title | titleSuffix | description | ms.custom | ms.service | ms.assetid | ms.topic | ms.author | author | monikerRange | ms.date |
Use managed queries to list work items |
Azure Boards |
Learn how to track work by creating queries to list work items in Azure Boards and Azure DevOps. |
boards-queries, cross-project, engagement-fy23 |
azure-devops-boards |
285a014e-89bf-4e5f-bebf-11094e93d796 |
conceptual |
chcomley |
chcomley |
<= azure-devops |
12/16/2022 |
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List bugs, user stories, or other work items based on field criteria you specify using queries. You can then review these lists with your team, triage work, or bulk update work items. Along with managed queries, the semantic search tool provides some overlapping and different functionality worth exploring.
Use managed queries to support these operations:
- Bulk update of work items using the web portal
- Triage and update work items
- Review a hierarchy of work items
- Share a list of work items with a team member
You can create queries and query folders from the web portal or from Visual Studio Team Explorer. Changes you make in one client are reflected in other clients as all changes are stored in the work tracking data store.
If you're just getting started, read View, run, or email a work item query. For a quick reference to query editor tasks and sample queries, see Query quick reference.
- To find work items that are assigned to you, add the @Me macros as the value for the Assigned To field in one of the query clauses.
- All valid users with standard access can create queries and folders under the My Queries area. To create queries and query folders under Shared Queries, you must have the Contribute permission set. For more information, see Set permissions on queries.
- You can modify any query by adding criteria to focus on a product area, an iteration, or another field. To modify a query, open the query editor.
- You can open any query in Excel. You can also update the fields of one or more work items and publish your changes to the database for tracking work items.
- You can visualize status or progress by creating a pie-chart, column chart, or trend chart for flat-list queries.
The following sections provide an overview of the functions supported to define and manage work item queries.
- Query filters are defined through the Query Editor.
- Query macros can be selected for specific fields to create a query clause.
- Query results and query management features are capabilities available through the Query Results page.
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Work item queries only support querying of work items and work items linked to other work items. Here are a few of the tasks that managed queries don't support:
- Hierarchical views of Test Plans, Test Suites, and Test Cases. These items aren't linked together using parent-child link types. Instead, you can view the hierarchy through the Test>Test Plans page.
- Views showing linked objects such as builds, releases, code, or other non-work item objects.
- List work items linked from one project to another.
- Export a cross-project query to Excel. Direct links queries export to Excel as a flat-list.
Azure Boards supports three query types. The icon next to each query indicates the query type. Use the following guidance to choose the query type based on what you want to accomplish with the query.
:::row::: :::column span="1"::: Query type :::column-end::: :::column span="3"::: Usage guidance :::column-end::: :::row-end:::
:::column span="1":::
Flat list of work items
:::column span="3":::
- List items to do bulk updates to fields
- Triage a list of work items
- Create a query chart and add it to a dashboard
- Create a chart to get a count of items or sum a field
- Export a list of items to Excel to update fields
:::column span="1":::
Work items and direct links
:::column span="3":::
- List items that are dependent on other work items
- Find items related or dependent on other work items
- List linked work items to do bulk updates to fields
- Triage a list of linked work items
- List test-related linked work items
- Find orphaned backlog items, work items that have no parent
> [!NOTE]
> Work items and direct links queries export to Excel as a flat list. Direct links queries are imported as a flat list as modifying multiple types of links isn't a supported feature in Excel.
:::row::: :::column span="1"::: Tree of work items :::column-end::: :::column span="3"::: - List a tree of Parent-Child related work items, or other tree-topology link type - Triage a hierarchical list of work items - Export a hierarchical list of items to Excel to update fields or modify the hierarchy :::column-end::: :::row-end:::
To learn more about link types, see Link type reference.
Only you can view and run queries that you save under My Queries with the queries directory. Also, you can favorite one of these queries to have it appear within your query selector.
Queries you and others save under Shared Queries can be viewed by everyone with access to the project. Shared queries can be organized within folders and favorited by you or for a team. Also, you can set permissions on the folders and queries to prevent others from moving or editing them.
For more information, see:
- Manage queries & query folders
- Set query permissions
- Favorite a query and Set personal or team favorites
The Queries page contains a Favorites and an All tab. Each contains a directory-focused view that you can filter to find specific queries of interest.
When you're working in the Queries pages, you can go to a folder, subfolder, or a query page.
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:::image type="content" source="media/view-run-queries/query-navigation-new-boards-hubs.png" alt-text="Screenshot of queries page." :::
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As you make selections, the breadcrumbs are shown at the top of the page. You can navigate to a folder, subfolder, or query page.
:::image type="content" source="../../project/navigation/media/breadcrumbs/queries-breadcrumbs.png" alt-text="Screenshot of breadcrumbs on query page." :::
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You can also select a favorite query or return to the All queries page from the drop-down menu of an open query.
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:::image type="content" source="../../project/navigation/media/breadcrumbs/query-bd-and-selector.png" alt-text="Screenshot of query dropdown." :::
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:::image type="content" source="../../project/navigation/media/breadcrumbs/query-dropdown-new-boards-hubs.png" alt-text="Screenshot of query navigation dropdown." :::
::: moniker-end
For more information, see Query FAQs, Navigate, and Folders.
You can quickly create pie, bar, pivot, and trend charts from a flat-list query. Queries must be flat-list and return 1000 or less work items. You can add your query charts to a dashboard, retitle, and reconfigure them.
Query-based widgets provide support for presenting query information on a dashboard. For example, the number of active bugs or a list of work items that you can interact with. To learn about query charts and widgets, see these articles:
To add a custom field to support your query needs, see Customize your work tracking experience.
You may notice and wonder why the contents of the taskboard differ from the contents listed with its created query? For more information, see taskboard items versus query list items.
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To support full-text search queries, the collation settings of the SQL Server database should correspond to a language that has a word breaker registered with SQL Server. If you use an unsupported language, you could receive unexpected results when you run a work item query that specifies the Contains or Contains Words operators with text strings.
For more information, see the following articles:
- sys.fulltext_languages (Transact-SQL)
- SQL Server 2008 Full-Text Search: Internals and Enhancements
- Query Fields, Operators, Values, and Variables
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