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Package Manager Editable Packages


This is a proposal for changing the behavior for iterative development of a group of packages. In particular, we will change the default location to which package dependency sources are cloned, the package managers behavior around those sources, and add a new feature for allowing iterative development. These features are tightly interrelated, which is why they are combined into one proposal.

Proposal Announcement

Review announcement


We would like the package manager to support the following two workflows:

  1. In general, we would like to guarantee the most deterministic behavior possible when building a package, so that other users of the package or deployment scenarios see the same behavior as the developer. We would also like builds to be as efficient as possible, to improve developer productivity.

    For these reasons, it is desirable for the package manager to have a very strong default consistency model with regard to package dependencies, where it actively tries to ensure that the correct version of the sources is being used when a developer expects to be building against a particular tag of a package.

    For that reason, the default behavior should be an error or warning if a developer unintentionally tries to build against a modified version of a package, without otherwise specifying their intent.

  2. We would like to support productive development on projects which depend on a number of packages, including development of those upstream packages.

    This is important for projects whose authors directly control multiple packages, but also simply to encourage users to contribute changes back to the packages they are using, or factor their code into packages others can use.

Currently, the package manager always checks out sources into a subdirectory adjacent to the project package called Packages, under a name combining the package name and tag. Users can directly edit the sources in that directory and they will be picked up by the build, but for a package author that is unlikely to be the directory they wish to edit their repository at (it will likely be checked out into a canonical location). In addition, the git repository at that point will be on a tag, which is an uncommon place to do iterative development. The user could choose to switch the branch they are working on, but then there is a confusing inconsistency between the directory name (which embeds the tag) and the content.

In addition, the package manager naturally needs to support other operations which interact with the dependency package sources, such as updating them to a newer version. Directly supporting a user editing these sources requires the package manager to resolve difficult workflow questions about how to resolve the intended user action with the current contents of the tree.

Proposed solution

Our proposed solution is as follows:

  1. Move the default location for checked dependency sources to be "hidden" (an implementation detail). The package manager build system will by default try to ensure that any normal build always runs against the exact sources specified by the tag which was selected by dependency resolution.

  2. Introduce a new feature swift build --edit <PACKAGE> which takes an existing dependency, and converts it into an editable dependency (by moving it into the existing location within the Packages subdirectory).

    If a such an editable package is present in Packages, then swift build will always use the exact sources in this directory to build, regardless of its state, git repository status, tags, or the tag desired by dependency resolution. In other words, this will "just build" against the sources that are present.

    When an editable package is present, it will be used to satisfy all instances of that Package in the dependency graph. It should be possible to edit all, some, or none of the packages in a dependency graph, without restriction.

This solution is intended to directly address the desired behaviors of the package manager:

  • By hiding the sources by default, we minimize the distractions in the common case where a user is programming against a known, well-established, library they do not need to modify.

  • By adding a new, explicit workflow for switching to an "editable" package, we hope it is more explicit when a user is building against a canonical set of package versions versus a packages which may have been modified.

We defined this feature in terms of behavior of swift build -- as opposed to changes to a "lockfiles" or "package pinning" mechanism -- because the expectation is that the decision to use an editable version of a Package versus the canonically resolved version is ultimately up to the individual developer. We do not yet have a clear feature for supporting the situation where a team of developers typically wants to edit the same group of packages (e.g., all the ones they own), but anticipate that this mechanism can evolve to support that.

This feature also gives us a new place to add workflow behaviors to help make the interactions with editable packages safer or more flexible. For example, the following are possible features for future extension:

  • We could infer (or allow user specification of) the next semantic version that the editable package will be. We could then build the package graph "as if" the package being edited had been tagged with this version. This would allow us to ensure that the package graph builds the same as it does for the developer when they commit and tag the package under development.

  • We can provide additional features to leave editable mode, which could include a variety of safety checks that the changes had been committed, pushed, and tagged, in a way appropriate for the project under development.

  • We could provide a feature to notify the developer when the editable packages have changes to the project metadata which may interact poorly with other editable packages. For example, trying to modify package dependency tags for a package which is in an editable state should most likely produce a warning, since the impact of those changes will not be reflected by the build.

Detailed design

Concretely, we will take the following steps:

  1. We will initially move the package clones into the existing .build directory, and provide a new explicit command line action swift build --get-package-path <PACKAGE> to get the package path in a supported manner. This allows us to transparently move the cache to a shared location if that becomes desirable.

  2. When resolving the package graph, we will load all of the repositories present in Packages, and use those repositories as replacements for any packages in the graph with the same package name. We will not audit the repository origin, initially, to allow for developing package graphs which are have not yet been pushed to any server.

  3. We will not load editable packages from any package other than the root package (i.e., we will ignore the presence of Packages anywhere except for the root package).

  4. We will introduce the --edit <NAME> subcommand. The package named must be an existing package in the graph. The behavior will be to take the exact tag that would have been chosen via dependency resolution, and clone that repository to Packages/<NAME> checked out to the tag.

    The desired invariant here is that the following sequence (starting from having no editable dependencies):

    swift build
    swift build --edit <NAME>
    swift build

    have the exact same results for each build step.

  5. We would like to introduce a --end-edit <NAME> subcommand (exact name is TBD), which will revert the package manager to the behavior of using the canonically resolved package.

    As described, this will require removing the Packages/<NAME> checkout. We need to be very careful about doing this, but this also gives us a good opportunity to communicate to the user if the state on the repository they are editing has not been pushed back into what would be the canonically resolved package.

    We will most likely defer this feature from the initial implementation and document that users can rm -rf Packages/<NAME> to stop editing, until the feature is introduced.

  6. We may introduce a metadata file to record the project state and what packages are editable. This would potentially allow us to provide better diagnostics to the user, it would also allow us to record an alternate location for the editable package. The latter would be useful when an author is developing multiple independent projects that they keep in a canonical location on their file system, and would like other packages to refer to for iterative development. Initially, that behavior can be emulated using symbolic links within the Packages directory.

    If such a file is introduced, the file system representation of the editable packages will always be the "canonical" source of data, and the metadata file will simply be used for additional diagnostics or information which cannot be inferred from the file system.

  7. We will consider a swift build --edit-all flag for immediately moving all packages to editable mode.

Impact on existing packages

This is a substantial behavior change for existing package checkouts, which will be seen by swift build as having a lot of editable packages with names not matching anything in the graph. We should consider detecting and warning about this situation as part of a transitional mechanism. In fact, this may motivate us to provide a way within the package manager to detect what the last version of the package manager used inside a project was, so that we can enable migration type behaviors automatically.

Alternatives considered

There has been discussion about using additional metadata from whatever mechanism we use to support package pinning/lockfiles to enable the iterative development workflows. The motivation for this proposal was in part based on the difficulties in defining the exact semantics for package pinning in conjunction with the existing semantics around the Packages directory.

We have discussed whether or not hiding the sources for non-editable packages is the right default. The motivation for hiding the sources is that in a large, mature, stable ecosystem there are likely to be a large number of packages involved in any particular project build, and many of those are likely to be uninteresting to the package developer. In particular, while a project developer might be interested in the source of their direct dependencies, the sources of that packages own dependencies is an "implementation detail" from the perspective of the project developer.

The downside of hiding sources by default is that it adds extra hoops for developers to go through to see those sources. In practice, we anticipate a workflow where a developer can easily transition between --edit and --end-edit efficiently if they need to easily inspect sources for one-off instances. For long-lived requirements (for example, needing to access a packages documentation), we anticipate that this problem will be solved by other mechanisms (for example, web hosted documentation or other mechanisms for browsing the source).

We will revisit this default behavior if it proves problematic, and implement this feature with the flexibility to easily change the default.