I'm a Full-Stack Developer, specializing in Ruby on Rails, Stimulus (Hotwire), JavaScript, Sass, and PostgreSQL. My current interests include Test-Driven Development, specifically using Minitest in Rails, to improve the reliability and robustness of my applications.
🔭 I’m currently working on DJ Set Generator
🌱 I'm currently learning Minitest testing in Rails and Turbo (Hotwire)
📫 How to reach me: obreil54@gmail.com
Shers Studios
Built with Ruby on Rails, Stimulus.js and PostgreSQL with Stripe and Shippo integration, this e-commerce platform was built for an independent fashion brand. It features seamless payment processing, automated shipping label manangement and a dynamic pricing system for custom-made orders. -
IT Audit
Built with Ruby on Rails, Stimulus.js, and PostgreSQL, with Rails Admin for management, this centralized platform tracks IT equipment condition across an organization. It features dual authentication and custom reporting tools for streamlined asset management.