- Pro
List of top 500 ReactJS Interview Questions & Answers....Coding exercise questions are coming soon!!
Draggable sliding up panel implemented in React Native https://octopitus.github.io/rn-sliding-up-panel/
React native draw tool for react native applications
A very flexible message bar for UIKit and SwiftUI.
Real time chat app written in Swift 5 using Firebase
CCCryptor (AES encryption) wrappers for iOS and Mac in Swift. -- For ObjC, see RNCryptor/RNCryptor-objc
AdaptiveController is a 'Progressive Reduction' Swift module for adding custom states to Native or Custom iOS UI elements
A nicer iOS UI component for picking date and time
Custom UISegmentedControl replacement for iOS, written in Swift
A very flexible message bar for iOS written in Swift.
ChenCodes / Presentr
Forked from IcaliaLabs/PresentrSwift wrapper for custom ViewController presentations on iOS
UC Berkeley students partner with Engineers Without Borders (San Francisco Professional Chapter) in the development of a web application to help manage the vast network of volunteer and funding res…
Color framework for Swift & Objective-C (Gradient colors, hexcode support, colors from images & more).