Belt is a data structures and utilities library that ships with BuckleScript and bsb-native, optimized for the web.
let a = Belt.Array.make 10 0
let b = a (fun x -> x + 1)
module Comparator = Belt.Id.MakeComparable(struct
type t = int
let cmp =
let c = Belt.Map.make ~id:(module Comparator)
let d = Belt.Map.set c 10 "Hello"
let e = Belt.Map.set d 11 "World!"
let _ =
match Belt.Map.get e 11 with
| None -> print_endline "Not possible, I'm pretty sure!"
| Some world -> print_endline ("Hello " ^ world)
let _ =
match Belt.Map.get d 11 with
| None -> print_endline "Maps are immutable"
| _ -> print_endline "I will never print!"
You'll need to build bspp.exe
that is inside ../lib
by simply running make -C ../lib bspp.exe
Then you can recompile all of belt to JS by running make all