To work with Prebid Mobile, you will need accesss to a Prebid Server. See this page for options.
Easily include the Prebid Mobile SDK for your primary ad server in your Podfile/
platform :ios, '11.0'
target 'MyAmazingApp' do
pod 'PrebidMobile'
Build Prebid Mobile from source code. After cloning the repo, from the root directory run
to output the Prebid Mobile framework.
Run the test script to run unit tests and integration tests.
version is available to build PrebidMobile with Carthage. For that, please, put the following content to your Cartfile
github "prebid/prebid-mobile-ios" == 2.2.0-carthage
Run this command in order to build PrebidMobile with Carthage:
carthage update --use-xcframeworks --platform ios
Note that PrebidMobileGAMEventHandlers
, PrebidMobileAdMobAdapters
, PrebidMobileMAXAdapters
are not available to build with Carthage.