Figma-linux it's unofficial desktop application for Linux for the Figma web application.
This app based on the Electron
On Debian-based distros You need install the libgconf-2-4 library
For now, there are have repository for deb package on Launchpad.
To add repository, execute command below:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chrdevs/figma
Then update your packages:
sudo apt update
If you receive a NO_PUBKEY error while running apt update, then you must add the key manualy:
sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver 70F3445E637983CC
And then install:
sudo apt install figma-linux -y
Or Beta deb package:
sudo apt install figma-linux-beta -y
There is a figma-linux package available in the AUR
yay -S figma-linux
Download app package for You linux distribution.
For debian-based linux distributions:
sudo dpkg -i figma-linux_0.5.7_amd64.deb
With snap package:
sudo snap install figma-linux
Or Beta release:
sudo snap install --channel=beta figma-linux
For RedHat-based linux distributions:
sudo yum install figma-linux-0.5.7.x86_64.rpm
sudo rpm -Uvh figma-linux-0.5.7.x86_64.rpm
sudo zypper install figma-linux-0.5.7.x86_64.rpm
sudo smart install figma-linux-0.5.7.x86_64.rpm
For normal work of the app via AppImage, you need install it via command:
sudo ./figma-linux-0.6.1.AppImage -i
It installs the desktop file, icons and creates lymbolic link to the AppImage file. After that, you can run app via the icon or command:
For display rest flags for AppImage:
./figma-linux-0.6.1.AppImage -h
Steps to start development:
- git clone
- cd figma-linux
- install Rust via rustup
- npm i
To start the app in dev mode:
npm run dev
To start the app in production mode:
npm run build; npm start
ATTENTION: When You do changes in middleware component, You need to rebuild and restart the app each time. Because the middleware execute only on run the app. Hot Reload doesn't work here.
- dev - runs app in dev mode
- start - runs already built app
- build - only builds app from src
- builder - packs the app into different linux packages (see ./config/builder.json)
- pack - removes old packages from the installers dir, build the app and pack it
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