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A reusable TypeScript module providing React components, Prisma utilities, GraphQL server code, and more for Next.js applications.


  • UI Components: Modern React components built with TailwindCSS, Radix UI, and shadcn/ui
  • GraphQL Utilities: Tools for building GraphQL APIs with Pothos and Prisma
  • Prisma Extensions: Helpful utilities for working with Prisma ORM
  • Logging: Structured logging with Pino
  • Next.js Integration: Built for seamless integration with Next.js applications


bun add @brotsky/tools


UI Components

import { Button, Input } from '@brotsky/tools';

function MyForm() {
  return (
      <Input placeholder="Enter your name" />
      <Button variant="primary">Submit</Button>

GraphQL Route Setup

The package includes a powerful utility for setting up GraphQL API routes in Next.js:

// src/app/api/graphql/route.ts
import { createGraphQLRoute } from "@brotsky/tools";
import { schema } from "@/gql/server/schema";
import { getUser } from "@/lib/auth";

export const runtime = "nodejs";
export const maxDuration = 300;

const { POST, GET } = createGraphQLRoute({
  getUserFromRequest: getUser,
  maxDuration: 300,

export { POST, GET };

Prisma Extensions

import { createSoftDeletePrismaClient } from '@brotsky/tools';

const prisma = createSoftDeletePrismaClient();

// Now deletions will be soft deletes by default
await prisma.user.delete({ where: { id } });


import { logger } from '@brotsky/tools';{ userId: '123' }, "User logged in");
logger.error({ error }, "Failed to process payment");

GraphQL Route Helper

The createGraphQLRoute function simplifies setting up GraphQL endpoints in Next.js applications:

export function createGraphQLRoute<UserType = any>({
  graphqlEndpoint = "/api/graphql",
  maxDuration = 300,
  maskedErrors = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production",
  landingPage = false,
}: CreateGraphQLRouteOptions<UserType>)


  • schema: Your GraphQL schema created with Pothos or other schema builders
  • graphqlEndpoint: Path for the GraphQL endpoint (defaults to "/api/graphql")
  • getUserFromRequest: Function to get the current user from the request
  • maxDuration: Maximum duration in seconds for serverless functions
  • maskedErrors: Whether to mask errors in production (defaults to true in production)
  • landingPage: Whether to show the GraphQL landing page (defaults to false)


The function returns an object with:

  • POST: Handler for POST requests
  • GET: Handler for GET requests
  • yoga: The underlying Yoga instance


# Install dependencies
bun install

# Build the package
bun run build

# Run TypeScript type checking
bun ts-errors

# Format code
bun format

# Run tests
bun test
