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Tags: ivankolev/remote-desktop-clients



Toggle v3.9.7's commit message
Implemented new relocatable toolbar for showing keyboard and menu but…


Removed ZoomerWithKeys dependency.


Toggle Opaque-v1.4.4's commit message
Implemented new relocatable toolbar for showing keyboard and menu but…


Removed ZoomerWithKeys dependency.


Toggle v3.9.6's commit message
Initial multi-window/DEX support


Toggle v3.9.5's commit message
Ant build.xml files to build all projects on the command-line.


Toggle Opaque-v1.4.3's commit message
Ant build.xml files to build all projects on the command-line.


Toggle v3.9.4's commit message
Fix for default RDP port which is now set on start-up based on the pa…

…ckage name.

Fix for AOSP keyboard that doesn't support TYPE_NULL.

Removed old workaround code for keyboards that could not send backspace.

Messaging improvements when establishing RDP conncetion.


Toggle dependencies's commit message
Fix for default RDP port which is now set on start-up based on the pa…

…ckage name.

Fix for AOSP keyboard that doesn't support TYPE_NULL.

Removed old workaround code for keyboards that could not send backspace.

Messaging improvements when establishing RDP conncetion.


Toggle v3.9.3's commit message
Improved build instructions and added a script to make it easier

to build and install the different remote desktop clients.


Toggle v3.9.1's commit message
Made the exception for input methods that don't suppot TYPE_NULL Inpu…


much more specific. Now it only encompases API 21 - 24 when using the
Android AOSP keyboard.

This deals with an issue with Gboard keyboard where backspace seemed to
be deleting in a hidden buffer as many characters as were typed since
the last time the keyboard was activated before starting to send
KEYCODE_DEL to the client.


Toggle v3.9.0's commit message
Fix for a bug where generating key before entering SSH hostname was d…


the connection and newly generated key.