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🎲 Dice on ice

Dice on ice is a mini-project developed as a challenge in the javascript-mini-projects project to create a javaScript app without using a framework.

Screenshot of the project

🚀 Live

Live here

👓 Features

  • Rolling of dice
  • Hold the score
  • Functional animations

📜 Rules

  • Each player is allowed to roll the dice till the dice shows one
  • As soon as dice shows one all the cumulative scores till now becomes zero
  • If the player holds the score, then his/her score is added to his permanent final score
  • The first player to score a permanent score of 50 wins!!

⚙️ Compiling

🚀 Initialize node 
$ npm i

👨‍💻 Development
$ npm run dev

📯 Distribution
$ npm run build 

🎫 License

All parts of this repository are free to tinkering under the open-source MIT license.