Welcome to the 10 Days of JavaScript - HackerRank Solutions repository! This repository contains my solutions to the HackerRank 10 Days of JavaScript challenges, implemented in JavaScript. If you need help with any of the challenges or want to see different approaches, this repository is a great resource for guidance and reference.

Day | Challenge |
Day 0 | Data Types Hello World |
Day 1 | Arithmetic Operators Functions Let and Const |
Day 2 | Conditional Statements If Else Conditional Statements Switch Loops |
Day 3 | Arrays Throw Try Catch Finally |
Day 4 | Classes Count Objects |
Day 5 | Arrow Functions Inheritance |
Day 6 | Bitwise Operators JavaScript Dates |
Day 7 | Regular Expressions I Regular Expressions II Regular Expressions III |
Day 8 | Buttons Container Create a Button |
Day 9 | Binary Calculator |
These solutions are my own work and were created for educational purposes on HackerRank. They may not be the most optimal solutions, but they passed HackerRank’s test cases.
I welcome contributions to enhance this collection of HackerRank 30 Days of Code solutions:
- Improve Existing Solutions: Optimize or clarify current solutions.
- Add Explanations: Provide detailed explanations of code and problem-solving approaches.
- Multiple Language Implementations: Add solutions in other programming languages.
- Improve Documentation: Enhance the README, code comments or other documentation.
Please Check Here for Contribution Guidelines. 🤝
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.