Modified version of music21 for the TABASCO project, with additional support to tab features.
- 72: Add bend articulations to the OrderedDict;
- noteToNotations: export fret and string art in chords;
- 5184, 5209:5212: Export bend articulations;
- 87: import
; - 578: add attributes to
class; - 577: set
type; - 578: set
- 1787:1828: add utility properties to music21.note.Note
-- A Toolkit for Computer-Aided Musical Analysis and
Computational Musicology
Copyright © 2006-2023 Michael Scott Asato Cuthbert
For more information, visit:
To try it out, visit: (runs music21 v7)
And to install, see:
runs on Python 3.10+. Use version 4 on Python 2 or Py3.4, version 5
on Py3.5, version 6 on Py3.6, version 7 on Py3.7, version 8 on Py3.8/Py3.9.
Released under the BSD (3-clause) license. See LICENSE.
Externally provided software (including the MIT licensed Lilypond/MusicXML test Suite) and
music encoding in the corpus may have different licenses and/or copyrights.
A no-corpus version of music21
is available also on GitHub.
encourages contributions, discussions, and usage from all people interested in
music and computers. This encouragement extends to all people regardless of (among other aspects)
gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, religion, appearance, veteran status,
gender identity, socioeconomic status, or nationality.
Members of the community will strive to be friendly, patient, and welcoming, especially of viewpoints and experiences different from our own. We reject harassment and contributions (in mail, comments, or code) that belittle individuals or groups of people.
We ask all members of the community to be mindful particularly about assumptions of the gender of users (choice of pronouns in comments and code). We recognize that members sometimes make mistakes and will, in general, accept sincere regrets for such cases. Blatant or repeated violations of the code will result in the removal of the contributor’s participation in the community.
The maintainers of music21
and associated sites will commit themselves to enforcing
this code of conduct. Users who notice violations, including instances of abuse,
harassment, or otherwise unacceptable behavior are requested to contact
Maintainers will respect confidentiality with regard to reports.
The development of music21
has been supported by
the generosity of the Seaver Institute and the
National Endowment for the Humanities. MIT's Music and Theater Arts Section
and the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences encouraged Cuthbert
in its development.