A unity-based 2.5D adventure game [project work at Unimelb]
This repository is designed to help developers learn how to get started with Unreal Engine and C++.
Source code for 'Beginning 3D Game Development with Unity 4' by Sue Blackman
Assets and project files for Build Your Own First-Person Shooter in Unity
Here is the code for my C# Mega Course. It is broken into 18 different folders. This is basically a Free Full Udemy Course. I hope you find it useful.
Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity-Sixth Edition, published by Packt
Source code for 'Pro Unity Game Development with C#' by Alan Thorn
Source code for 'Pro Unity Game Development with C#' by Alan Thorn
Additional tools for Visual Effect Artists
Source code for 'Learn Unity for 2D Game Development' by Alan Thorn
Reinforcement Learning Environments for Omniverse Isaac Gym
Build Stunning Real-time VFX with Unreal Engine 5, Published by Packt
Collection of Unreal Engine 5 visual effects I made. the aim of this project is to cover "patterns of how to implement" , and it's an experiment in new mechanisms in Unreal Engine
CarlaDrive /
Forked from Unity-Technologies/ of tech features used to realize the digital human from 'The Heretic'.
CarlaDrive / Unreal-Engine-5-Character-Creation-Animation-and-Cinematics
Forked from PacktPublishing/Unreal-Engine-5-Character-Creation-Animation-and-CinematicsUnreal Engine 5 Character Creation, Animation and Cinematics, published by Packt
Labs and demos for courses for GCP Training (
List of OpenCV projects to further increase the computer vision community. Coding in Python & C++(In progress).
A collection of machine learning examples and tutorials.
[Coursera] Reinforcement Learning Specialization by "University of Alberta" & "Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute"
Repo for "The Complete Self Driving Car" course on Udemy.
This contains my code for the Self Driving car course on Udemy
Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree projects.
Code of Udemy The Complete Self-Driving Car Course
Following repo is the solution to Stock Market Prediction using Neural Networks and Sentiment Analysis
Stock Market Analysis with Python
CarlaDrive / self-driving-experiments-in-carla
Forked from xia0long/self-driving-experiments-in-carlaA collection of experiments in carla