dataset_info | license | language | pretty_name | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cc-by-sa-4.0 |
Open-Assistant StackExchange Instruction |
This dataset is taken from
There's a single parquet file combining all stackexchange sites. The threads have been filtered as follows: only threads with an accepted answer, for which both the question and response is less than 1000 characters have been choosen. Other answers, or questions without accepted answers, or long entries have been droppped.
Each row consists of
- SOURCE («stackexchange-ai«)
- METADATA (tags, question_score, answer_score).
Original extraction code by
- Download all XML files from the stackexchange archive into the xml/ folder
- Process the XML, filter conversations and convert to OA format into parquet/ folder
- Run stats on all files in the parquet/ folder
- Combine all parquet files into one large stackexchange.parquet file
- Upload to huggingface hub, you'll first need use huggingface-cli login
- 3dprinting: 1,006
- academia: 6,956
- ai: 1,169
- android: 11,591
- anime: 3,688
- apple: 32,603
- arduino: 3,725
- askubuntu: 78,472
- astronomy: 2,425
- aviation: 4,945
- avp: 1,949
- beer: 387
- bicycles: 4,835
- bioacoustics: 70
- bioinformatics: 903
- biology: 5,344
- bitcoin: 7,456
- blender: 25,527
- boardgames: 4,538
- bricks: 1,457
- buddhism: 911
- cardano: 670
- chemistry: 7,430
- chess: 2,185
- chinese: 4,897
- christianity: 1,248
- civicrm: 3,221
- codegolf: 943
- codereview: 2,171
- coffee: 350
- cogsci: 645
- computergraphics: 540
- conlang: 101
- cooking: 7,951
- craftcms: 4,533
- crafts: 438
- crypto: 4,425
- cs: 9,478
- cseducators: 71
- cstheory: 2,196
- datascience: 5,045
- dba: 16,850
- devops: 961
- diy: 14,400
- drones: 190
- drupal: 24,090
- dsp: 4,470
- earthscience: 922
- ebooks: 323
- economics: 2,120
- electronics: 41,717
- elementaryos: 1,769
- ell: 30,428
- emacs: 7,140
- engineering: 2,314
- english: 42,415
- eosio: 626
- es_stackoverflow: 21,475
- esperanto: 617
- ethereum: 9,603
- expatriates: 973
- expressionengine: 3,638
- fitness: 1,833
- freelancing: 338
- french: 5,193
- gamedev: 9,678
- gaming: 44,899
- gardening: 4,492
- genealogy: 487
- german: 6,715
- gis: 30,249
- graphicdesign: 10,563
- ham: 790
- hardwarerecs: 647
- health: 804
- hermeneutics: 782
- hinduism: 1,036
- history: 1,776
- homebrew: 2,357
- hsm: 484
- interpersonal: 199
- iot: 331
- iota: 292
- islam: 1,496
- italian: 1,356
- ja_stackoverflow: 9,734
- japanese: 13,862
- joomla: 1,875
- judaism: 6,156
- korean: 754
- languagelearning: 135
- latin: 1,387
- law: 3,475
- lifehacks: 934
- linguistics: 1,507
- literature: 582
- magento: 20,537
- martialarts: 364
- materials: 338
- math: 501,019
- matheducators: 316
- mathematica: 19,529
- mathoverflow_net_7z: 23,803
- mechanics: 4,735
- meta: 34,161
- meta_askubuntu: 2,076
- meta_mathoverflow_net_7z: 333
- meta_serverfault: 823
- meta_stackoverflow: 12,641
- meta_superuser: 1,748
- moderators: 39
- monero: 1,443
- money: 7,996
- movies: 6,789
- music: 5,740
- musicfans: 781
- mythology: 271
- networkengineering: 4,637
- opendata: 1,117
- opensource: 805
- or: 586
- outdoors: 1,503
- parenting: 815
- patents: 582
- pets: 1,081
- philosophy: 1,505
- photo: 6,386
- physics: 35,386
- pm: 982
- poker: 431
- politics: 1,903
- portuguese: 658
- proofassistants: 87
- pt_stackoverflow: 27,650
- puzzling: 11,959
- quant: 3,303
- quantumcomputing: 1,604
- raspberrypi: 6,794
- retrocomputing: 1,016
- reverseengineering: 1,606
- robotics: 1,020
- rpg: 9,517
- ru_stackoverflow: 106,714
- rus: 8,210
- russian: 1,960
- salesforce: 27,962
- scicomp: 1,403
- scifi: 15,174
- security: 11,733
- serverfault: 81,229
- sharepoint: 24,934
- sitecore: 2,691
- skeptics: 1,043
- softwareengineering: 10,526
- softwarerecs: 3,032
- solana: 602
- sound: 2,031
- space: 3,145
- spanish: 3,049
- sports: 1,715
- sqa: 1,944
- stackapps: 702
- stackoverflow: 4,269,779
- stats: 23,102
- stellar: 373
- substrate: 812
- superuser: 128,488
- sustainability: 240
- tex: 42,808
- tezos: 635
- tor: 887
- travel: 9,957
- tridion: 1,769
- ukrainian: 577
- unix: 54,338
- ux: 7,403
- vegetarianism: 151
- vi: 4,360
- webapps: 10,159
- webmasters: 9,413
- windowsphone: 1,110
- woodworking: 677
- wordpress: 24,270
- workplace: 4,104
- worldbuilding: 2,766
- writers: 1,957