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46 lines (26 loc) · 2.57 KB

Problem statement: Given a string digits contain digits 2-9 inclusive, and each digit(except 1) is mapped to a set of characters. Return all possible letter combinations that the number could represent.

Note: The output can be written in any order. The mapping of digits to letters is shown below:



Example 1:

Input: digits = "24"

Output: ["ag","ah","ai","bg","bh","bi","cg","ch","ci"]


Example 2:

Input: digits = ""

Output: []

Algorithmic Steps This problem is solved with the help of backtracking recursive solution by generating all possible combinations of letters for respective digits. The mapping between digits(2-9) and letters is taken care by map datastructure. The algorithmic approach can be summarized as follows:

  1. Initialize an empty array combinations to store the final letter combinations.

  2. Handle the edge case by returning empty combinations array if the given string digits is empty.

  3. Create a digit(2-9) to character mapping using a map called digitToChar.

  4. Create a backtracking function to generate letter combinations for given digits string.

    1. Add a base case to include letter combination for given string. i.e If the length of digits string is equals to current string(digits), add that current string to combinations and return.
    2. Iterate over all possible letters of a current digit. For each iteration, recursively call backtracking function with incremented index(i+1) and updated current string(currStr).
    3. Continue this process until all possible combinations added.
  5. Invoke the backtracking function with in main function. The function is called with index 0 and empty current string.

  6. Return combinations indicating the possible combinations of digits string.

Time and Space complexity: This algorithm has a time complexity of O(4^n), Where n is the number of digits in a given string. This is because the backtrack function needs to generate all possible combinations of letters. For each digit, there are upto 4 possible characters(for example, 7-> "pqrs" and 9->"wxyz"). If there are n digits in a given string, the maximum number of possible combinations is O(4^n). Building each combination involves appending character one by one, and each combination takes O(n). Hence, the overall time complexity ois O(n * 4^n).

Here, the maximum possible combinations of letters are 4^n ,and each combination has a length of n. So it takes a space complexity of O(n * 4^n).