Spec | |
Platform to run large LLM | Groq |
Platform to run small LLM | Ollama |
LLM for SQL | deepseek-r1-distill-llama-70b |
LLM for Vector Database | Llama 3.2:3B |
AI agent framework | LangChain |
SQL Database | SQLite |
Vector Database | Chroma |
REST framework | FastAPI |

python3 app/
Prompt |
What is the cheapest flight from New Delhi to Hanoi? |
Find the lowest price flight from Mumbai to Ho Chi Minh City |
Show me the cheapest flight from New Delhi to Da Nang |
What is the lowest fare from Mumbai to Phu Quoc? |
Prompt |
What is the cheapest flight from Hanoi to New Delhi? |
Find the lowest price flight from Ho Chi Minh City to Mumbai |
Show me the cheapest flight from Da Nang to New Delhi |
What is the lowest fare from Phu Quoc to Mumbai? |
Prompt |
Show me flights from New Delhi to Hanoi ordered by price |
List all flights from Ho Chi Minh City to Mumbai from lowest to highest price |
What are the available flights from Mumbai to Da Nang sorted by fare? |
Find flights from Phu Quoc to New Delhi ordered by cost |
Prompt |
Show me all direct flights from New Delhi to Ho Chi Minh City |
List connecting flights from Hanoi to Mumbai |
What types of flights are available from New Delhi to Da Nang? |
Find direct flights from Phu Quoc to Mumbai |
Prompt |
Compare prices of flights from New Delhi to all Vietnamese cities |
Show me the cheapest routes from Mumbai to Vietnam |
List all flight options from Hanoi to Indian cities |
Compare fares from Ho Chi Minh City to Indian destinations |
Prompt |
Find the cheapest round trip from New Delhi to Hanoi |
Show me round trip options between Mumbai and Ho Chi Minh City |
What are the most affordable round trip flights from New Delhi to Da Nang? |
List round trip flights between Mumbai and Phu Quoc |
List cheapest round trip flights between Mumbai and Phu Quoc |
Find the cheapest return flight between New Delhi and Hanoi with at least 7 days gap |
Show exactly one cheapest flight from New Delhi to Hanoi and exactly one from Hanoi to New Delhi, which should be at least 7 days later |
Prompt |
What's the average price of flights from New Delhi to Vietnamese cities? |
Compare fares between all India-Vietnam routes |
Show me the price distribution of flights from Vietnamese cities to Mumbai |
Which Vietnam-India route has the most varying fares? |
Prompt |
Find the cheapest direct flight from New Delhi to any Vietnamese city |
List the most affordable flights from Vietnamese cities to Mumbai |
Show me the top 5 best-value routes between India and Vietnam |
What are the most economical flights from Hanoi to Indian cities? |