A fork of https://github.com/greenstatic/echo-ip (the repo is not public anymore)
A small Go web service to return the client's public IP.
- HTTP/HTTPS support
- IPv4/IPv6 support
- Apache Common Log Format (CLF)
- No need for web server or reverse proxy
- GET & POST support
- Docker support
"success": true,
"ip": "",
"datetime": "2018-07-22T21:24:11+02:00",
"ipDetails": {
"remoteIP": "",
"forwardedForIP": ""
"service": "echo-ip",
"version": "1.2.0",
"srcUrl": "https://github.com/BalazsGyarmati/echo-ip"
In case the HTTP request contains an X-Forwarded-For
header, we will replace
the ip
address response field with the specified value. This is useful in cases
where there is a proxy between the client and the server. However both IPs are
still explicitly defined in the ipDetails
A small go web service to return the client's public IP.
echo-ip [flags]
-b, --bind ip Bind to IP (IPv4/IPv6) (default
-c, --cert string Server's HTTPS certificate
-h, --help help for echo-ip
-p, --port uint16 Port to listen to
-k, --privKey string Server's certificate private key
By default the server will try to listen to port 80
(HTTP) however
if both --cert
and --privKey
flags are supplied a HTTPS server
on default port 443
will be started. The port can always be overridden
using the --port
To run the server in IPv6 mode bind the address to ::
To view the help output run: echo-ip --help
- GET/POST /: IP details response (see example response)
- GET/POST /health: health information about the web service
Note: HTTP POST methods are supported in case the client wishes to bypass proxies that cache HTTP GET requests/responses but ignore HTTP POST.
- Install Go on your machine
- Download this repo to GOPATH
mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src
git clone https://github.com/BalazsGyarmati/echo-ip ${GOPATH}/src/echo-ip
- Build it
mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/bin
cd ${GOPATH}/src/echo-ip
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -v -installsuffix cgo -o ${GOPATH}/bin/echo-ip
You can also build and use it as a Docker container
git clone https://github.com/BalazsGyarmati/echo-ip
cd echo-ip
docker build -t echo-ip:latest .
To run the container here are some examples:
To run a HTTP server:
docker run --name echoip -p 80:8080 -d echo-ip:latest
The container will by default listen to port 8080
To run a HTTPS server (with certificate/key on the local filesystem):
docker run --name echoip -p 443:443 -d -v /some/folder/with/certs:/cert:ro echo-ip:latest -c /cert/server.crt -k /cert/server.key
The scripts/
directory contains three scripts used for building.
- build_standalone.sh : Run this to build the Go project as a standalone executable, with a version number (eg. "1_0_0")
- build_container.sh : Run this to build a docker container, with
a version number (eg. 1.0.0 - note the dots instead of the underscores).
This will build a docker container
, to change this edit the script. - build_clean.sh: Run this after to remove the build(s) that were run (does not touch docker or any docker images).
Note: you MUST have your working directory (PWD) inside the scripts
directory. The script checks this in case you accidentally launch outside
of the directory.
If the build is successful you will find a new directory bin
inside the
root of the project. Inside you will find the build executable and a
compressed tar.gz file. On build_clean.sh
this directory will be
removed along with all the builds and compressed files.
Install dependencies using (working directory must be the root of this repository):
go get ./...
- Let's Encrypt support to automatically refresh certificates and restart the server
- Reverse IP lookup details in response
- IP address details in response (using something like GeoIP DB)
- Would be nice (necessary) to write some tests
- User agent support in logs