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View or run a query in Azure Boards and Azure DevOps
Azure Boards
Learn how to view, run, or favorite a query in Azure Boards and Azure DevOps.
<= azure-devops

View, run, or email a work item query

[!INCLUDE version-lt-eq-azure-devops] [!INCLUDE]

To locate work items assigned to you or your team, you can run a query. Your process could include several predefined queries that you can access and run. Often, it's easier to create a new query by modifying an existing query definition.

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[!INCLUDE note-new-boards-hub-default-images]

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[!INCLUDE temp]

Open Queries

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Run a query in Azure Boards

To run any query, expand a folder and choose the title of the query. The view opens to display the query Results.

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You can also run a query by using the Azure DevOps command line interface.

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The Queries page, as with other web portal pages, remembers the view you last went to and returns you to that view.

  1. Choose All to open the page where you can view all queries that you defined or are shared within your project.

    :::image type="content" source="media/view-run-queries/queries-all.png" alt-text="Screenshot of all queries view." :::

  2. Choose My Queries as needed.

    • To view all work items assigned to you, choose Assigned to me. This query uses the @Me macro to list all work items assigned to you.
    • To view all work items you're following, choose Followed work items. This query uses the @Follows macro (ID in @Follows) to list all work items you chose to follow. For more information, see Follow a work item or pull request.
  3. Choose Shared Queries to expand the folder and access queries saved as shared queries.

  4. Choose a folder within a breadcrumb to open a query folder.

    :::image type="content" source="media/example-queries/queries-breadcrumb-example.png" alt-text="Screenshot of queries breadcrumb example." :::

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The Queries page, as with other web portal pages, remembers the view you last went to and returns you to that view.

  1. Choose All to open the page where you can view all queries you defined or that are shared within your project.

    :::image type="content" source="media/view-run-queries/open-queries-new-boards-hubs.png" alt-text="Screenshot of all queries view.":::

  2. Choose My Queries as needed.

    • To view all work items assigned to you, choose Assigned to me. This query uses the @Me macro to list all work items assigned to you.
    • To view all work items you're following, choose Followed work items. This query uses the @Follows macro (ID in @Follows) to list all work items you follow. For more information, see Follow a work item or pull request.
  3. Choose Shared Queries to expand the folder and access queries saved as shared queries.

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We strongly recommend that everyone use the default view instead of this legacy view. It is designed for you to quickly access a list of work items based on your assignment, following, mentioned, or recent updates. The legacy view is no longer being enhanced and we expect to remove it in a future release of Visual Studio.

  • From the Team Explorer Work Items, page, open the context menu for the query (right-click with your mouse), and choose View Results. Or, double-click the query to open it.

    :::image type="content" source="../media/team-explorer/open-query-from-team-explorer.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Team Explorer, open context menu for a query, choose View Results.":::

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Run a query from the command line

You can run a query in the CLI with the az boards query command. To get started, see Get started with Azure DevOps CLI.

az boards query [--id]


  • id: The ID of an existing query. Required unless--path or--wiql is specified.
  • wiql: The query in Work Item Query Language (WIQL) format. Ignored if --id or --path is specified.
  • path: The path of an existing query. Ignored if--id is specified.
  • org: Azure DevOps organization URL. You can configure the default organization using az devops configure -d organization=ORG_URL. Required if not configured as default or picked up using git config. Example: --org
  • project: Name or ID of the project. You can configure the default project using az devops configure -d project=NAME_OR_ID. Required if not configured as default or picked up using git config.


The following command runs a query with the specified ID and shows the result in table format.

az boards query --id 6c286d74-26a5-4cce-bfcf-bf9123495bfe  --output table

Priority    Node Name         Work Item Type    Title                             Remaining Work
----------  ----------------  ----------------  --------------------------------  ----------------
1           Voice             Bug               Apply fix elsewhere as needed
2           CMMI              Bug               Slow response on form
1           Fiber             Bug               Check issues with permissions     0
2           Fiber             Bug               Voicemail hang issue              0
2           FabrikamBB        Bug               Research slow response time
1           FabrikamBB        Bug               Fix performance issues            0 

The following command runs a query with the specified WIQL and shows the result in table format.

az boards query --wiql "SELECT [Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority], [System.NodeName], [System.WorkItemType], [System.Title], [Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork], [System.AssignedTo], [System.State], [System.Tags], [System.AreaPath] FROM workitems WHERE [System.WorkItemType] = 'Bug' AND [System.AreaPath] = 'Fabrikam Fiber' ORDER BY [System.WorkItemType]" --output table

Priority    Node Name       Work Item Type    Title                  Remaining Work
----------  --------------  ----------------  ----------------       ----------------
2           Fabrikam Fiber  Bug               Slow response on form
2           Fabrikam Fiber  Bug               Check permissions
2           Fabrikam Fiber  Bug               Fix performance issue
2           Fabrikam Fiber  Bug               Secure Sign-in 

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Query directory, query folders, and breadcrumbs


You can't add folders to My Favorites or Team Favorites.

The Queries page contains a Favorites and an All tab. Each contains a directory-focused view that you can filter to find specific queries of interest.

When you're working in the Queries pages, you can go to a folder, subfolder, or a query page.

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:::image type="content" source="media/view-run-queries/query-navigation-new-boards-hubs.png" alt-text="Screenshot of queries page." :::

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As you make selections, the breadcrumbs are shown at the top of the page. You can navigate to a folder, subfolder, or query page.

:::image type="content" source="../../project/navigation/media/breadcrumbs/queries-breadcrumbs.png" alt-text="Screenshot of breadcrumbs on query page." :::

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You can also select a favorite query or return to the All queries page from the drop-down menu of an open query.

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:::image type="content" source="../../project/navigation/media/breadcrumbs/query-bd-and-selector.png" alt-text="Screenshot of query dropdown." :::

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:::image type="content" source="../../project/navigation/media/breadcrumbs/query-dropdown-new-boards-hubs.png" alt-text="Screenshot of query navigation dropdown." :::

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The Work Items page displays the same folder structure as defined in the web portal. Changes you make through Visual Studio are reflected in the web portal.

:::image type="content" source="media/organize-queries/query-folders-visual-studio.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Work Items page, Visual Studio showing query folders.":::

You can expand and collapse folders, rename folders, and drag and drop queries from one folder to another. For more information, see Manage and organize queries

For more information, see Query FAQs, Navigate, and Folders.

All and Favorites supported tasks

You can do most tasks for viewing and running queries from each of the queries list pages as indicated in the following table. Only queries you save under My Queries and have favorited show up under My Favorites. Only queries saved under Shared Queries can be favorited by a team.

[!div class="mx-tdCol2BreakAll"] |
Task |Favorites
(Browser) |All
(Browser) | Work Items
(Team Explorer) |-------------|----------|---------| |View all favorited queries, yours or a team you belong to | ✔️ | | ✔️ |
|View all your queries or shared queries for the current project | | ✔️ |✔️|
|Run a query, open the context menu for a query |✔️ |✔️|✔️|
|Expand or collapse container folders or query folders |✔️ |✔️|✔️|
|Filter the list of queries |✔️ |✔️ | | |Favorite a query (for web portal, choose Favorite) | |✔️ | |
|Unfavorite a query (for web portal, choose :::image type="icon" source="../../media/icons/icon-favorited.png" border="false":::) |✔️ |✔️ | ✔️ |
|Add a new query: Choose :::image type="icon" source="/azure/devops/boards/media/icons/add-new-query.png" border="false"::: |✔️ |✔️ | ✔️|

Filter the list of queries

Enter a keyword into the filter box to filter the set of queries displayed on either the Favorites or All pages. To learn more about filtering, see Filter backlogs, boards, queries, and plans.

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:::image type="content" source="media/queries-all-filter.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing all queries in the project filtered by a keyword criteria." :::

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:::image type="content" source="media/view-run-queries/filter-queries-new-boards-hubs.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing all queries in the project filtered by a keyword criteria." :::

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For more information, see Query FAQs, Navigate, and Folders.

Email query items or share a query URL

From the Query Editor or Results view, you can email a formatted list of query items or copy the query URL.

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Choose the :::image type="icon" source="../media/icons/actions-icon.png" border="false"::: actions icon to open the menu and select from the options listed, Email query or Copy query URL.

:::image type="content" source="media/view-run-queries/email-query-new-exp.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Choose Email query or Copy query URL." :::

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Choose the more actions icon :::image type="icon" source="../media/icons/more-actions.png" border="false"::: to open the menu and select from the options listed, Email query or Copy query URL.

:::image type="content" source="media/view-run-queries/email-query-new-boards-hubs.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Choose Email query or Copy query URL." :::

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You can only send the email to individual address for a project member that the system recognizes. Adding a team group or security group to the "To" line isn't supported. If you add an email account that the system doesn't recognize, you receive a message that one or more recipients of your email doesn't have permissions to read the mailed work items.


To email a formatted list to people who aren't project members, you'll need to use the Copy as HTML option described in Copy a list of work items. For on-premises Azure DevOps, all email actions require an SMTP server to be configured. If you don't have an SMTP server configured, you can work around this by using Copy as HTML.

You can email a formatted query list by choosing the Send to Microsoft Outlook option from the context menu.

:::image type="content" source="media/view-run-queries/send-to-outlook-team-explorer.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Team Explorer, choose Send to Microsoft Outlook query option.":::


This feature requires you to have Microsoft Outlook installed. For on-premises Azure DevOps, all email actions require an SMTP server to be configured. If you don't have an SMTP server configured, you can work around this by using Copy as HTML from the web portal.

Next steps

[!div class="nextstepaction"] Define a query

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