Python/Django web application for the Shakespeare and Company Project, a digital humanities project based on the archives of Sylvia Beach's bookstore and lending library in Paris.
(This project was previously called "Mapping Expatriate Paris" or MEP).
Python 3.6 / Django 2.2 / Node 10.5.0 / Postgresql 13 / Solr 8
For specifics on the architecture and code, read current release documentation.
Initial setup and installation:
recommended: create and activate a python 3.5 virtualenv:
virtualenv mep -p python3.5 source mep/bin/activate
Install required python dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
Install javascript dependencies:
npm install
Compile static assets (css and javascript) with sourcemaps for development:
npm run build:qa
Copy sample local settings and configure for your environment:
cp mep/ mep/
Remember to add a SECRET_KEY
Run the manage command to create your Solr core and configure the schema:
python solr_schema
The manage command will automatically reload the core to ensure schema changes take effect.
Run the migrations
python migrate
Index all indexable content into Solr:
python index
optionally, you can populate the Wagtail CMS with stub pages for the main navigation:
python setup_site_pages
If running this application on MariaDB/MySQL, you must make sure that time zone definitions are installed. On most flavors of Linux/MacOS, you may use the following command, which will prompt for the database server's root password:
mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root mysql -p
If this command does not work, make sure you have the command line utilities for MariaDB/MySQL installed and consult the documentation for your OS for timezone info. Windows users will need to install a copy of the zoneinfo files.
See MariaDB's info on the utility for more information.
Note that the admin index page will not reflect some changes without a manual
update - you will need to edit mep/
to control the display and
ordering of admin items. More information is available in the django-admin-tools
If you make changes to js or scss files and need to rebuild static assets:
npm run build:qa
This will compile and minify all assets to static/
with sourcemaps.
Alternatively, to run a production build without sourcemaps, you can use:
npm run build:prod
Finally, for iterative frontend development, you can activate a webpack dev server with hot reload using:
npm start
Switching between the webpack dev server and serving from static/
requires a
restart of your Django dev server to pick up the changed file paths.
Copy the project Solr configset in solr_conf
into your solr server configset
directory. For a local install:
cp -r solr_conf /path/to/solr/server/solr/configsets/shxco chown solr:solr -R /path/to/solr/server/solr/configsets/shxco
Create Solr collection with the configured configset (use create_core with Solr standalone and create_collection with SolrCloud):
solr create_core -c shxco -n shxco
You will also need to configure Django to use the Solr instance in
SOLR_CONNECTIONS = { 'default': { 'URL': 'http://localhost:8983/solr/', 'COLLECTION': 'shxco_dev', 'CONFIGSET': 'shxco' } }
Python unit tests are written with py.test but use Django fixture loading and convenience testing methods when that makes things easier. To run them, first install development requirements:
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
Run tests using py.test:
Javascript unit tests are written with jest. To run them:
npm run test:unit
Automated accessibility tests run in travis using pa11y-ci. To run them locally, ensure that you have compiled frontend assets and a running server:
npm run build:prod python runserver --insecure
Then, run pa11y-ci to craw the sitemap and test for accessibility issues:
npm run test:a11y
Running with DEBUG
enabled will include the (inaccessible) Django
debug toolbar, so you'll probably want to turn it off.
Documentation is generated using sphinx. To generate documentation, first install development requirements:
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
Then build documentation using the customized make file in the docs directory:
cd sphinx-docs make html
To build and publish documentation for a release, add the gh-pages
to the docs
folder in your worktree:
git worktree add -B gh-pages docs origin/gh-pages
In the sphinx-docs
folder, use make docs
to build the HTML documents
and static assets, add it to the docs folder, and commit it for publication on
Github Pages. After the build completes, push to GitHub from the docs
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
©2020 Trustees of Princeton University. Permission granted via Princeton Docket #21-3743-1 for distribution online under a standard Open Source license.