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KitwareMedical KitwareMedical
Kitware is the lead developer of CMake, ParaView, ITK, and VTK. We also develop special-purpose algorithms and applications, featured here.

Kitware, Inc.


Moveck Solution inc. Quebec City, Canada

AnyBody Repositories AnyBody
Repositories for the AnyBody Modeling System

Aalborg, Denmark

Fabio Zanini iosonofabio
Physics, bioinformatics, virology, evolution, data science, and bioengineering. I usually code in Python, C++, and Javascript.

UNSW Sydney Sydney, Australia

Anthony gattia
PhD in Rehab using Biomech & MRI to explore exercise for osteoarthritis. Passion for stats, deep learning, image analyses, other quantitative methods.

NeuralSeg Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford, California

Jonathan Camargo Leyva JonathanCamargo
Assistant Prof. Mechanical Engineering @uniandes PhD in Robotics from @GT_EPIC_Lab @GeorgiaTech. Ex-Meta (Reality Labs Research)

Universidad de los Andes Bogotá, Colombia

Kitware, Inc. Kitware
Kitware develops software for web visualization, data storage, build system generation, infovis, media analysis, biomedical inquiry, cloud computing and more.
Ciara Gibbs ciaragibbs
PhD Student in Motor Control and Augmentation @ Imperial College London

Imperial College London

Pierre Schumacher P-Schumacher
Working on Reinforcement Learning for muscle-driven systems.

MPI-IS Tübingen / HIH Tübingen Tübingen

Pierre Puchaud Ipuch
Post-doctoral fellow in Biomechanics @s2mLab.

S2M lab Montréal

PhD Student at Imperial College London studying neuromechanics and gait synthesis.

Imperial College London London

Sam Brockie brocksam
Scientific software engineer exploring ways to reduce the true climate impact of aviation

AIA, University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK

DAS Project dasproject
Biomechanical simulation of the human upper limb
Biomedical Image Analysis Group BioMedIA

Department of Computing, Imperial College London

Daniel Pope lordmauve
Python generalist. Fellow of the Python Software Foundation. Developer Productivity Engineer at @twosigma. 4-time @pyweekorg winner.

@twosigma London

Advanced Normalization Tools Ecosystem ANTsX
Ecosystem supporting multi-modality biomedical image analysis across programming languages.

Cambridge, MA; Philadelphia, PA; Southern California

Rice Computational Neuromechanics Lab rcnl-org
Working to make model-based personalized treatment design for neurologic and orthopedic movement impairments a clinical reality.
Scott Uhlrich suhlrich
computational biomechanics, computer vision, machine learning

University of Utah

The Perk Lab - Laboratory for Percutaneous Surgery PerkLab
Open-source software for image-guided medical interventions
CALCULIX calculix
Developers area of CalculiX Finite Element Software
PLUS Toolkit PlusToolkit
Open-source toolkit for data acquisition, pre-processing, and calibration for navigated image-guided interventions
Driveline Research and Development drivelineresearch
R&D for Driveline Baseball

Seattle, WA

Konstantinos Risvas konris87

VVR Group, University of Patras Greece


2788 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA, 95051

ResearchKit is an open source software framework that makes it easy to create apps for medical research or for other research projects.
The FreeMoCap Project freemocap
Free Motion Capture For Everyone

United States of America

Claire V. Hammond cvhammond
Senior Research Engineer @ORGO-Inc

ORGO Inc. Sapporo, Japan

Dana Solav danasolav
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Haifa, Israel

gibbonCode gibbonCode
The Geometry and Image-Based Bioengineering add-On