is a Kotlin library for adding asynchronous Remote Procedure Call (RPC) services to your applications.
Build your RPC with already known language constructs and nothing more!
First, create your RPC service and define some methods:
import kotlinx.rpc.RemoteService
import kotlinx.rpc.annotations.Rpc
interface AwesomeService : RemoteService {
suspend fun getNews(city: String): Flow<String>
suspend fun daysUntilStableRelease(): Int
In your server code define how to respond by simply implementing the service:
class AwesomeServiceImpl(
val parameters: AwesomeParameters,
override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext,
) : AwesomeService {
override suspend fun getNews(city: String): Flow<String> {
return flow {
emit("Today is 23 degrees!")
emit("Harry Potter is in $city!")
emit("New dogs cafe has opened doors to all fluffy customers!")
override suspend fun daysUntilStableRelease(): Int {
return if (parameters.stable) 0 else {
parameters.daysUntilStable ?: error("Who says it will be stable?")
Then, choose how do you want your service to communicate. For example, you can use integration with Ktor:
data class AwesomeParameters(val stable: Boolean, val daysUntilStable: Int?)
fun main() {
embeddedServer(Netty, 8080) {
routing {
rpc("/awesome") {
rpcConfig {
serialization {
registerService<AwesomeService> { ctx ->
AwesomeServiceImpl(AwesomeParameters(false, null), ctx)
}.start(wait = true)
To connect to the server use the following Ktor Client setup:
val rpcClient = HttpClient { installKrpc() }.rpc {
rpcConfig {
serialization {
val service = rpcClient.withService<AwesomeService>()
streamScoped {
service.getNews("KotlinBurg").collect { article ->
Check out our getting started guide for a thorough overview of all components and features.
To ensure that all IDE features of our compiler plugin work properly on IntelliJ-based IDEs, install the Kotlin External FIR Support plugin.
provides Gradle plugin org.jetbrains.kotlinx.rpc.plugin
that will set up code generation in a project.
Example of a setup in a project's build.gradle.kts
plugins {
kotlin("multiplatform") version "2.1.10"
kotlin("plugin.serialization") version "2.1.10"
id("org.jetbrains.kotlinx.rpc.plugin") version "0.5.1"
To use kotlinx.rpc
runtime dependencies, add Maven Central to the list of your repositories:
repositories {
And now you can add dependencies to your project:
dependencies {
// Client API
// Server API
// Serialization module. Also, protobuf and cbor are provided
// Transport implementation for Ktor
// Ktor API
You can see example projects in the samples folder.
is designed to be transport agnostic.
That means that the library aims to provide the best RPC experience regardless of how the resulting messages are transferred.
That allows for easy integration into existing solutions, such as Ktor, without the need to rewrite code.
Add kotlinx.rpc
, provide it with means to transfer encoded data (or use out-of-the-box integrations) and it will run.
With enough time it might even work with avian carriers.
provides its own transfer protocol called kRPC, which takes responsibility for tracking serializing and handling other complex request operations.
When using kRPC you only need to provide a transport or choose from the officially supported ones:
- Ktor transport
Besides that, one can even provide their own protocol or integration with one to use with services and kotlinx.rpc
API with it.
Though possible, it is much more complicated way to use the library and generally not needed.
aims to provide support for the most common protocol integrations, as well as the in-house protocol called kRPC.
The library provides experimental support for the gRPC protocol. The artifacts are published separately in our Space repository. Current latest version:
For more information on gRPC usage, see the official documentation. For a working example, see the sample gRPC project.
We support all stable Kotlin versions starting from 2.0.0:
- 2.0.0, 2.0.10, 2.0.20, 2.0.21
- 2.1.0, 2.1.10
For a full compatibility checklist, see Versions.
is an official JetBrains product and is primarily developed by the team at JetBrains, with
contributions from the community.
Community support is available on the Kotlin Slack kotlinx-rpc channel
If you find a security vulnerability in kotlinx.rpc
, we kindly request that you reach out to the JetBrains security team via
our responsible disclosure process.
Please see the contribution guide and the Code of conduct before contributing.