I have been enjoying problem solving and developing, and creating something!
- 🎨 boj-extended - Styling extension for BOJ
- 🗃️ json-as-db - Using JSON as database
- 📻 speech-translator (end of service) - Speech Translator with Browser Audio API
- 🧩 face-quiz - Face Puzzled Quiz by human face recognition on web
- 🤖 quick-draw-clone - Clone web-application of Google Quick, Draw! from scratch
- and more ...
Open Source Contributions
- 🌐 gfxfundamentals/webgl2-fundamentals - Translation
- 🌐 jwasham/coding-interview-university - Translation/sync with main
- 🌐 tiangolo/fastapi - Very nightly version of korean
- 🧙 frankie567/httpx-oauth - OAuth 2.0 for Kakao/NAVER
- 🧙 mazassumnida/mazandi - Random Generation, Dark theme
Latest Blog Posts
- 2025/03/09 - 사과 게임 헬퍼 만들어보기
- 2024/09/12 - git hook 설정할 때 scp connection 오류 해결법
- 2024/09/04 - git push 할 때 TLS certificate verification 생략하기
- 2024/08/26 - [Browser] pageX/screenX/clientX/offsetX 비교
- 2024/08/10 - [Ubuntu] 디스크 용량이 남았는데 No space left 오류인 경우
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