In the last days, Twitter banned almost every twitter scrapers. This repository represent an alternative legal tool (depending on how many seconds we wait between each scrolling) to scrap tweets between two given dates (start_date and max_date), for a given language and list of words or account name, and saves a csv file containing scraped data :
[UserScreenName, UserName, Timestamp, Text, Embedded_text, Emojis, Comments, Likes, Retweets, Image link, Tweet URL]
It is also possible to download and save the images from Image link
by passing the argument save_images = True
, If you only want to scrape images, I recommand to set the argument display_type = image
to show only tweets that contain images.
You can scrape user profile information as well, including following and followers.
Scweet uses only selenium to scrape data. Authentification is required in the case of followers/following scraping. It is recommended to log in with a new account (if the list of followers is very long, it is possible that your account will be banned). To log in to your account, you need to enter your username
and password
in env file. You can controle the wait
parameter in the get_users_followers
and get_users_following
The user code allows you to get all information of a list of users, including location, join date and lists of followers and following. Check this example.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note : You need to have Chrome installed in your system
The CSV file contains the following features (for each tweet) :
- 'UserScreenName' :
- 'UserName' : UserName
- 'Timestamp' : timestamp of the tweet
- 'Text' : tweet text
- 'Embedded_text' : embedded text written above the tweet. It could be an image, video or even another tweet if the tweet in question is a reply.
- 'Emojis' : emojis existing in tweet
- 'Comments' : number of comments
- 'Likes' : number of likes
- 'Retweets' : number of retweets
- 'Image link' : Link of the image in the tweet
- 'Tweet URL' : Tweet URL.
The get_users_following
and get_users_followers
in user give a list of following and followers for a given list of users. Note that each user should start with an uppercase letter.
More features will be added soon, such as "all reaplies of each tweet for a specific twitter account"
The library is now available. To install the library, run :
pip install Scweet==1.0
The Python example file contains an example for running the installed library.
You can check the example here.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--words WORDS Words to search. they should be separated by "//" : Cat//Dog.
--from_account FROM_ACCOUNT
Tweets posted by "from_account" account.
--to_account TO_ACCOUNT
Tweets posted in response to "to_account" account.
--hashtag HASHTAG
Tweets containing #hashtag
--max_date MAX_DATE max date for search query. example : %Y-%m-%d.
--start_date START_DATE
Start date for search query. example : %Y-%m-%d.
--interval INTERVAL Interval days between each start date and end date for
search queries. example : 5.
--lang LANG tweets language. Example : "en" for english and "fr"
for french.
--headless HEADLESS Headless webdrives or not. True or False
--limit LIMIT Limit tweets per <interval>
--display_type DISPLAY_TYPE
Display type of twitter page : Latest or Top tweets (
--resume RESUME Resume the last scraping work. You need to pass the same arguments (<words>, <start_date>, <max_date>...)```
### To execute the script :
python --words "excellente//car" --to_account "tesla" --max_date 2020-01-05 --start_date 2020-01-01 --limit 10 --interval 1 --display_type Latest --lang="en" --headless True