py12306 Public
Forked from pjialin/py12306🚂 12306 购票助手,支持集群,多账号,多任务购票以及 Web 页面管理
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 2, 2020 -
TTTAttributedLabel Public
Forked from TTTAttributedLabel/TTTAttributedLabelA drop-in replacement for UILabel that supports attributes, data detectors, links, and more
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedDec 5, 2019 -
JXPagingView Public
Forked from pujiaxin33/JXPagingView类似微博主页、简书主页等效果。多页面嵌套,既可以上下滑动,也可以左右滑动切换页面。支持HeaderView悬浮、支持下拉刷新、上拉加载更多。
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedNov 27, 2019 -
freess Public
Forked from abelard223/freess免费ss账号 免费shadowsocks账号 免费v2ray账号 (长期更新)
Roff UpdatedOct 26, 2019 -
GitHub-Chinese-Top-Charts Public
Forked from GrowingGit/GitHub-Chinese-Top-Charts🇨🇳 GitHub中文排行榜,帮助你发现高分优秀中文项目、更高效地吸收国人的优秀经验成果;榜单每周更新一次,敬请关注!(最近更新于10月9日,上班快乐 🎉)
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 10, 2019 -
iOS-DeviceSupport Public
Forked from iGhibli/iOS-DeviceSupportThis repository holds the device support files for the iOS, and I will update it regularly.
Python UpdatedOct 10, 2019 -
MessageKit Public
Forked from MessageKit/MessageKitA community-driven replacement for JSQMessagesViewController
Swift MIT License UpdatedOct 9, 2019 -
Web Public
Forked from qianguyihao/Web前端入门和进阶学习笔记,超详细的Web前端学习图文教程。从零开始学前端,做一名精致的前端工程师。持续更新...
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 8, 2019 -
Python-100-Days Public
Forked from jackfrued/Python-100-DaysPython - 100天从新手到大师
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 3, 2019 -
gsy_github_app_flutter Public
Forked from CarGuo/gsy_github_app_flutter超完整的Flutter项目,功能丰富,适合学习和日常使用。GSYGithubApp系列的优势:我们目前已经拥有Flutter、Weex、ReactNative、kotlin 四个版本。 功能齐全,项目框架内技术涉及面广,完成度高,持续维护,配套文章,适合全面学习,对比参考。跨平台的开源Github客户端App,更好的体验,更丰富的功能,旨在更好的日常管理和维护个人Github,提供更好更方便…
Dart Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 30, 2019 -
Toast-Swift Public
Forked from scalessec/Toast-SwiftA Swift extension that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class.
Swift MIT License UpdatedSep 2, 2019 -
pull-to-refresh Public
Forked from eggswift/pull-to-refresh#Busy Re-Building....# An easy way to use pull to refresh and infinite scrolling in Swift. Pod 'ESPullToRefresh'
Swift MIT License UpdatedSep 1, 2019 -
DoraemonKit Public
Forked from didi/DoKit简称 "DoKit" 。一款功能齐全的客户端( iOS 、Android )研发助手,你值得拥有。
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 12, 2019 -
flutter-go Public
Forked from alibaba/flutter-goflutter 开发者帮助 APP,包含 flutter 常用 140+ 组件的demo 演示与中文文档
Dart Other UpdatedAug 5, 2019 -
MarqueeLabel Public
Forked from cbpowell/MarqueeLabelA drop-in replacement for UILabel, which automatically adds a scrolling marquee effect when the label's text does not fit inside the specified frame
Swift MIT License UpdatedJul 21, 2019 -
Reachability.swift Public
Forked from ashleymills/Reachability.swiftReplacement for Apple's Reachability re-written in Swift with closures
Swift MIT License UpdatedJul 10, 2019 -
OOMDetector Public
Forked from Tencent/OOMDetectorOOMDetector is a memory monitoring component for iOS which provides you with OOM monitoring, memory allocation monitoring, memory leak detection and other functions.
Objective-C++ Other UpdatedJun 18, 2019 -
SwiftEntryKit Public
Forked from huri000/SwiftEntryKitSwiftEntryKit is a banner presenter library for iOS. It can be used to easily display pop-ups and notification-like views within your iOS apps.
Swift MIT License UpdatedMay 28, 2019 -
Book-Recommend-Github Public
Forked from iOShuyang/Book-Recommend-Github推荐生活当中积累的优秀Objective-C和Swift三方库
UpdatedApr 28, 2019 -
JXCategoryView Public
Forked from pujiaxin33/JXCategoryViewA powerful and easy to use category view (segmentedcontrol, segmentview, pagingview, pagerview, pagecontrol) (腾讯新闻、今日头条、QQ音乐、网易云音乐、京东、爱奇艺、腾讯视频、淘宝、天猫、简书、微博等所有主流APP分类切换滚动视图)
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedApr 26, 2019 -
Eureka Public
Forked from xmartlabs/EurekaElegant iOS form builder in Swift
Swift MIT License UpdatedApr 18, 2019 -
SwiftDate Public
Forked from malcommac/SwiftDateParse, validate, manipulate, and display dates, time and timezones in Swift
Swift MIT License UpdatedApr 16, 2019 -
Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
Swift MIT License UpdatedApr 15, 2019 -
ESTabBarController Public
Forked from eggswift/ESTabBarControllerESTabBarController is a Swift model for customize UI, badge and adding animation to tabbar items. Support lottie!
Swift MIT License UpdatedApr 15, 2019 -
lottie-ios Public
Forked from airbnb/lottie-iosAn iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
Swift Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 15, 2019 -
FSPagerView Public
Forked from WenchaoD/FSPagerViewFSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library. It is extremely helpful for making Banner View、Product Show、Welcome/Guide Pages、Screen/ViewController Sliders.
Swift MIT License UpdatedApr 15, 2019 -
awesome-swift Public
Forked from matteocrippa/awesome-swiftA collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!
Swift Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedApr 11, 2019 -
ThreeStage-PanGesture Public
Forked from anonymity-du/ThreeStage-PanGesture常规的三段式拖拽手势动画,主要用于部分视图从底部拖拽到屏幕中央,再到屏幕顶部等场景。Conventional three-stage drag gesture animation is mainly used to drag the view from the bottom to the center of the screen, and then to the top of the scr…
Swift UpdatedApr 11, 2019 -
DNSPageView Public
Forked from Danie1s/DNSPageView一个纯Swift的轻量级、灵活且易于使用的pageView
Swift MIT License UpdatedApr 8, 2019