title | titleSuffix | ms.custom | description | ms.assetid | ms.subservice | ms.topic | ms.author | author | monikerRange | ms.date |
Create a project |
Azure DevOps |
devx-track-azurecli, engagement-fy23 |
Learn how to create a new project where your team can plan, track progress, and collaborate on building software solutions. |
21F3C364-34F4-41B0-9EFC-6D4A141D81E0 |
azure-devops-projects |
how-to |
chcomley |
chcomley |
>= azure-devops-2019 |
11/11/2024 |
[!INCLUDE version-gt-eq-2019]
Create an Azure DevOps project to establish a repository for source code and to plan and track work. You can manage and structure your project to support your business needs. Each project provides boundaries to isolate data from other projects. For more information, see About projects and scaling your organization.
[!INCLUDE version-selector]
::: moniker range="< azure-devops"
If you don't want to manage an on-premises server, sign up for Azure DevOps Services and create a project. ::: moniker-end
::: moniker range="azure-devops"
- Organization: Have an organization. If you don't have one, create one.
- Permissions: Be a member of the Project Collection Administrators group or have the collection-level "Create new projects" permission set to Allow. Organization owners are automatically members of this group. ::: moniker-end
::: moniker range=" < azure-devops"
- Project collection: Have a project collection. If you don't have one, create one.
- Permissions: Be a member of the Project Collection Administrators group or have the collection-level "Create new projects" permission set to Allow. Organization owners are automatically members of this group.
::: moniker-end
::: moniker range="azure-devops"
To create a public project or make a private project public, enable additional policy settings to work with public projects, and then return to this article to create your project.
::: moniker-end
::: moniker range="azure-devops"
You can create up to 1,000 projects within an organization in Azure DevOps. For more information, see Work tracking, process, and project limits.
::: moniker-end
::: moniker range=" < azure-devops"
When you create a project from the web portal, Azure DevOps ignores several process template files. Specifically, the files that would create a Report Manager site aren't supported. You can add reports later by following the instructions provided in Add reports to a teams project.
There isn't a limit on the number of projects that you can create within a project collection, however for performance purposes, we recommend you limit the number to 300 or fewer. For more information, see Work tracking, process, and project limits.
::: moniker-end
::: moniker range=">= azure-devops"
Sign in to your organization (
). -
Select New project.
Enter information into the form provided.
- Provide a name for your project. Your project name can't contain special characters, such as
/ : \ ~ & % ; @ ' " ? < > | # $ * } { , + = [ ]
, can't begin with an underscore, can't begin or end with a period, and must be 64 or fewer characters. - Enter an optional description.
- Choose the visibility, initial source control type, and work item process. For more information, see Choosing the right version control for your project and Choose a process.
When you choose public visibility, anyone on the internet can view your project. With private visibility, only users you give access to can view your project. For more information about features and access levels for public projects, see Make a private project public. If the Public option isn't available, you need to change the policy.
- Provide a name for your project. Your project name can't contain special characters, such as
Select Create. Azure DevOps displays the project welcome page.
Select one of the following options to continue:
- Invite: Add others to your project. See Add users to a project or team. You can only invite users who are already in your organization. For more information, see Add users to a project.
- Boards: Add work items. See View and add work items using the Work Items page.
- Repos: Clone or import a repository or initialize a README file for your project summary page. See Clone an existing Git repo.
- Pipelines: Define a pipeline. See Azure Pipelines documentation.
- Test Plans: Define test plans and test suites. See Create test plans and test suites.
- Artifacts: Discover, install, and publish NuGet, npm, and Maven packages. See the Azure Artifacts overview.
- Manage your services: Disable the visibility of services. See Turn a service on or off.
::: moniker-end
::: moniker range="< azure-devops"
Sign in to your DevOps Server collection (
). -
Select New project. You can also create a project from a process.
Enter information into the form provided.
- Provide a name for your project. Your project name can't contain special characters, such as
/ : \ ~ & % ; @ ' " ? < > | # $ * } { , + = [ ]
, can't begin with an underscore, can't begin or end with a period, and must be 64 or fewer characters. - Enter an optional description.
- Choose the visibility, initial source control type, and work item process. For more information, see Choosing the right version control for your project and About processes and process templates.
When you choose public visibility, anyone on the internet can view your project. With private visibility, only people who you give access to can view your project. For more information about public projects, see Create a public project in your organization. If the Public option isn't available, you need to change the policy.
- Provide a name for your project. Your project name can't contain special characters, such as
Select Create. Azure DevOps displays the welcome page.
Select one of the following options to continue:
- Invite: add others to your project. See Add users to a project or team. You can only invite users who are already in your organization. For more information, see Add users to a project.
- Boards: add work items. See View and add work items using the Work Items page.
- Repos: clone or import a repository, or initialize a README file for your project summary page. See Clone an existing Git repo.
- Pipelines: define a pipeline. See Azure Pipelines documentation.
- Test Plans: define test plans and test suites. See Create test plans and test suites.
- Manage your services: disable the visibility of services. See Turn a service on or off.
::: moniker-end
Creating a project from Visual Studio/Team Explorer is no longer supported.
::: moniker range="azure-devops"
Create a project using the az devops project create command. For more information, see Get started with Azure DevOps CLI.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops project create --name
[--source-control {git, tfvc}]
[--visibility {private, public}]
- name: Required. Name of the project to create.
- description: Optional. Short description of the project, enclosed in quotes.
- open: Optional. Once the command creates a project, it opens in the default web browser.
- org: Optional. Azure DevOps organization URL. Required if not configured as default or picked up by using
git config
. You can configure the default organization usingaz devops configure -d organization=ORG_URL
. Example:https://dev.azure.com/MyOrganizationName/
. - process: Optional. The process model to use, such as Agile, Basic, Scrum, CMMI, or other custom process model. Agile is the default. For more information, see About process customization and inherited processes.
- source-control: Optional. Type of source control repository to create for the project: git (default) or tfvc. If not, name or ID of the project. Example:
--project "Fabrikam Fiber"
. - visibility: Optional. Project visibility. Accepted values: private (default), public.
The following command creates a new project named MyFirstProject under the Fabrikam organization. The project has the Agile process, and git source control. For more information, see Output formats for Azure CLI commands.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops project create --name MyFirstProject --description "Test project 1" --org https://dev.azure.com/fabrikam/ --process Agile --source-control git --output table
ID Name Visibility Process Source Control
------------------------------------ --------------- ------------ --------- ----------------
be87c31a-fbb3-4377-b207-57a8caf65e31 MyFirstProject1 Private Agile Git
::: moniker-end
[!INCLUDE temp]
::: moniker range=">= azure-devops-2020"
View a list of projects from your web browser.
Sign in to your organization (
). -
Select Organization settings and then select Projects.
Open your desired project. For more information, see About settings at the user, team, project, or organization-level.
::: moniker-end
::: moniker range=" azure-devops-2019"
To view the projects defined for a collection, select
Azure DevOps to open the Projects page.
Choose the collection to view the list of projects. The page lists the last two or three projects you connected to at the upper screen. Choose any project to connect to that project.
Select Admin settings and then choose Projects to list all projects.
You can choose a project to open project settings for that project on this page. For more information, see About settings at the user, team, project, or organization-level. Or, you can rename a project or delete a project.
::: moniker-end
From Team Explorer, you can view a list of projects by connecting to an organization or server. For more information, see Connect to a project.
::: moniker range="azure-devops"
List projects defined for an organization using the az devops project list command. For more information, see Get started with Azure DevOps CLI.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops project list [--org]
- org: Optional. Azure DevOps organization URL. You can configure the default organization using
az devops configure -d organization=ORG_URL
. Required if not configured as default or picked up viagit config
. Example:https://dev.azure.com/MyOrganizationName/
. - skip: Optional. Number of results to skip.
- top: Optional. Maximum number of results to list.
The following command lists the projects defined under the Fabrikam organization. For other output format options, see Output formats for Azure CLI commands.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops project list --org https://dev.azure.com/fabrikam/ --output table
ID Name Visibility
------------------------------------ ------------------ ------------
647c53b6-01aa-462a-adb7-da81d5620167 Agile 11 Private
c5dd744a-574b-4308-925f-386415dc6efc CMMI Private
d4195a58-96a9-4753-bbf9-4c0a4ef178e0 Demo 11 Private
80bb92c7-49b2-43db-9843-3baf8f64b85d Design Agile Private
5444a5d2-6bd9-4ad1-a25d-eea59855c2a9 Fabrikam Fiber Private
36946972-3a77-4bb4-875e-2f66a0f4652c Fabrikam Test Private
29bb9642-45f2-42bf-b391-f8701999c5fc My Basic Project Private
7aafdbeb-8de1-4e84-978f-d0ee4595b90e MyFirstProject Private
aba0ed07-3174-4793-9f2c-d2c5fa6b44d7 MyPublicProject Public
36ca09d1-9de0-4e3e-8277-e10b5cb96f7c Scrum 2.0 Private
You can list project information and optionally open the project in the web portal using the az devops project show command.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops project show --project
- project: Required. Name or ID of the project. Example:
--project "Fabrikam Fiber"
. - open: Optional. Open the project in the default web browser.
- org: Optional. Azure DevOps organization URL. You can configure the default organization using
az devops configure -d organization=ORG_URL
. Required if not configured as default or picked up by usinggit config
. Example:https://dev.azure.com/MyOrganizationName/
The following command lists information for MyFirstProject
under the Fabrikam organization and opens it in the web portal. For other output format options, see Output formats for Azure CLI commands.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops project show --project MyFirstProject --open --org https://dev.azure.com/fabrikam/ --output table
ID Name Visibility Process Source Control
------------------------------------ -------------- ------------ ----------------- ----------------
40751c1d-236b-418d-9df4-d5cc7c0e7bd6 MyFirstProject Private Scrum - Inherited Git
::: moniker-end
[!INCLUDE temp]
You can add Git (distributed) or TFVC (centralized) repositories to your project. You can create many Git repositories, but only a single TFVC repository for a project. More steps to address permissions might be required. For more information, see Use Git and TFVC repos in the same project.
[!div class="nextstepaction"] Structure your project
::: moniker range="azure-devops"
A: If you receive an error message that states you don't have permission to create a project, you need to request organization-level permissions. See Change permissions at the organization- or collection-level.
::: moniker-end
::: moniker range=" < azure-devops"
A: If you receive an error message that states you don't have permission to create a project, you need to request collection-level permissions. See Change permissions at the organization or collection-level. If you have SQL Reporting Services installed in the collection, you also need permissions for reports to the Team Foundation Content Managers group.
::: moniker-end
A: Error TF30321: The name you entered is already used for another project on the Team Foundation Server indicates that you should use a different name for your project. The name you entered is either in active use or is partially deleted, but not fully deleted.
Even when you deleted a project, you might get the same name error. Some components could be created or deleted even though others aren't. In this event, you can't reuse the name associated with the project.
::: moniker range="< azure-devops"
A: Upload your template using the Process Template Manager. For more information, see Customize process.
A: The log file is stored in $:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\Temp and labeled vso_TeamProjectCreation_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss.log.
The log shows each action taken by the wizard at the time of the failure and might include more details about the error. You can review the log entries to find network or file related issues by searching for Exception or Error.
A: See Add reports to a project. ::: moniker-end