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Fullstack Javascript (NextJS + NestjS + MongoDB) Digital Wallet Dashboard that provides analytics on Ethereum wallets

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Ethereum Wallet Analytics

A Fullstack Javascript (NextJS + NestjS) Digital Wallet Dashboard that provides analytics on Ethereum wallets. It allows users to manage and analyze their Ethereum wallet addresses. The application interacts with the Etherscan API to retrieve wallet information.


  1. Add Wallet Addresses

    • Allows users to add Ethereum wallet addresses to the platform.
  2. Display Wallet Addresses

    • Displays the added wallet addresses for user reference.
  3. Favorite Wallets

    • Enables users to mark specific wallet addresses as favorites.
  4. Sorting Wallets

    • Permits users to sort the wallet addresses based on their preferences.
  5. Identify Old Wallets

    • The application identifies and labels wallets as "old" if their first transaction occurred at least one year ago.
  6. Get Exchange Rates

    • Provides the functionality to fetch exchange rates from Euro and US Dollar to ETH (Ethereum).
    • Offers the option to store these exchange rates in-memory or in a preferred database.
  7. Edit Exchange Rates

    • Allows users to edit the exchange rate of Euro or US Dollar to ETH.
  8. Calculate Balance in Selected Currency

    • Given a currency (Euro or US Dollar), calculates the balance of ETH in the wallet in the selected currency using the exchange rates from step 6.

Getting Started

This is a monorepo project that contains both the frontend and backend applications. The frontend/client is built using React Hooks + Next.js + Tailwind. The backend/server is developed using NestJS + Mongoose + MongoDB. To run both applications, follow these steps:


  1. Navigate to the client directory: cd client.
  2. Install the dependencies: npm install.
  3. Add a .env.local file with the following env variables:
    • NEXT_PUBLIC_SERVER_BASE_URL: Backend Base Url (http://localhost:3001 is default value)
  4. Start the development server: npm run dev.
  5. The application will be accessible at http://localhost:3000.


  1. Navigate to the server directory: cd server.
  2. Install the dependencies: npm install.
  3. Start the server: npm run start.
  4. The backend server will be running at http://localhost:3001.


1. Create Account

  • Endpoint: POST /account
  • Description: This endpoint allows storing a new ETH account.
  • Request body: The request should contain the necessary data to create a new account. The expected data format is specified by the CreateAccountDto class.
  • Response: Upon successful account creation, the response will contain the newly stored account data.

2. Find All Accounts

  • Endpoint: GET /account
  • Description: This endpoint retrieves a list of all ETH accounts.
  • Response: The response will contain an array of account objects, each representing an ETH account.

3. Find Account by ID

  • Endpoint: GET /account/:id
  • Description: This endpoint retrieves a specific ETH account.
  • Request parameter: The id parameter in the URL specifies the ID of the MongoDB document to be retrieved.
  • Response: The response will contain the account object corresponding to the provided ID.

4. Update Account

  • Endpoint: PATCH /account/:id
  • Description: This endpoint allows updating an existing ETH account.
  • Request parameter: The id parameter in the URL specifies the ID of the account to be updated.
  • Request body: The request should contain the updated account data. The expected data format is specified by the UpdateAccountDto class.
  • Response: Upon successful account update, the response will contain the updated account data.

5. Delete Account

  • Endpoint: DELETE /account/:id
  • Description: This endpoint allows deleting an ETH account by its unique ID.
  • Request parameter: The id parameter in the URL specifies the ID of the MongoDB document to be deleted.
  • Response: The response will indicate the success of the deletion operation.


Fullstack Javascript (NextJS + NestjS + MongoDB) Digital Wallet Dashboard that provides analytics on Ethereum wallets






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