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[feature] [wip] Continue encode npm path #352

merged 1 commit into from
May 9, 2016
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File filter

Filter by extension

Filter by extension

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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
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@@ -69,5 +69,4 @@ coverage

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion jscomp/
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@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ cd ./test/
# ./ 2>> ../build.compile
make $TARGET.cmj 2>> ../build.compile

cat $TARGET.js >> ../build.compile
cat ../../lib/js/test/$TARGET.js >> ../build.compile
make -j30 all 2>>../build.compile
make depend 2>>../build.compile
echo "<<Test finished" >> ../build.compile
122 changes: 95 additions & 27 deletions jscomp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -34,23 +34,57 @@ let node_sep = "/"
let node_parent = ".."
let node_current = "."

type t =
[ `File of string
| `Dir of string ]

let cwd = lazy (Sys.getcwd ())

let (//) = Filename.concat

let combine path1 path2 =
if path1 = "" then
else if path2 = "" then path1
if Filename.is_relative path2 then
path1// path2

(* Note that [.//] is the same as [./] *)
let path_as_directory x =
if x = "" then x
if Ext_string.ends_with x Filename.dir_sep then
x ^ Filename.dir_sep

let absolute_path s =
let s = if Filename.is_relative s then Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) s else s in
(* Now simplify . and .. components *)
let rec aux s =
let base = Filename.basename s in
let dir = Filename.dirname s in
if dir = s then dir
else if base = Filename.current_dir_name then aux dir
else if base = Filename.parent_dir_name then Filename.dirname (aux dir)
else Filename.concat (aux dir) base
aux s
let process s =
let s =
if Filename.is_relative s then
Lazy.force cwd // s
else s in
(* Now simplify . and .. components *)
let rec aux s =
let base,dir = Filename.basename s, Filename.dirname s in
if dir = s then dir
else if base = Filename.current_dir_name then aux dir
else if base = Filename.parent_dir_name then Filename.dirname (aux dir)
else aux dir // base
in aux s in
match s with
| `File x -> `File (process x )
| `Dir x -> `Dir (process x)

let chop_extension ?(loc="") name =
try Filename.chop_extension name
with Invalid_argument _ ->
invalid_arg ("Filename.chop_extension (" ^ loc ^ ":" ^ name ^ ")")
"Filename.chop_extension ( %s : %s )" loc name

let try_chop_extension s = try Filename.chop_extension s with _ -> s

@@ -74,9 +108,18 @@ let try_chop_extension s = try Filename.chop_extension s with _ -> s
let relative_path file1 file2 =
let dir1 = Ext_string.split (Filename.dirname file1) (Filename.dir_sep.[0]) in
let dir2 = Ext_string.split (Filename.dirname file2) (Filename.dir_sep.[0]) in
let relative_path file_or_dir_1 file_or_dir_2 =
let sep_char = Filename.dir_sep.[0] in
let relevant_dir1 =
(match file_or_dir_1 with
| `Dir x -> x
| `File file1 -> Filename.dirname file1) in
let relevant_dir2 =
(match file_or_dir_2 with
|`Dir x -> x
|`File file2 -> Filename.dirname file2 ) in
let dir1 = Ext_string.split relevant_dir1 sep_char in
let dir2 = Ext_string.split relevant_dir2 sep_char in
let rec go (dir1 : string list) (dir2 : string list) =
match dir1, dir2 with
| x::xs , y :: ys when x = y
@@ -95,20 +138,29 @@ let relative_path file1 file2 =

let node_modules = "node_modules"
let node_modules_length = String.length "node_modules"
let package_json = "package.json"

(** path2: a/b
path1: a
result: ./b
TODO: [Filename.concat] with care

[file1] is currently compilation file
[file2] is the dependency
let node_relative_path path1 path2 =
let v = Ext_string.find path2 ~sub:node_modules in
let len = String.length path2 in
let node_relative_path (file1 : t)
(`File file2 as dep_file : [`File of string]) =
let v = Ext_string.find file2 ~sub:node_modules in
let len = String.length file2 in
if v >= 0 then
let rec skip i =
if i >= len then
failwith ("invalid path: " ^ path2)
Ext_pervasives.failwithf "invalid path: %s" file2
match path2.[i] with
match file2.[i] with
| '/'
| '.' -> skip (i + 1)
| _ -> i
@@ -121,21 +173,22 @@ let node_relative_path path1 path2 =
This seems weird though
Ext_string.tail_from path2
Ext_string.tail_from file2
(skip (v + node_modules_length))
(try_chop_extension (absolute_path path2))
(try_chop_extension (absolute_path path1))
) ^ node_sep ^
(try_chop_extension (Filename.basename path2))
(absolute_path dep_file)
(absolute_path file1)
^ node_sep ^
try_chop_extension (Filename.basename file2)

(** [resolve cwd module_name], [cwd] is current working directory, absolute path
let resolve ~cwd module_name =
let rec aux origin cwd module_name =
let v = Filename.concat (Filename.concat cwd node_modules) module_name
let v = ( cwd // node_modules) // module_name
if Sys.is_directory v then v
@@ -145,3 +198,18 @@ let resolve ~cwd module_name =
else Ext_pervasives.failwithf "%s not found in %s" module_name origin
aux cwd cwd module_name

let resolve_package cwd =
let rec aux cwd =
if Sys.file_exists (cwd // package_json) then cwd
let cwd' = Filename.dirname cwd in
if String.length cwd' < String.length cwd then
aux cwd'
Ext_pervasives.failwithf "package.json not found from %s" cwd
aux cwd

let package_dir = lazy (resolve_package (Lazy.force cwd))
19 changes: 15 additions & 4 deletions jscomp/ext_filename.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -26,8 +26,17 @@

(* TODO:
Change the module name, this code is not really an extension of the standard
library but rather specific to JS Module name convention.

type t =
[ `File of string
| `Dir of string ]

val combine : string -> string -> string
val path_as_directory : string -> string

(** An extension module to calculate relative path follow node/npm style.
TODO : this short name will have to change upon renaming the file.
@@ -41,12 +50,14 @@
just treat it as a library instead

val node_relative_path : string -> string -> string
(** TODO Change the module name, this code is not really an extension of the standard
library but rather specific to JS Module name convention.
val node_relative_path : t -> [`File of string] -> string

val chop_extension : ?loc:string -> string -> string

val resolve : cwd:string -> string -> string

val resolve_package : string -> string

val cwd : string Lazy.t
val package_dir : string Lazy.t
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions jscomp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -62,3 +62,5 @@ let is_pos_pow n =
try aux 0 n with M.E -> -1

let failwithf fmt = Format.ksprintf failwith fmt

let invalid_argf fmt = Format.ksprintf invalid_arg fmt
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions jscomp/ext_pervasives.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -42,3 +42,5 @@ val with_file_as_pp : string -> (Format.formatter -> 'a) -> 'a
val is_pos_pow : Int32.t -> int

val failwithf : ('a, unit, string, 'b) format4 -> 'a

val invalid_argf : ('a, unit, string, 'b) format4 -> 'a
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions jscomp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ let from_file name : t =
let ic = open_in_bin name in
let buffer = really_input_string ic cmj_magic_number_length in
if buffer <> cmj_magic_number then
("cmj files have incompatible versions, please rebuilt using the new compiler : "
^ __LOC__)
"cmj files have incompatible versions, please rebuilt using the new compiler : %s"
let v : t = input_value ic in
close_in ic ;
36 changes: 32 additions & 4 deletions jscomp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -74,8 +74,36 @@ let get_goog_package_name () =
| AmdJS
| NodeJS -> None

let get_npm_package_path () = None

let npm_package_path = ref None
let set_npm_package_path s = npm_package_path := Some s
let get_npm_package_path () = !npm_package_path

let (//) = Filename.concat
(* for a single pass compilation, [output_dir]
can be cached
let get_output_dir filename =
match get_npm_package_path () with
| None ->
if Filename.is_relative filename then
Lazy.force Ext_filename.cwd //
Filename.dirname filename
Filename.dirname filename
| Some x ->
Lazy.force Ext_filename.package_dir // x

(* Note that we can have different [basename] when passed
to many files
let get_output_file filename =
let basename = Filename.basename filename in
Filename.concat (get_output_dir filename)
(Ext_filename.chop_extension ~loc:__LOC__ basename ^ get_ext())

let default_gen_tds = ref false

let stdlib_set = String_set.of_list [
@@ -88,10 +116,10 @@ let stdlib_set = String_set.of_list [
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions jscomp/js_config.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -36,7 +36,11 @@ type env =
val get_env : unit -> env
val get_ext : unit -> string

val get_output_dir : string -> string
val get_output_file : string -> string
val get_goog_package_name : unit -> string option

val set_npm_package_path : string -> unit
val get_npm_package_path : unit -> string option

val set_env : env -> unit
34 changes: 7 additions & 27 deletions jscomp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -34,25 +34,10 @@ let process_file ppf name =
Js_implementation.interface ppf name opref;
if !make_package then objfiles := (opref ^ ".cmi") :: !objfiles
(* else if Filename.check_suffix name ".cmo" *)
(* || Filename.check_suffix name ".cma" then *)
(* objfiles := name :: !objfiles *)
(* else if Filename.check_suffix name ".cmi" && !make_package then *)
(* objfiles := name :: !objfiles *)
(* else if Filename.check_suffix name ext_obj *)
(* || Filename.check_suffix name ext_lib then *)
(* ccobjs := name :: !ccobjs *)
(* else if Filename.check_suffix name ext_dll then *)
(* dllibs := name :: !dllibs *)
(* else if Filename.check_suffix name ".c" then begin *)
(* Compile.c_file name; *)
(* ccobjs := (Filename.chop_suffix (Filename.basename name) ".c" ^ ext_obj) *)
(* :: !ccobjs *)
(* end *)
raise(Arg.Bad("don't know what to do with " ^ name))

let usage = "Usage: ocamlc <options> <files>\nOptions are:"
let usage = "Usage: bsc <options> <files>\nOptions are:"

let ppf = Format.err_formatter

@@ -145,10 +130,15 @@ module Options = Main_args.Make_bytecomp_options (struct

let add_include_path s =
let path = Ext_filename.resolve (Sys.getcwd ()) s in
let path =
(Lazy.force Ext_filename.cwd) s in
Clflags.include_dirs := path :: ! Clflags.include_dirs

let buckle_script_flags =
("-js-npm-output-path", Arg.String Js_config.set_npm_package_path,
" set npm-output-path, for example `lib/js`")
("-npm-package", Arg.String add_include_path,
" set package names, for example bs-platform " )
:: ("-js-module", Arg.String Js_config.cmd_set_module,
@@ -165,16 +155,6 @@ let main () =
readenv ppf Before_args;
Arg.parse buckle_script_flags anonymous usage;
readenv ppf Before_link;
List.length (List.filter (fun x -> !x)
> 1
if !print_types then
fatal "Option -i is incompatible with -pack, -a, -output-obj"
fatal "Please specify at most one of -pack, -a, -c, -output-obj";
exit 0
with x ->
Location.report_exception ppf x;