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Installation Guide

Stanislav Idolov edited this page Aug 9, 2021 · 1 revision


The current repository contains modules that belong to Page Builder functionality only. To provide the ability to develop the project locally we introduced a development workflow that can help external developers work with the project.

Development setup

Installation as a composer package

  1. Clone the magento2 git repository and check out the latest develop branch, e.g. 2.4-develop. You may also check out and use any 2.4 release tags.

    git clone .
  2. Create an ext directory in the root of the magento2 project directory:

    cd magento2
    mkdir ext
  3. Clone the magento2-page-builder repository into the appropriate directory inside ext:

    git clone ext/magento/magento2-page-builder
  4. Update Composer settings for the project to allow a better development workflow:

    • minimum-stability for packages is updated to dev value. This allows installation of development modules:

        composer config minimum-stability dev
    • To be able to work with stable packages enable the prefer-stable property: prefer-stable: true. It should be included right above the minimum-stability setting.

    • Next we configure Composer so that it knows where to find new modules. The following command will configure any extension code inside the ext directory to be treated as a package and symlinked to the vendor directory:

        composer config repositories.ext path "./ext/*/*/*/*/*/*"
  5. Finally, install the page-builder metapackage:

    composer require magento/page-builder

At this point, all of the page-builder modules are symlinked inside the vendor directory, which allows both running a Magento installation with additional modules as well as doing development using the standard git workflow.

You may need to ensure that there are no Magento_PageBuilder* modules are listed as disabled when you run bin/magento module:status. If they are, follow the docs on how to enable modules.

Setting up Git workflow

In order to improve the developer experience when working with this repository structure, a few additional items may be configured:

  1. Exclude ext directories from root directory Git:

    echo ext >> ./.git/info/exclude
  2. Skip root directory composer.* files to avoid committing them by mistake:

    git update-index --skip-worktree composer.json
    git update-index --skip-worktree composer.lock

    This operation is reversible, if needed:

    git update-index --no-skip-worktree composer.json
    git update-index --no-skip-worktree composer.lock