O(n2), SC: O(log n) |
6 | Heap sort | Source | JavaScript | Documentation | Hard | TC: O(n log(n)), SC: O(1) |