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@SyncfusionBuild SyncfusionBuild released this 25 Jun 09:38
· 46 commits to master since this release

Accumulation Chart

  • #I595618 - User interaction now works properly in the nested doughnut chart.


Bug Fixes

  • #I599108 - Now, the chart updates properly when rendered in the Firefox browser.
  • #I597246 - The chart with a zero data label is now rendered when setting the position as Top.


Bug Fixes

  • #I585937, I588421 - Resolve the editor shrink issue, while close the comment pane.
  • #I466554 - Resolved the unresponsive issue while backspacing table.
  • #I588278, I558603 - Resolved table layout issue while opening HTML pages.
  • #I595405 - Resolved the paste image issue after opening document content through paste API.
  • #I597223 - SFDT is exported properly for selected content.
  • #I600065 - Resolved the script error issue when accept or reject track changes.
  • #I588943 - Resolved the script error, while delete the contents.
  • #I591394 - Resolved the coping and pasting lists loses indentation issue.
  • #I591792 - Resolved the table border render issue when opening exported document.
  • #I591145 - Resolved the overlapping issue while opening the attached sfdt.


Bug Fixes

  • #I600175 - Resolved the issue where a console error occurred during the filtering action with empty text in the data source of the Dropdown Tree.

  • #F150455 - The issue with the showSelectAll property, which occurred after performing the filtering action in the Dropdown Tree component, has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I599445 - Console error occurs while exporting pdf with header and without footer issue has been fixed.
  • #I601248 - Selection not working when dynamically updated issue has been fixed.
  • #I598080 - When initial load, the predecessor validation case is not properly handled issue has been fixed.
  • #I598858 - Segment task duration is not validating properly after resizing issue has been fixed.
  • #I602401 - Shift tab key navigation not working properly when cell is in edited state issue has been fixed.
  • #F188524 - PDF export is not working properly when taskMode is set to Manual issue has been fixed.
  • #I598987 - Start and end date not validated when editing record by event issue has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I584245 - Programmatic rowDeselect with toggle as true not working properly when initially selected the toggle row index then select another row checkbox has been resolved.
  • #FB58586 - Resolved the issue where the SelectRow method with toggle set to true does not selects the rows properly.
  • #FB58744 - The issue where selecting multiple rows in a grid with multiple selection enabled and then clicking on the last selected row does not retain the selection has been resolved.
  • #FB58571 - The issue where an unexpected rowDeselect event was triggered when using checkboxes in conjunction with the persistSelection functionality has been resolved.
  • #I576241 - The memory leak issue occurring when using the filterBarTemplate in a grid column has been resolved.
  • #FB58494 - Resolved the issue where the column's Default Value property only allowed string values.
  • #FB58490 - Resolved the issue where setting the numeric editType before the primaryKey caused problems with tab navigation.
  • #I596584 - Resolved the issues with sorting, selectRow, and up and down navigation in the enableVirtualization grid with grouping.
  • #I592590 - Support has been provided for exporting grouped items in an expanded state with lazy load group in PDF.


Bug Fixes

  • #I549354 - Fixed issue where the search API was triggered without typing mentionChar when using Data Manager as the source.

MultiColumn ComboBox

Bug fixes

  • #I602940 - Now the issue with component instance becomes undefined when accessing with specified ID and calling the refresh method has now been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I598098 - Now, the undo function works properly when the ink annotation mode is not ended after adding.
  • #I599963 - Now, the form field property name updates correctly when added programmatically.
  • #I587763 - Now, the form field value that starts with « will be visible in the downloaded document.
  • #I597258 - Now, the thumbnail image is loaded properly when using IDistributedCache only as parameter.
  • #I600864 , #I58620 , #I601654 - Now, the blank page does not appear when loading the customer-provided document in server-side rendering.
  • #I599889 - Now, able to include the capital H in the text fields without FormDesigner module.
  • #I595214 - Now, the locked Custom stamp is not able to edited when opened in Adobe.


Bug fixes

  • #I591197 - Column header text will now be visible when using value sorting with autofit in the pivot table.
  • #I596628 - The pivot table will now be properly rendered when the data source contains a special character.
  • #I595763 - The pivot table will now be properly exported as an Excel document, with the calculated field using the "Standard" format string.
  • #I592737 - When exporting a pivot table to an Excel document, it will now be properly formatted.
  • #I597092 - When you double-click on the row headers, the pivot table will now be rendered properly.
  • #I598656 - When exporting a pivot table as an excel document, the localization text is now properly applied to the column grand total.
  • #I593440 - When using number grouping in the pivot table, grouped headers will now be properly sorted.
  • #I594323 - In the pivot field list UI, date group fields are now properly displayed under their parent field name.


Bug fixes

  • #F188618 - The issue with the date time format during CSV export in excel has been resolved.
  • #I602738 - An issue with the print rendered empty page on the print preview window for vertical views has been fixed.
  • #I603067 - An issue with same duration events are overlapped each other in the vertical view has been fixed.


  • #I601193 - The fill property in Sparkline now works properly.


Bug fixes

  • #I592870 - Prevented step interactions for non-linear steps when the linear property is enabled.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #F58392 - Fixed issue where exporting remained empty when using remote data by returning data in the form of result and count.
  • #F58393 - Fixed issue where exporting remote data with exportType as AllPages was sending improper requests to the server.
  • #596141 - Fixed issue where alphanumeric values were not properly sent in the request during the expand action for remote data.
  • F58576 - Fixed issue where updating a variable through useState() did not reflect in the edit template in tree grid.


Bug fixes

  • #I602280 - The issue where child filtering and dataBound event were not working for remote data has been resolved.