Acync network DNS lookup with exta logging
1 file is the main file which accept the command line argument so that we can run the program in debugging mode and custom supply of input file. this program is responsible for following things. a. Validation of file hierarchy standard for the application like run/output/log files. b. Take the backup of previous registered/unregistered files in output directory. c. Split a long text file to multiple files to save the system from memory crunch. d. Progress menu. e. Generate the location of output files. f. Supply 4 parameter to for further processing.
- file is responsible to create a async connection. It opens 1000 connections with DNS and update to registered/unregistered files.
Prerequisite -
- python
- twisted
python modules
- Sys
- os
- datetime
- shutil
- commands
Input file format
example- Redhat,
Register & unregister output file
example- Redhat,