Given a string str
, return the number of substrings withinstr
that are palindromes.
**Note:**A palindrome is a string that reads the same backward as forward.
Example 1: Input: str = "abcd" Output: 4
Example 2: Input: str = "aaa" Output: 3
Algorithmic Steps This problem is solved with the help of Expanding around center approach. The algorithmic approach can be summarized as follows:
Write a preliminary check by just returning the input string length when its size is less than 2.
Initialize count(
) variable to 0, which is used to store the palindromic substrings count. -
Iterate over the input string using an iteration variable
(from 0 to end of string). -
For each iteration, calculate the total count of odd palindromic substrings using a separate common function(step6). This common function accepts current iteration variable
for both left and right pointer values. -
For each iteration, calculate the total count of even palindromic substrings using a separate common function(step6). This common function accepts current iteration variable
as left andi+1
as right pointer values. -
The common function is created to iterate over the given string using starting(i.e,
) and ending(i.e,right
) index arguments. The left pointer is going to be decremented and right pointer is going to be incremented whenever the respective character values are equal. -
The sum of even and odd palindromic substring's count is going to be returned as total count for palindromic substrings.
Time and Space complexity:
This algorithm has a time complexity of O(n * 2)
(i.e, O(n * 2) + O(n * 2)
) because finding both odd and event length palindrome takes O(n) +O(n)
time complexity and it needs to be repeated on each character position which takes O(n).
Also, it takes space complexity of O(1)
without using any additional data structure.