This Packages allows you to create fast and simple testing environments. It's also used by all pimcore Bundles created by DACHCOM.DIGITAL.
All test files need to be stored in /tests
Name | Example | Required | Description |
ToolboxBundle |
yes | -- |
ToolboxBundle\\Tool\\Install |
yes | Set to false if you don't have any installer class |
${{ github.workspace }}/tests |
yes | -- |
${{ github.workspace }} |
yes | This variable is required to setup test structure before any system is running |
${{ github.workspace }}/pimcore-codeception-framework |
yes | -- |
master , ^1.0 |
yes | -- |
Creat a file called _bootstrap.php
in tests/_bootstrap.php
$frameworkPath = getenv('PIMCORE_CODECEPTION_FRAMEWORK');
$bundleTestPath = getenv('TEST_BUNDLE_TEST_DIR');
$bootstrap = sprintf('%s/src/_bootstrap.php', $frameworkPath);
include_once $bootstrap;
Create a file called config.yml
in tests/_etc/config.yml
- { namespace: \MyTestBundle\MyTestBundle }
- { path: app/config.yml, dest: ./app/config/config.yml }
- { path: app/system.yml, dest: ./var/config/system.yml }
- { path: app/controller/DefaultController.php, dest: ./src/AppBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php }
- { path: app/views/default.html.twig, dest: ./app/Resources/views/Default/default.html.twig }
- { path: app/views/snippet.html.twig, dest: ./app/Resources/views/Default/snippet.html.twig }
- { path: Services/MySpecialTestService.php }
- { package: vendor/foo-bar:^1.0 }
- bundles (required): At least your test bundle should be registered here. Add more, if needed
- setup_files (optional): All your template files which should to be available during test cycles. These files need to be
stored under
- preload_files (optional): These files will be included at kernel setup. Since these files are not included via composer autoload, we need to define them here
- additional_composer_packages (optional): Install additional composer packages which are not available in root composer.json
This Framework allows you to use multiple (bundle) configuration setups. You need to add at least one default config file
called default_config.yml
and store it in /tests/_etc/config/bundle
If you want to provide some classes to install, all the definitions need to stored at /tests/_etc/classes
Name | Description |
$I->seeResponseCsvHeaderHasValues(array $headerValues) |
$I->seeResponseCsvRowValues(int $index, array $values) |
$I->seeResponseCsvLength(int $length) |
$I->seeResponseIsCsv() |
Name | Description |
$I->seeResponseContainsJson(array $json = []) |
$I->seeResponseIsJson() |
Name | Description |
$I->haveAPageDocument($key = 'bundle-page-test', array $params = [], $locale = null) |
$I->haveASubPageDocument(Document $parent, $key = 'bundle-sub-page-test', array $params = [], $locale = null) |
$I->haveTwoConnectedDocuments(Document\Page $sourceDocument, Document\Page $targetDocument) |
$I->haveAUnPublishedDocument(Document $document) |
$I->moveDocument(Document $document, Document $parentDocument) |
$I->haveASnippet($key = 'bundle-snippet-test', $params = [], $locale = null) |
$I->haveAEmail($key = 'bundle-email-test', array $params = [], $locale = null) |
$I->haveALink(Document\Page $source, $key = 'bundle-link-test', array $params = [], $locale = null) |
$I->haveASubLink(Document $parent, Document\Page $source, $key = 'bundle-sub-link-test', array $params = [], $locale = null) |
$I->haveAHardLink(Document\Page $source, $key = 'bundle-hardlink-test', array $params = [], $locale = null) |
$I->haveASubHardLink(Document $parent, Document\Page $source, $key = 'bundle-sub-hardlink-test', array $params = [], $locale = null) |
$I->haveAPimcoreObject(string $objectType, $key = 'bundle-object-test', array $params = []) |
$I->haveASubPimcoreObject(DataObject $parent, string $objectType, $key = 'bundle-sub-object-test', array $params = []) |
$I->refreshObject(DataObject $object) |
$I->moveObject(DataObject $object, DataObject $parentObject) |
$I->copyObject(DataObject $object, DataObject $targetObject) |
$I->createNewObjectVersion(DataObject\Concrete $object) |
$I->deleteObjectVersion(Version $version) |
$I->publishObjectVersion(Version $version) |
$I->moveObjectToRecycleBin(DataObject $object) |
restoreObjectFromRecycleBin(DataObject $object, Item $item) |
$I->haveAPimcoreObjectFolder($key = 'bundle-object-folder-test', array $params = []) |
$I->haveAPimcoreAsset($key = 'bundle-asset-test', array $params = []) |
$I->haveASubPimcoreAsset(Asset\Folder $parent, $key = 'bundle-sub-asset-test', array $params = []) |
$I->haveAPimcoreAssetFolder($key = 'bundle-asset-folder-test', array $params = []) |
$I->haveASubPimcoreAssetFolder(Asset\Folder $parent, $key = 'bundle-asset-sub-folder-test', array $params = []) |
$I->moveAsset(Asset $asset, Asset $parentAsset) |
$I->haveADummyFile($fileName, $fileSizeInMb = 1) |
$I->haveASite($siteKey, array $params = [], $locale = null, $add3w = false, $additionalDomains = []) |
$I->haveAPageDocumentForSite(Site $site, $key = 'document-test', array $params = [], $locale = null) |
$I->haveAHardlinkForSite(Site $site, Document\Page $document, $key = 'hardlink-test', array $params = [], $locale = null) |
$I->seeDownload($fileName) |
$I->seeEditablesPlacedOnDocument(Document $document, array $editables) |
$I->seeAnAreaElementPlacedOnDocument(Document $document, string $areaName, array $editables = []) |
$I->seeEmailIsSent(Document\Email $email) |
$I->seeEmailIsNotSent(Document\Email $email) |
$I->seePropertiesInEmail(Document\Email $mail, array $properties) |
$I->seePropertyKeysInEmail(Document\Email $mail, array $properties) |
$I->cantSeePropertyKeysInEmail(Document\Email $mail, array $properties) |
$I->seeInRenderedEmailBody(Document\Email $mail, string $string) |
$I->seeKeyInFrontendTranslations(string $key) |
$I->haveAFrontendTranslatedKey(string $key, string $translation, string $language) |
$I->haveAStaticRoute(string $name = 'test_route', array $params = []) |
$I->haveAPimcoreRedirect(array $data) |
$I->haveAPimcoreClass(string $name = 'TestClass') |
$I->submitDocumentToXliffExporter(Document $document) |
Name | Description |
This module installs a bundle if run_installer option is set to true |
Name | Description |
$I->haveABootedSymfonyConfiguration(string $configuration) |
Name | Description |
-- |
Name | Description |
$I->haveAUser($username) |
$I->haveAUserWithAdminRights($username) |
Name | Description |
-- |