Boilerplate for starting a React 16 application in Typescript 3 using Webpack 4.
- React 16
- Typescript 3 (transpiling to ES2015)
- Webpack 4
- Webpack Dev Server 3
- CSS Loader
- SASS / SCSS Loader
- Extract HTML Plugin
- Source Maps / Source Map Loader
- PostCSS with Autoprefixer
- UglifyJS and OptimizeCSSAssets minimizers for production optimization
- Hot Module Reload (HMR) support
Install system dependencies
apt install nodejs yarn
Install JS dependencies
make install
or alternatively
yarn install --ignore-optional
make dev
or alternatively
yarn run build:dev
make prod
or alternatively
yarn run build:prod
Run linting and tests
make test
or alternatively
yarn run test
Run webpack development server
make run
or alternatively
yarn run dev