- Seattle, Washington
- https://ehsanik.github.io/
touchTorch Public
Use the Force Luke! Learning to Predict Physical Forces by Simulating Effects [CVPR2020] (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.12045.pdf)
SeGAN Public
SeGAN: Segmenting and Generating the Invisible (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.10239.pdf)
dogTorch Public
Who Let The Dogs Out? Modeling Dog Behavior From Visual Data https://arxiv.org/pdf/1803.10827.pdf
Twitter-API-v2-sample-code Public
Forked from xdevplatform/Twitter-API-v2-sample-codeSample code for the Twitter API v2 endpoints
manipulathor Public
Forked from allenai/manipulathorManipulaTHOR, a framework that facilitates visual manipulation of objects using a robotic arm
allenact Public
Forked from allenai/allenactAn open source framework for research in Embodied-AI from AI2.
muscleTorch Public
What Can You Learn from Your Muscles? Learning Visual Representation from Human Interactions (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2010.08539.pdf)
annotations Public
Forked from epic-kitchens/epic-kitchens-55-annotations🍴 Annotations for the EPIC Kitchens Dataset.
vision-hw2 Public
Forked from pjreddie/vision-hw2Stitch together some panoramas!
decision_number Public
Simple additional code to test out conjectures for the paper "On the Decision Number of Graphs"