The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries. Official Link: Raspberry Pi Homepage
This list is a collection of tools, projects, images and resources conforming to the Awesome Manifestio
Contributions very welcome but first see Contributing
- Raspbian - The official supported Raspberry Pi OS, based on Debian and available as a lite version.
- NOOBS - New Out Of the Box Software, an easy OS installer for beginners.
- Ubuntu MATE - Ubuntu distribution for the Raspberry Pi based on MATE desktop.
- Snappy Ubuntu Core - Official (minimal) Ubuntu distribution for IoT.
- Windows 10 IoT Core - Windows 10 distribution for IoT.
- OSMC - Open Source Media Centre, based on Kodi.
- PiNet - A system to manage Raspberry Pi classrooms.
- Risc OS - Non-Linux OS originated from the group that developed the ARM microprocessor.
- RuneAudio - A free and open source OS that turns embedded hardware into Hi-Fi music players.
- OpenELEC - Open Embedded Linux Entertainment Center, a very lightweight Kodi build.
- HypriotOS - Minimal Debian-based operating system, optimized to run Docker.
- Kali Linux - Penetration Testing & Ethical Hacking Linux distro for ARM devices.
- RetroPie - Retro-gaming on the Raspberry Pi.
- Alpine Linux - Security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution based on musl libc and busybox.
- Arch Linux ARM - a lightweight and flexible Linux distribution that tries to Keep It Simple.
- Volumio - a headless audiophile music player, designed to play music with the highest possible fidelity.
- Recalbox - Lighter weight retro-gaming and media center on the Raspberry Pi.
- Lakka - Retro-gaming on the Raspberry Pi built entirely on RetroArch.
- PiBakery - The blocks based, easy to use setup tool for Raspberry Pi.
- ApplePi Bakery - A macOS application to easily install/backup/restore images onto an SD card.
- Etcher - An SD card burner app that is simple for end users, extensible for developers, and works on any platform.
- Mini OONTZ - 3D printed mini MIDI controller.
- Build a $35 Time Capsule - Raspberry Pi Time Machine Backup Server.
- How To Make a Raspberry Pi Turn on a Lamp with iBeacon™ Technology - Good beginners-guide to working with Beacon technology.
- Power Sniffing Strip - Enclosure in a power strip, sniffing network data.
- Raspberry Pi Erlang Cluster - Erlang cluster on a Raspberry Pi 2.
- A NTP driven Nixie Clock - Nixie Tube Clock powered by a Raspberry Pi.
- 40-node Raspberry Pi Cluster - Cluster aimed to be under the size of full tower desktop.
- Raspberry PI Hadoop Cluster - A Big Data cluster running on the Raspberry Pi.
- Multi-Datacenter Cassandra on 32 Raspberry Pi’s - Showcase for the always on, fault tolerant nature of Cassandra using a Raspberry Pi cluster board.
- Building a Ceph Cluster on Raspberry Pi - A highly redundant and low power usage RADOS home storage solution.
- Bridging Wifi to the Raspberry Pi over Ethernet - Guide to tethered networking between macOS & Raspberry Pi.
- Raspberry Pi login with SSH keys - Password-less login for ssh sessions on the Raspberry Pi.
- How to setup a secure VPN server on Raspberry Pi or DigitalOcean - A simple and secure guide to setup VPN on your Raspberry Pi.
- Controlling Spotify with Slack and a Raspberry Pi - Node project to control Spotify & Slack with libspotify.
- Pi-hole - A black hole for internet ads.
- Limelight: Who needs a Steam machine when you have a pi? - Blogpost about the Nvidia in-house streaming service Limelight running on a Raspberry Pi.
- Planning lunch with a Slackbot on - Nodejs Slackbot that runs on a Raspberry Pi hosted on Resin.
Contribution guidelines can be found here