A CSS sprite that contains all the country flags by country ISO codes. Data is actualized from Wikipedia. All flags are 16px tall and padded to 32px width. Ideal for listing or selecting countries. The png is tinified, the CSS is optimized for size. The whole package is 14k gzipped, and contains 249 flags.
Just download and include country_flags.css and country_flags_sprite.png (you can find them zipped in /dist too)
<div class="country-flag DE"></div> Germany
Example test of all flags is in country_flags_test.html
npm i
then create a .env file with your tinify (TinyPNG) API Key [https://tinypng.com/developers] Like this:
then run
node create.js
The downloaded Luxemburg (LU) flag .svg had errors, so I included a LU.svg that you should copy into /flags directory after downloading, then re-run.
If you want the latest data, delete iso__country_code.html, /flags and /resized_flags directories, as those are cached.