Tags: swiftwasm/swift
Merge pull request swiftlang#79918 from rintaro/cmake-no-emit-module-… …separately [CMake] '-no-emit-module-separately-wmo' for swift modules
[Concurrency] task names dont need default nil arg (swiftlang#80011)
Merge pull request swiftlang#79930 from artemcm/ClangTargetVariant [Explicit Module Builds] Add '-clang-target-variant' flag
Merge pull request swiftlang#79901 from bnbarham/6.1-syntax-cmo [6.1][CMake] Fix package CMO capability checking logic
Merge pull request swiftlang#79873 from DougGregor/astgen-method-keyp… …ath-stub [ASTGen] Stub out support for method keypaths
Merge pull request swiftlang#79864 from hamishknight/questionable-loc [AST] Avoid setting `questionLoc` for implicit OptionalSomePatterns
Merge pull request swiftlang#79803 from benlangmuir/cherry-pick-14479… …0713-6.1 Update for change to clang's ObjectFilePCHContainerReader/Writer
[wasm] Annotate errno as SwiftPrivate by apinotes This patch adds an apinotes file for SwiftWASILibc clang module to mark `errno` macro hidden from Swift code. This resolves ambiguity between the C macro definition and the Swift wrapper in WASILibc overlay module. This change installs the apinotes file to the resource directories for both lib/swift/apinotes and lib/swift_static/apinotes.
Merge pull request swiftlang#79576 from swiftlang/gaborh/fix-consume-… …calling-conv [cxx-interop] Fix calling convention for rvalue reference params
[wasm] Annotate errno as SwiftPrivate by apinotes This patch adds an apinotes file for SwiftWASILibc clang module to mark `errno` macro hidden from Swift code. This resolves ambiguity between the C macro definition and the Swift wrapper in WASILibc overlay module. This change installs the apinotes file to the resource directories for both lib/swift/apinotes and lib/swift_static/apinotes.