本项目展示了如何在 Flutter 应用中使用 Sherpa-ONNX 进行实时语音识别。它基于 Sherpa-ONNX 项目的官方 streaming_asr 示例,但增加了额外的功能和优化。
- 按需加载模型:语音识别模型可在需要时动态下载,显著减少应用初始大小
- 实时识别:以最小延迟处理语音
- 跨平台支持:同时支持 iOS 和 Android 设备
- 在 Flutter 环境中初始化 Sherpa-ONNX 运行时
- 实时捕获和处理音频流
- 处理模型下载和缓存
- 通过用户友好的界面显示识别结果
This project demonstrates real-time speech recognition in Flutter applications using the Sherpa-ONNX runtime. It's based on the official streaming_asr example from the Sherpa-ONNX project but extends it with additional features and optimizations.
- On-demand Model Loading: Speech recognition models are downloaded dynamically when needed, significantly reducing the app's initial size
- Real-time Recognition: Process speech as it's being spoken with minimal latency
- Cross-platform Support: Works on both iOS and Android devices
The example showcases how to:
- Initialize the Sherpa-ONNX runtime in a Flutter environment
- Capture and process audio streams in real-time
- Handle model downloading and caching
- Display recognition results with a user-friendly interface