Generate and edit text in Neovim using OpenAI and GPT.
Penne is a pasta-oriented programming language that favors the goto-statement for flow control.
Multiplayer tank battle game for WASM-4 fantasy game console
A collection of small games for the Fantasy Console WASM-4
MicroW8: A WebAssembly based size-coding platform
A GBJAM9 entry written in C for the WASM-4 fantasy console.
2048 using the fantasy console WASM-4 and TinyGo
Build retro games using WebAssembly for a fantasy console.
Text editor specially made for Haxe Programming Language. written in JS
direct port of to haxe
Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
The Flambe game engine running on headless server or rendering to PNGs.
A series of game prototypes based on mashing up my favorite mechanics.