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This is a library with different sub-libraries to provide basic functions, which can be used in data and signal processing and to compare measurement results against simulation.

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This is a library with different sub-libraries to provide basic functions, which can be used in data and signal processing and to compare measurement results against simulation.



Major focus on plotting and import

  • CSV2Dict: script for importing CSV Files
  • CSV2Area: script for calculating polygon area based on coordinates
  • FitFct_Exp: script that fits data against an Exp Function
  • FindPoint_FitFct: fits higher order Polynom against Dataset to find point
  • Linearization_Point: linearization around one point
  • Linear_Plot: linear plot function with automated labeling
  • Polar_Plot: Polar plot function with automated labeling
  • Histogram_Plot: Plot Histogram
  • Box_Plot: Boxplots with automated labeling
  • SemiLogX_Plot: semilog x plot function with automated labeling
  • Vline_Plot: generates vertical line in plot with label
  • Hline_Plot: generates horizontal line in plot with label
  • Rectangle_Plot: generates rectangle inside plot
  • Align_YAxis: Align two YGrids in one plot
  • FindPoint_NextValue: find nearest point
  • Digitalize_Data: Generates binary stream from data and clock from
  • Extract_DigitalClock: Extracts clock from data and clock from waveform
  • CMPLX2Format: converts complex numbers in different formats
  • Average: Average a Dataset
  • FrequencyFiltering: Frequency Filtering of Data
  • String2List: Generates a List out of a csv with one line
  • XYZ_Plot: generates 3D Plot (X,Y,Z) for i.e. waterfall diagrams
  • Spectrum_Minimizer: Generates Mean and Max Spectrum from Dataset
  • MovingFilter: Moving Average, Max, Min Filter
  • printProgressBar: Print progress Bar in Console
  • EngNot: Engineering Notation (Si-Prefix)


Functionality to import Keysight ADS Simulation Data (ASCII-File) and calculate different figure of merrits:

  • ImportData: Imports an ASCII file from ads
  • Calc_HarmonicBalance_Single: Calculates IP3, Psat, 1dB Compression Point based on HarmonicBalance Simulation
  • Calc_HarmonicBalance: Uses Calc_HarmonicBalance_Single for multiple frequencies
  • Calc_StabGain: Calculates MSG, MAG, K-Fact, Masons Gain U and Gmax based on 2-Port s2p
  • Calculate_StabCircle: Generates stability circles based on 2-Port s2p
  • MixedModeSparam: Calculates standart and mixed moded matricies based on 4-Port s4p
  • ImportS2P: Data conversion (change in future versions)


Major fucus on control theorie and plotting

  • Extract_Sympy_1Var: Substitutes Sympy and generates numeric solution
  • BodePlot_FBCTRL: Generate BodePlot out of symbolic feedback transfer function
  • BodePlot: Generate BodePlot out of symbolic transfer function
  • ZeroPole_Plot: Generate ZeroPole Plot
  • StepResponse: Generate Step Response with Heaviside Fct from symbolic transfer function
  • Substitute_Datatype: Substitute constant values with symboles
  • ReSubstitute_Datatype: Resubstitute constant values with symboles


This is a library with different sub-libraries to provide basic functions, which can be used in data and signal processing and to compare measurement results against simulation.







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