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Generic mechanism for debugging/logging functions #3296

merged 10 commits into from
Jan 18, 2025
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/pages.jl
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40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/basics/
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# Debugging

Every (mortal) modeler writes models that contain mistakes or are susceptible to numerical errors in their hunt for the perfect model.
Debugging such errors is part of the modeling process, and ModelingToolkit includes some functionality that helps with this.

For example, consider an ODE model with "dangerous" functions (here `√`):

```@example debug
using ModelingToolkit, OrdinaryDiffEq
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D

@variables u1(t) u2(t) u3(t)
eqs = [D(u1) ~ -√(u1), D(u2) ~ -√(u2), D(u3) ~ -√(u3)]
defaults = [u1 => 1.0, u2 => 2.0, u3 => 3.0]
@named sys = ODESystem(eqs, t; defaults)
sys = structural_simplify(sys)

This problem causes the ODE solver to crash:

```@repl debug
prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], (0.0, 10.0), []);
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5());

This suggests *that* something went wrong, but not exactly *what* went wrong and *where* it did.
In such situations, the `debug_system` function is helpful:

```@repl debug
dsys = debug_system(sys; functions = [sqrt]);
dprob = ODEProblem(dsys, [], (0.0, 10.0), []);
dsol = solve(dprob, Tsit5());

Now we see that it crashed because `u1` decreased so much that it became negative and outside the domain of the `√` function.
We could have figured that out ourselves, but it is not always so obvious for more complex models.

46 changes: 27 additions & 19 deletions src/debugging.jl
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const LOGGED_FUN = Set([log, sqrt, (^), /, inv])
is_legal(::typeof(/), a, b) = is_legal(inv, b)
is_legal(::typeof(inv), a) = !iszero(a)
is_legal(::Union{typeof(log), typeof(sqrt)}, a) = a isa Complex || a >= zero(a)
is_legal(::typeof(^), a, b) = a isa Complex || b isa Complex || isinteger(b) || a >= zero(a)

struct LoggedFunctionException <: Exception
struct LoggedFun{F}
function LoggedFunctionException(lf::LoggedFun, args, msg)
"Function $(lf.f)($(join(lf.args, ", "))) " * msg * " with input" *
join("\n " .* string.(lf.args .=> args)) # one line for each "var => val" for readability
Base.showerror(io::IO, err::LoggedFunctionException) = print(io, err.msg)
Base.nameof(lf::LoggedFun) = nameof(lf.f)
SymbolicUtils.promote_symtype(::LoggedFun, Ts...) = Real
function (lf::LoggedFun)(args...)
f = lf.f
symbolic_args = lf.args
if is_legal(f, args...)
args_str = join(string.(symbolic_args .=> args), ", ", ", and ")
throw(DomainError(args, "$(lf.f) errors with input(s): $args_str"))
val = try
lf.f(args...) # try to call with numerical input, as usual
catch err
throw(LoggedFunctionException(lf, args, "errors")) # Julia automatically attaches original error message
if lf.error_nonfinite && !isfinite(val)
throw(LoggedFunctionException(lf, args, "output non-finite value $val"))
return val

function logged_fun(f, args...)
function logged_fun(f, args...; error_nonfinite = true) # remember to update error_nonfinite in debug_system() docstring
# Currently we don't really support complex numbers
term(LoggedFun(f, args), args..., type = Real)
term(LoggedFun(f, args, error_nonfinite), args..., type = Real)

debug_sub(eq::Equation) = debug_sub(eq.lhs) ~ debug_sub(eq.rhs)
function debug_sub(ex)
function debug_sub(eq::Equation, funcs; kw...)
debug_sub(eq.lhs, funcs; kw...) ~ debug_sub(eq.rhs, funcs; kw...)
function debug_sub(ex, funcs; kw...)
iscall(ex) || return ex
f = operation(ex)
args = map(debug_sub, arguments(ex))
f in LOGGED_FUN ? logged_fun(f, args...) :
args = map(ex -> debug_sub(ex, funcs; kw...), arguments(ex))
f in funcs ? logged_fun(f, args...; kw...) :
maketerm(typeof(ex), f, args, metadata(ex))
38 changes: 19 additions & 19 deletions src/systems/abstractsystem.jl
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debug_system(sys::AbstractSystem; functions = [log, sqrt, (^), /, inv, asin, acos], error_nonfinite = true)

Replace functions with singularities with a function that errors with symbolic
information. E.g.
Wrap `functions` in `sys` so any error thrown in them shows helpful symbolic-numeric
information about its input. If `error_nonfinite`, functions that output nonfinite
values (like `Inf` or `NaN`) also display errors, even though the raw function itself
does not throw an exception (like `1/0`). For example:

julia> sys = debug_system(sys);

julia> sys = complete(sys);
julia> sys = debug_system(complete(sys))

julia> prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], (0, 1.0));
julia> prob = ODEProblem(sys, [0.0, 2.0], (0.0, 1.0))

julia> du = zero(prob.u0);

julia> prob.f(du, prob.u0, prob.p, 0.0)
ERROR: DomainError with (-1.0,):
log errors with input(s): -cos(Q(t)) => -1.0
[1] (::ModelingToolkit.LoggedFun{typeof(log)})(args::Float64)
julia> prob.f(prob.u0, prob.p, 0.0)
ERROR: Function /(1, sin(P(t))) output non-finite value Inf with input
1 => 1
sin(P(t)) => 0.0
function debug_system(sys::AbstractSystem)
function debug_system(
sys::AbstractSystem; functions = [log, sqrt, (^), /, inv, asin, acos], kw...)
if !(functions isa Set)
functions = Set(functions) # more efficient "in" lookup
if has_systems(sys) && !isempty(get_systems(sys))
error("debug_system only works on systems with no sub-systems!")
error("debug_system(sys) only works on systems with no sub-systems! Consider flattening it with flatten(sys) or structural_simplify(sys) first.")
if has_eqs(sys)
@set! sys.eqs = debug_sub.(equations(sys))
@set! sys.eqs = debug_sub.(equations(sys), Ref(functions); kw...)
if has_observed(sys)
@set! sys.observed = debug_sub.(observed(sys))
@set! sys.observed = debug_sub.(observed(sys), Ref(functions); kw...)
return sys
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21 changes: 6 additions & 15 deletions test/odesystem.jl
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Expand Up @@ -931,22 +931,13 @@ testdict = Dict([:name => "test"])
@named sys = ODESystem(eqs, t, metadata = testdict)
@test get_metadata(sys) == testdict

@variables P(t)=0 Q(t)=2
∂t = D

eqs = [∂t(Q) ~ 1 / sin(P)
∂t(P) ~ log(-cos(Q))]
@variables P(t)=NaN Q(t)=NaN
eqs = [D(Q) ~ 1 / sin(P), D(P) ~ log(-cos(Q))]
@named sys = ODESystem(eqs, t, [P, Q], [])
sys = complete(debug_system(sys));
prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], (0, 1.0));
du = zero(prob.u0);
if VERSION < v"1.8"
@test_throws DomainError prob.f(du, [1, 0], prob.p, 0.0)
@test_throws DomainError prob.f(du, [0, 2], prob.p, 0.0)
@test_throws "-cos(Q(t))" prob.f(du, [1, 0], prob.p, 0.0)
@test_throws "sin(P(t))" prob.f(du, [0, 2], prob.p, 0.0)
sys = complete(debug_system(sys))
prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], (0.0, 1.0))
@test_throws "log(-cos(Q(t))) errors" prob.f([1, 0], prob.p, 0.0)
@test_throws "/(1, sin(P(t))) output non-finite value" prob.f([0, 2], prob.p, 0.0)

@variables x(t) = 1
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