Releases: XTLS/Xray-core
Xray-core v25.3.6
XHTTP: Beyond REALITY #4113 & MITM-Domain-Fronting
距离上次写 release notes 已过了近三个月,在此期间 XHTTP 积累了大量的改进与修复,其中感知最明显的是逐步将 HTTP request header 的 path padding 迁移至了 Referer header 以避免产生过长的日志(由 @rPDmYQ 提出),以及逐步修复了 stream-up 通过 CF 时连接 100 秒后被掐断的问题,请查看 commit history 及第四版 XHTTP: Beyond REALITY。
另一项重点开发的功能是 MITM-Domain-Fronting:
- 比如现在你可以用 Xray 对浏览器发出的 TLS MITM 并强制域前置,以实现无代理服务器直连一些被 GFW 封锁的网站。
- Xray 内置 DNS 也加了 h2c:// 以搭配 freedom 出站实现内置 DoH 域前置,它正好可以绕过近期 GFW 对 DoH 的封锁。并且 Xray 内置 DoH 现在均默认使用 Chrome 指纹、加了 header padding。
- @patterniha 分享出了适用于伊朗的完整 serverless 配置,包括 TCP/TLS fragment 和 UDP noises:Serverless-for-Iran。Please join the official Xray Iranian group for more information.
如果你有余力,请支持一个 Project X NFT:
Xray 接下来的重心转向 Vision Seed & VLESS Encryption,Windows Tun & GUI Client,以及 ECH 和 REALITY 抗量子更新。
最低 Go 版本要求已升至 Go 1.24+,@KobeArthurScofield 正在维护 以继续支持 Win7。
虽然我们 tag 了 v1.250306.0,但目前仅打算在稳定版时更新这种 tag,所以如果你的项目需要追新,仍需指定 commit id。
What's Changed
- XHTTP XMUX: Fix OpenUsage never gets reduced by @RPRX in 1410b63
- XHTTP client: Make H3 httptrace work on v2rayNG by @RPRX in 53b04d5
- XHTTP client: Merge Open* into OpenStream(), and more by @RPRX in db934f0
- DNS: Always use a DNS Message ID of 0 for DoH and DoQ by @maoxikun @dyhkwong in #4193
- chore: use errors.New to replace fmt.Errorf with no parameters by @RiceChuan in #4204
- Core: Add mutex to injection resolution by @yuhan6665 in #4206
- Dokodemo TPROXY: Interrupt UDP download if upload timeouts by @RPRX in a8559a1
- XHTTP XMUX: Increase the default value for cMaxReuseTimes by @RPRX in ff4331a
, Refactor default values by @RPRX in 4ce65fc - Sockopt config: Add
for XHTTP U-D-S, RemovetcpNoDelay
by @RPRX in 369d894 - Inbounds config: Add
as an alias ofsocks
by @RPRX in 5af9068 - Build: Use patched newer Go version to build Windows 7 assets by @KobeArthurScofield in #4192
- Upgrade quic-go to patched v0.48.2 by @RPRX in 8a6a538
- Config: Correctly marshal Int32Range to JSON by @yiguous in #4234
- Freedom config: Fix noises delay by @GFW-knocker in #4233
- Workflows: Trigger all Build & Test on all branches & files by @RPRX in dd4ba82
- Freedom noises: Change legacy variable name by @Fangliding in #4238
- Freedom noises: Support "hex" as
by @GFW-knocker @RPRX in #4239 - Freedom noises: Support RawURLEncoding for "base64" by @RPRX in 2f52aa7
- Upgrade gVisor to a newer version by @hossinasaadi in #3903
- Build: Update GeoIP/GeoSite Cache per hour by @KobeArthurScofield in #4247
- XHTTP XMUX: Abandon
failed by @RPRX in #4253 - Freedom: Don't use rawConn copy when using utls by @Fangliding in #4272
- chore: fix struct field name in comment by @dashangcun in #4284
- Commands: Fix dumping merged config for XHTTP by @vrnobody in #4290
- Mixed inbound: Handle immediately closing connection gracefully by @rPDmYQ @RPRX in #4297
- XHTTP client: Move
header by @rPDmYQ in #4298 - DNS: Implement queryStrategy for "localhost" by @Fangliding in #4303
- XHTTP server: Add
, enabled by default by @RPRX in #4306 - DNS DoH: Add h2c Remote mode (with TLS
) by @RPRX in 2522cfd - RAW: Allow setting ALPN http/1.1 for non-REALITY uTLS by @RPRX in 740a6b0
- Log: Add microseconds for all kinds of logs by @RPRX in 5679d71
- UDS: Keep valid source addr by @Fangliding in #4325
- Upgrade quic-go to official v0.49.0 by @RPRX in a7a8362
- Add xray-checker to Xray Tools by @kutovoys in #4319
- XTLS Vision: Use separate uplink/downlink flag for direct copy by @yuhan6665 in #4329
- XHTTP client: Add back minimal path padding for compatibility by @RPRX in efdc70f
- Commands: Fix ambiguous printing of private x25519 key by @auvred in #4343
- Add Project XHTTP (Persian) to Telegram by @RPRX in 480c7d7
- MITM: Allow forwarding local negotiated ALPN http/1.1 to the real website by @RPRX in 9b78411
- MITM: Allow using local received SNI in the outgoing
by @RPRX in c6a31f4 - Log: Add microseconds for golang's standard logger by @RPRX in 527caa3
- MITM freedom RAW TLS: Report website with unexpected Negotiated Protocol / invalid Domain Fronting certificate by @RPRX in 117de1f
- API: Add user IPs and access times tracking by @mr1cloud in #4360
- Chore: Make some Maps into real Sets by @arturmelanchyk in #4362
- Add XrayUI to Asuswrt-Merlin clients by @DanielLavrushin in #4355
- Geofiles: Switch to Loyalsoldier's v2ray-rules-dat by @RPRX in c81d8e4
- Workflows: Reduce Geodata update frequency by @KobeArthurScofield in #4369
- MITM freedom RAW TLS: Allow "fromMitm" to be written at any position in
, Add checking foralpn
"fromMitm" by @RPRX in d4c7cd0 - DNS DoH h2c Remote: Add
"fromMitm" support by @RPRX in 613c63b - Commands: Use ".crt" & ".key" suffixes when generating TLS certificates by @RPRX in 925a985
- XHTTP server: Finish stream-up's HTTP POST when its request.Body is closed by @RPRX in dcd7e92
- Workflows: Fix Actions' manual dispatch for assets update by @KobeArthurScofield in #4378
- Config: Correctly marshal PortList and NameServerConfig to JSON by @yiguous in #4386
- UDS: Make all remote addr by @Fangliding @RPRX in #4390
- Build: End of the easily mistaken 'Makefile' by @KobeArthurScofield @RPRX in #4395
- API: Improve cli usage descriptions by @billzhong in #4401
- XTLS: More separate uplink/downlink flags for splice copy by @yuhan6665 in #4407
- XHTTP server: Set remoteAddr & localAddr correctly by @RPRX in 8cb63db
- XHTTP client: Revert "Add back minimal path padding for compatibility" by @RPRX in c5de08b
- Metrics: Add direct listen by @Fangliding in #4409
- UDS: Use UnixListenerWrapper & UnixConnWrapper by @Fangliding @RPRX in #4413
- XHTTP server: Fix stream-up "single POST problem", Use united httpServerConn instead of recover() by @RPRX in b786a50
- Outbound: Add outbound sendThrough origin behavior by @lastrise in
Xray-core v25.3.3
Xray-core v25.2.21
Xray-core v25.2.18
Xray-core v25.1.30
Xray-core v25.1.1
Xray-core v24.12.31
Xray-core v24.12.28
Xray-core v24.12.18
XHTTP client: Refactor "packet-up" mode, chasing "stream-up" #4150
这是 2024 年最后一个版本,包含了大量重要更新:比如再次优化了 XHTTP packet-up 模式的上行,修好了 bug 的同时速率直追 stream-up,还会自动切换连接以避免超过单个连接 HTTP 累计请求数限制,主要利好 H3 及穿透无流式上行的 CDN。 更多的更新内容请看第三版 XHTTP: Beyond REALITY,还讨论了套 CDN 是否属于“滥用”的问题。
为了配合 XHTTP 对 TLS 的广泛使用,Xray-core 已将 "chrome" 设为默认指纹,防止手动输入配置时忘了选指纹。
如果你有余力,请支持一个 Project X NFT:
一个新的 Xray 客户端正在开发中,持有 REALITY NFT 将获得早期内测资格。圣诞节会发布一篇 XUDP UoT Migration 的文章,并公布 Project X 2024 年度贡献者,颁奖一个 Project X NFT。2025.1.1 每个 Project X NFT 将获赠两个 REALITY NFT。
What's Changed
- Transport: Remove HTTP by @RPRX in ae62a0f
- WireGuard inbound: Add missing inbound session information back by @Fangliding in #4126
- XHTTP server: Forbid Mux.Cool except pure XUDP by @RPRX in #4128
- XHTTP, WS, HU: Forbid "host" in
, readserverName
instead by @RPRX in #4142 - Core: Fix memory leaks with RequireFeatures() by @yuhan6665 in #4095
- Chore: "io/ioutil" -> "io" by @ChengenH in #4143
- XHTTP client: Refactor "packet-up" mode, chasing "stream-up" by @RPRX in #4150
- Core: Fix startup error when
exists butfakedns
doesn't by @RPRX in 743435d - XHTTP client: Add decideHTTPVersion() and more logs by @RPRX in 7463561
by @RPRX in #4163 - WebSocket config: Fix
by @rosebe in #4177 - REALITY, TLS config: Set "chrome" as the default
by @RPRX in 96fb680 - XHTTP
: Inheritsockopt
if its own doesn't exist (e.g., inextra
) by @RPRX in 9dbdf92 - XHTTP client:
should be bigger than buf.Size (8192) by @RPRX in ff8b66a
以及更新 README,升级一些依赖,使用 Go 1.23.4 进行编译。
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v24.11.30...v24.12.18