This repository contains my personal dotfiles managed with GNU Stow.
Clone this repository:
git clone ~/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles
The easiest way to set up all configurations is to use the provided setup script:
cd ~/dotfiles
chmod +x
This will:
- Check if GNU Stow is installed
- Create necessary directories (~/.tmux/plugins, ~/.config/tmux)
- Install TPM (Tmux Plugin Manager) if needed
- Install Catppuccin theme for tmux if needed
- Set up all dotfiles configurations
- Source the tmux configuration if tmux is running
If you prefer to set up configurations individually:
To set up tmux configuration:
# Create necessary directories
mkdir -p ~/.tmux/plugins
mkdir -p ~/.config/tmux/plugins/catppuccin
# First, install TPM (Tmux Plugin Manager)
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
# Next, install the Catppuccin theme
git clone -b v2.1.2 ~/.config/tmux/plugins/catppuccin/tmux
# Then apply the configuration
cd ~/dotfiles
stow tmux
tmux source ~/.tmux.conf
# Finally, install the plugins by pressing prefix + I (capital I) in a tmux session
Currently, this dotfiles repository includes:
- tmux: Terminal multiplexer configuration with Catppuccin theme
If you encounter issues with TPM:
- Make sure tmux is running when you try to install plugins
- Try cleaning TPM plugins:
- Manually install plugins:
- Check plugin compatibility with your tmux version
For tmux versions prior to 3.2, refer to the Catppuccin documentation for alternative installation methods.