Pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager
An open file format for infinite canvas data.
Small, fast .zip library using native CompressionStream, suits server and client
Type-safe search params state manager for React frameworks - Like useState, but stored in the URL query string.
🔎 A simple, tiny and lightweight benchmarking library!
2001年の2ch閉鎖騒動の際のread.cgi CVSレポジトリをGit化したものです。脆弱性等も当時のままですので歴史的資料としてお使いください。
Vite support for Handlebars
A realtime CRDT-based document store, backed by S3.
A webapp to find the nearest Tailwind CSS colour from a given hex colour code
Implementation of Kahan's cubic root finder.
JavaScript library of crypto standards.
Out-of-box MPA plugin for Vite, generate multiple entries using only one template.
A simple Node.js client library for Oauth2
worker-auth-providers is an open-source providers to make authentication easy with workers. Very lightweight script which doesn't need a lot of dependencies. Plug it with any framework or template …
Real-time collaboration with Yjs on Cloudflare Workers using Durable Objects, eliminating Node.js dependencies. Inspired by y-websocket
Efficient immutable updates, 2-6x faster than naive handcrafted reducer, and more than 10x faster than Immer.
🌲 Comfortable & Pleasant Color Scheme for Vim
Zero dependency Docking Layout Manager. Supports Vanilla TypeScript, React and Vue.
A function to fit fair (bending energy minimizing) cubic bezier curves through a set of given ordered points in the plane.
Create, read and edit .zip files with Javascript
Fractional Indexing in JavaScript
Zls(zig language server) extension for coc.nvim