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Usage of hack400auditor

hackthelegacy edited this page Jul 22, 2017 · 4 revisions

Usage of the hack400auditor tool

How to run?

You can find hack400auditor in the dist folder.

Either double-click on it or run it from command line using java -jar hack400auditor.jar. The advantage of running the tool from command line is that you will see any possible (debug) error messages.


The main window of hack400 looks as follows:

In order to perform a scan, enter the system DNS name (or IP address), user name and password into designated fields and press the Scan button.

If you wish to connect using secure ports, make sure that the Use SSL option is checked.


During the scan, you can follow the progress in the status log field. After the scan is finished, the generated PDF file will be shown automatically on screen. Should you have no default PDF viewers installed, the file will be available in the output folder.

IMPORTANT - note for SSL use

This program was written and compiled in compatibility mode for JDK1.7 and is designed to automatically accept self signed certificates. However, your specific Java version or settings in may restrict that as well as restrict the usage of e.g. weak encryption algorithms, leading to SSL handshake errors. Please consult Java documentation for your specific situation, should any SSL related errors occur. You may also wish to add your trusted certificates using <JAVA HOME>\bin\keytool -importcert -v -trustcacerts -file <certificate .cer file> -keystore <certificate store, usually cacerts>.