I'm Ryan, a Software Developer, Roboticist, Researcher, and well-rounded nerd who wears many hats, both figuratively and literally.
You can learn more about me at my website, or check out some fun metrics below!
- LuckierDodge/nix-config - Nix configuration (today)
- LuckierDodge/dockerfiles - One repo to rule the Dockerfiles, one repo to find them, one repo to bring them all, and on the server bind them. (today)
- AD-SDL/MADSci - Main repository for the Modular Autonomous Discovery for Science (MAD Sci) Framework (5 days ago)
- schireson/pytest-mock-resources - Pytest Fixtures that let you actually test against external resource (Postgres, Mongo, Redshift...) dependent code. (1 week ago)
- AD-SDL/biomedal_workcell - A general purpose workcell in Building 446 for biology and training purposes. (3 weeks ago)
- AD-SDL/rpl_cad - Various designs created by the RPL to solve problems while building Autonomous Laboratories (1 month ago)
- AD-SDL/wei - The Workcell Execution Interface (WEI) for Autonomous Discovery/Self Driving Laboratories (AD/SDLs) (1 month ago)
- LuckierDodge/website - My personal website (1 month ago)
- LuckierDodge/house-hack-ruleset-0e - A hacked together ruleset for running your own Fantasy RPG (2 months ago)
- AD-SDL/ot2_module - Driver repo for the OT2 drivers (3 months ago)
- π¦ The Modular Autonomous Discovery for Science (MADSci) Framework (4 months ago)
- π§ͺ The Workflow Execution Interface (WEI) (2 years ago)
- How to Call a Service from a ROS2 Launch File (2 years ago)
- The Bandoleers Session 027 (2 years ago)
- The Bandoleers Session 026 (2 years ago)
- Introducing DM's Log: Supplemental (2 years ago)
- How to Install and Use Docker in WSL2 (3 years ago)
- How to Communicate with an Arduino from Docker (4 years ago)
- β¨ MCK142Pro.ahk (4 years ago)
- Extending an Old-school Programmable Keyboard with AutoHotKey (4 years ago)
- hynek/structlog - Simple, powerful, and fast logging for Python. (3 weeks ago)
- leukipp/touchkio - Home Assistant Touch Panel Kiosk application for a Linux device (e.g. Raspberry Pi) with Touch Display. (1 month ago)
- tylertreat/comcast - Simulating shitty network connections so you can build better systems. (1 month ago)
- mikeferguson/graceful_controller - A better local controller for ROS Navigation. (1 month ago)
- opf/openproject - OpenProject is the leading open source project management software. (1 month ago)
- geerlingguy/pi-kiosk - A simple Raspberry Pi Kiosk app (1 month ago)
- OliveTin/OliveTin - OliveTin gives safe and simple access to predefined shell commands from a web interface. (1 month ago)
- runevision/Dither3D - Surface-Stable Fractal Dithering (1 month ago)
- p2p-ld/numpydantic - Type annotations for specifying, validating, and serializing arrays with arbitrary backends in Pydantic (and beyond) (1 month ago)
- henrygd/beszel - Lightweight server monitoring hub with historical data, docker stats, and alerts. (1 month ago)
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