Arduino Pre-Release v3.1.0-RC1 based on ESP-IDF v5.3.0+
417 commits
to release/v3.1.x
since this release
The Arduino ESP32 version 3.1.0-RC1 is new major release based on the ESP-IDF v5.3.0 (release notes).
For version migration, please check Migration Guide from v2.X to 3.X
System PR
- IDF release/v5.1 by @me-no-dev in #10162
- IDF release/v5.1 by @me-no-dev in #10201
Arduino Lib Builder
- fix(install): Fetch before checkout to avoid errors by @lucasssvaz in espressif/esp32-arduino-lib-builder#212
- remove not existing zigbee libs by @Jason2866 in espressif/esp32-arduino-lib-builder#210
- Move libs publishing to this repo by @lucasssvaz in espressif/esp32-arduino-lib-builder#209
- Require ninja to be installed and in path to build the libs by @me-no-dev in espressif/esp32-arduino-lib-builder#206
- Use component manager overwrite to help build by @me-no-dev in espressif/esp32-arduino-lib-builder#205
- add zigbee libs for Platformio by @Jason2866 in espressif/esp32-arduino-lib-builder#204
- Fix ESP-DSP breaking the build by @me-no-dev in espressif/esp32-arduino-lib-builder#203
- feat(mbedtls): Enable support for non-AES ciphers in GCM operation by @lucasssvaz in espressif/esp32-arduino-lib-builder#200
- Fix(UART): ESP32 | ESP32-S2 UART Clock Source by @SuGlider in #10172
- fix(uart): sleep retention by @SuGlider in #10248
- fix(timer): Typo - milis instead of millis by @leandromattioli in #10193
- Add ability for boards to provide a custom pixel order in neopixelWrite() by @sblantipodi in #10128
- Change "neopixel" references to use RGB LED naming by @SuGlider in #10225
- fix(wifiprov): Fix starting Wifi when already provisioned by @P-R-O-C-H-Y in #10151
- fix(client): Make flush() call clear() and deprecate it by @me-no-dev in #10242
SD Card
- Fix use after free in SD library by @Ariakenom in #10122
- fix(OTA): Wrap espota --auth flag in quotes by @per1234 in #10126
- ArduinoOTA - change occurrence of client.flush() to clear() by @JAndrassy in #10233
- feat(RMaker): Register common events for better debugging by @P-R-O-C-H-Y in #10133
- Improving WebServer Example by @mathertel in #10111
- WebServer - change occurrence of client.flush() to clear() by @JAndrassy in #10234
Boards Additions & Updates
- feat(board): Add CircuitART Zero S3 board by @CircuitART in #10108
- Added variant for Waveshare ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-1.69 & ESP32-S3-LCD-1.69 board by @Y1hsiaochunnn in #10118
- feat(board):Update M5Stack related board and pin configuration by @Tinyu-Zhao in #10144
- feat(board): Add Alfredo NoU3 by @botspace in #10134
- feat(3rd party board): Add Fri3d Badge 2024 (ESP32-S3-WROOM-1) by @francisduvivier in #10143
- Added LILYGO T-Watch-S3 & T-Watch-Ultra variants by @lewisxhe in #10175
- Adding CodeCell ESP32C3 new 3rd part board by @microbotsio in #10177
- feat(board):Add Heltec Vision Master series boards by @RichardHeltec in #10198
- feat(boards): Add ESP32-2432S028R board support by @Xylopyrographer in #10235
- Added variant for Waveshare ESP32-S3-Zero by @Y1hsiaochunnn in #10241
- docs: correct Float type size in Preferences API and Tutorial documentation by @Xylopyrographer in #10113
- fix(doc): analogReadMilliVolts by @SuGlider in #10125
- docs(BLE): updated obsolete url in by @sylque in #10147
- docs(BLE): updated obsolete by @sylque in #10148
- docs(vale): Enable vale and fix errors by @lucasssvaz in #10231
CI & Testing
- ci(branches): Remove wildcard from branch triggers by @lucasssvaz in #10210
- change(build): add -Werror=return-type to default C and C++ flags by @igrr in #10216
- fix(tests): Use proper API and check for required token by @lucasssvaz in #10223
- fix(spelling): Fix misspellings detected by codespell and enable it by @lucasssvaz in #10232
- fix( Add version checking for installed tools by @lucasssvaz in #10160
- fix(release): Fix release script to use new archive method by @lucasssvaz in #10255
- fix( Remove existing files before extracting by @lucasssvaz in #10247
- fix(requirements): Avoid version conflicts by @lucasssvaz in #10222
- fix(chip): Return correct ESP32 chip model by @me-no-dev in #10243
Full Changelog: 3.0.4...3.1.0-RC1
New Contributors
- @CircuitART made their first contribution in #10108
- @Y1hsiaochunnn made their first contribution in #10118
- @Ariakenom made their first contribution in #10122
- @botspace made their first contribution in #10134
- @francisduvivier made their first contribution in #10143
- @microbotsio made their first contribution in #10177
- @sylque made their first contribution in #10147
- @sblantipodi made their first contribution in #10128
- @RichardHeltec made their first contribution in #10198
- @konzen made their first contribution in #10171
Thank you everyone for your contribution! 🎉