(* Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * In addition to the permissions granted to you by the LGPL, you may combine
 * or link a "work that uses the Library" with a publicly distributed version
 * of this file to produce a combined library or application, then distribute
 * that combined work under the terms of your choosing, with no requirement
 * to comply with the obligations normally placed on you by section 4 of the
 * LGPL version 3 (or the corresponding section of a later version of the LGPL
 * should you choose to use a later version).
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *)

let no_side_effect = Js_analyzer.no_side_effect_expression

type t = J.expression 

  [remove_pure_sub_exp x]
  Remove pure part of the expression (minor optimization)
  and keep the non-pure part while preserve the semantics 
  (modulo return value)
  It will return None if  [x] is pure
let rec remove_pure_sub_exp (x : t)  : t option = 
  match x.expression_desc with 
  | Var _
  | Str _
  | Number _ -> None (* Can be refined later *)
  | Array_index (a,b) -> 
      if is_pure_sub_exp a && is_pure_sub_exp b then None 
      else Some x           
  | Array (xs,_mutable_flag)  ->
    if Ext_list.for_all xs is_pure_sub_exp then None 
    else Some x 
  | Seq (a,b) -> 
      (match remove_pure_sub_exp a , remove_pure_sub_exp b with 
      | None, None  ->  None
      | Some u, Some v ->  
        Some { x with expression_desc =  Seq(u,v)}
      (* may still have some simplification*)
      | None, (Some _ as v) ->  v
      | (Some _ as u), None -> u)
  | _ -> Some x 
and is_pure_sub_exp (x : t ) = remove_pure_sub_exp x = None

(* let mk ?comment exp : t = 
  {expression_desc = exp ; comment  } *)

let var ?comment  id  : t = 
  {expression_desc = Var (Id id); comment }

(* only used in property access, 
    Invariant: it should not call an external module .. *)

let js_global ?comment  (v : string) =
  var ?comment (Ext_ident.create_js v )
let undefined  : t = 
    {expression_desc = Undefined ; comment = None}

let nil : t = 
    {expression_desc = Null ; comment = None}

let call ?comment ~info e0 args : t = 
  {expression_desc = Call(e0,args,info); comment }

(* TODO: optimization when es is known at compile time
    to be an array
let flat_call ?comment e0 es : t = 
  {expression_desc = FlatCall (e0,es); comment }

let runtime_var_dot ?comment (x : string)  (e1 : string) : J.expression = 
  { expression_desc = 
     Var (Qualified({id = Ident.create_persistent x; kind = Runtime}, Some e1));
    comment }

let ml_var_dot ?comment ( id  : Ident.t) e : J.expression =     
  {expression_desc = Var (Qualified({id; kind = Ml}, Some e)); comment }

   module as a value 
     var http = require("http")
let external_var_field ?comment  ~external_name:name (id : Ident.t)  ~field ~default : t = 
  {expression_desc = Var (Qualified({id; kind = External {name; default}},  Some field)); comment }

let external_var ?comment ~external_name (id : Ident.t) : t =   
  {expression_desc = 
    Var (Qualified({id; kind = External {name=external_name; default = false}},  None)); comment }

let ml_module_as_var ?comment (id : Ident.t) : t  = 
  {expression_desc = Var (Qualified ({id; kind = Ml}, None)); comment}

(* Static_index .....................**)        
let runtime_call ?comment module_name fn_name args = 
  call ?comment 
    (runtime_var_dot  module_name fn_name) args

let runtime_ref module_name fn_name = 
  runtime_var_dot  module_name fn_name

let str ?(pure=true)  ?comment s : t =  
  {expression_desc = Str (pure,s); comment}

let unicode ?comment s : t = 
  {expression_desc = Unicode (s); comment}

let raw_js_code ?comment info s : t =
  {expression_desc = Raw_js_code {code = String.trim s; code_info = info} ; comment }

let array ?comment mt es : t  = 
  {expression_desc = Array (es,mt) ; comment}

let some_comment = None

let optional_block e  : J.expression =                 
  { expression_desc = Optional_block (e,false) ; 
    comment = some_comment

let optional_not_nest_block e : J.expression = 
    expression_desc = Optional_block(e,true);
    comment = None

(** used in normal property
    like [e.length], no dependency introduced
let dot ?comment (e0 : t)  (e1 : string) : t = 
  { expression_desc = Static_index (e0,  e1,None); comment} 

let module_access (e : t) (name : string) (pos : int32) =    
  let name = Ext_ident.convert name in  
  match e.expression_desc with 
  | Caml_block (l, _, _,_) when no_side_effect e -> 
    (match Ext_list.nth_opt l (Int32.to_int pos) with 
    | Some x -> x 
    | None -> 
      { expression_desc = Static_index (e, name,Some pos); comment=None} 
  | _ -> 
  { expression_desc = Static_index (e, name,Some pos); comment=None} 

let make_block ?comment 
  (tag : t) 
  (tag_info : J.tag_info) 
  (es : t list) 
  (mutable_flag : J.mutable_flag) : t = 
    expression_desc = Caml_block( es, mutable_flag, tag,tag_info) ;

module L = Literals

(* ATTENTION: this is relevant to how we encode string, boolean *)           
let typeof ?comment (e : t) : t = 
  match e.expression_desc with 
  | Number _ 
  | Length _ 
    -> str ?comment L.js_type_number
  | Str _ 
    -> str ?comment L.js_type_string
  | Array _
    -> str ?comment L.js_type_object
  | Bool _ -> str ?comment L.js_type_boolean
  | _ -> {expression_desc = Typeof e ; comment }

let new_ ?comment e0 args : t = 
  { expression_desc = New (e0,  Some args ); comment}

let unit : t = 
  {expression_desc = Undefined ; comment = None}

(* let math ?comment v args  : t = 
  {comment ; expression_desc = Math(v,args)} *)

(* we can do constant folding here, but need to make sure the result is consistent
     let f x = string_of_int x        
     ;; f 3            
     string_of_int 3
   Used in [string_of_int] and format "%d"
   TODO: optimize

(* Attention: Shared *mutable state* is evil, 
  [Js_fun_env.empty] is a mutable state ..

let ocaml_fun 
    params block  : t = 
  let len = List.length params in
    expression_desc = 
      Fun (false, params,block, Js_fun_env.make ?immutable_mask len ); 

let method_
    params block  : t = 
  let len = List.length params in
    expression_desc = 
      Fun (true, params,block, Js_fun_env.make ?immutable_mask len ); 

(** ATTENTION: This is coupuled with {!Caml_obj.caml_update_dummy} *)
let dummy_obj ?comment (info : Lam_tag_info.t)  : t = 
  (* TODO: 
    for record it is [{}]
    for other it is [[]]
  match info with
  | Blk_record _ 
  | Blk_module _ 
  | Blk_constructor _ 
  | Blk_record_inlined _ 
  | Blk_poly_var  
  | Blk_extension 
  | Blk_record_ext _ 
    {comment ; expression_desc = Object []}
  | Blk_tuple | Blk_array  
  | Blk_na _   
  | Blk_class | Blk_module_export 
    {comment  ; expression_desc = Array ([],Mutable)}

(* TODO: complete 
    pure ...
let rec seq ?comment (e0 : t) (e1 : t) : t = 
  match e0.expression_desc, e1.expression_desc with 
  | (Seq( a, {expression_desc = Number _ | Undefined ;  })
    | Seq( {expression_desc = Number _ | Undefined;  },a)), _
    seq ?comment a e1
  | _, ( Seq( {expression_desc = Number _ | Undefined;  }, a)) -> 
    (* Return value could not be changed*)
    seq ?comment e0 a
  | _, ( Seq(a,( {expression_desc = Number _ | Undefined;  } as v ) ))-> 
    (* Return value could not be changed*)
    seq ?comment (seq  e0 a) v
  | (Number _ | Var _ | Undefined) , _ -> e1 
  | _ -> 
    {expression_desc = Seq(e0,e1); comment}

let fuse_to_seq x xs = 
  if xs = [] then x  
  else Ext_list.fold_left xs x seq 

(* let empty_string_literal : t = 
  {expression_desc = Str (true,""); comment = None}   *)

let zero_int_literal : t =   
  {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = 0l; c = None}) ; comment = None}
let one_int_literal : t = 
  {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = 1l; c = None}) ; comment = None}
let two_int_literal : t = 
  {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = 2l; c = None}) ; comment = None}
let three_int_literal : t = 
  {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = 3l; c = None}) ; comment = None}
let four_int_literal : t =   
  {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = 4l; c = None}) ; comment = None}
let five_int_literal : t = 
  {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = 5l; c = None}) ; comment = None}
let six_int_literal : t = 
  {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = 6l; c = None}) ; comment = None}
let seven_int_literal : t = 
  {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = 7l; c = None}) ; comment = None}
let eight_int_literal : t = 
  {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = 8l; c = None}) ; comment = None}
let nine_int_literal : t = 
  {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = 9l; c = None}) ; comment = None}

let obj_int_tag_literal : t =
  {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = 248l; c = None}) ; comment = None}

let int ?comment ?c  i : t = 
  {expression_desc = Number (Int {i; c}) ; comment}

let small_int i : t = 
  match i with 
  | 0 -> zero_int_literal
  | 1 -> one_int_literal
  | 2 -> two_int_literal
  | 3 -> three_int_literal
  | 4 -> four_int_literal
  | 5 -> five_int_literal
  | 6 -> six_int_literal
  | 7 -> seven_int_literal
  | 8 -> eight_int_literal
  | 9 -> nine_int_literal
  | 248 -> obj_int_tag_literal
  | i -> int (Int32.of_int i) 

let array_index ?comment (e0 : t)  (e1 : t) : t =
  match e0.expression_desc, e1.expression_desc with
  | Array (l,_) , Number (Int {i; _}) (* Float i -- should not appear here *)
    when no_side_effect e0-> 
    (match Ext_list.nth_opt l  (Int32.to_int i) with 
    | None -> { expression_desc = Array_index (e0,e1); comment} 
    | Some x -> x ) (* FIX #3084*)
  | _ ->
    { expression_desc = Array_index (e0,e1); comment} 

let array_index_by_int ?comment (e : t)  (pos : int32) : t = 
  match e.expression_desc with
  | Array (l,_) (* Float i -- should not appear here *)
  | Caml_block (l,_, _, _) when no_side_effect e
    (match Ext_list.nth_opt l  (Int32.to_int pos)  with
    | Some x-> x 
    | None -> 
      { expression_desc = Array_index (e, int ?comment pos); comment = None}     
  | _ -> { expression_desc = Array_index (e, int ?comment pos); comment = None} 
let record_access (e : t) (name : string) (pos : int32) = 
  (* let name = Ext_ident.convert name in  *)
  match e.expression_desc with
  | Array (l,_) (* Float i -- should not appear here *)
  | Caml_block (l,_, _, _) when no_side_effect e
    (match Ext_list.nth_opt l  (Int32.to_int pos)  with
    | Some x-> x 
    | None -> 
      { expression_desc = Static_index (e, name, Some pos); comment = None}     
  | _ -> { expression_desc = Static_index (e, name, Some pos); comment = None} 

(* The same as {!record_access} except tag*)
let inline_record_access = record_access

let variant_access (e : t)  (pos : int32) =  
  inline_record_access e ("_" ^ Int32.to_string pos) pos
let cons_access (e : t) (pos : int32) = 
  inline_record_access e  
    (match pos with 
     | 0l ->  Literals.hd 
     | 1l ->  Literals.tl 
     | _ ->  ("_" ^ Int32.to_string pos)) pos 

let poly_var_tag_access (e : t)  = 
  match e.expression_desc with
  | Caml_block (l,_, _, _) when no_side_effect e
    (match l  with
     | x ::_ -> x 
     | [] -> 
       assert false
  | _ -> { expression_desc = Static_index (e, Literals.polyvar_hash, Some 0l); comment = None} 

let poly_var_value_access (e : t) =   
  match e.expression_desc with
  | Caml_block (l,_, _, _) when no_side_effect e
    (match l  with
     | _ :: v :: _ ->  v
     | _  -> 
       assert false
  | _ -> { expression_desc = Static_index (e, Literals.polyvar_value, Some 1l); comment = None} 
let extension_access (e : t) name (pos : int32)  : t  = 
  match e.expression_desc with
  | Array (l,_) (* Float i -- should not appear here *)
  | Caml_block (l,_, _, _) when no_side_effect e
    (match Ext_list.nth_opt l  (Int32.to_int pos)  with
     | Some x-> x 
     | None -> 
      let name = 
        match name with Some n -> n | None ->   
         "_" ^ Int32.to_string pos in 
       { expression_desc = Static_index (e, name, Some pos); comment = None}     
  | _ -> 
    let name = 
      match name with Some n -> n | None ->     
       "_" ^ Int32.to_string pos in 
    { expression_desc = Static_index (e, name, Some pos); comment = None} 

let string_index ?comment (e0 : t)  (e1 : t) : t = 
  match e0.expression_desc, e1.expression_desc with
  | Str (_,s) , Number (Int {i; _}) 
    ->  (* Don't optimize {j||j} *)
    let i = Int32.to_int i  in
    if i >= 0 && i < String.length s then 
      (* TODO: check exception when i is out of range..
      str (String.make 1 s.[i])
    else     { expression_desc = String_index (e0,e1); comment} 
  | _ ->
    { expression_desc = String_index (e0,e1); comment} 

let assign ?comment e0 e1 : t = 
    {expression_desc = Bin(Eq, e0,e1); comment}


let assign_by_exp
   (e : t)  index
  value : t = 
  match e.expression_desc with
  | Array _  (*
     Temporary block -- address not held
     Optimize cases like this which is really 
     rare {[
      (ref x) :=  3
  | Caml_block _ when no_side_effect e && no_side_effect index -> 
  | _ ->  
    assign { expression_desc = 
        Array_index (e, index); comment = None} value

let assign_by_int
  e0 (index : int32) value = 
  assign_by_exp  e0 (int ?comment index) value

let record_assign  
  (e : t) 
  (pos : int32) 
  (name : string)
  (value : t) = 
  match e.expression_desc with
  | Array _  (*
     Temporary block -- address not held
     Optimize cases like this which is really 
     rare {[
      (ref x) :=  3
  | Caml_block _ when no_side_effect e  -> 
  | _ ->  
    assign { expression_desc = 
        Static_index (e, name, Some pos); comment = None} value  

let extension_assign  
    (e : t)     
    (pos : int32) 
    (value : t) = 
  match e.expression_desc with
  | Array _  (*
           Temporary block -- address not held
           Optimize cases like this which is really 
           rare {[
                  (ref x) :=  3
  | Caml_block _ when no_side_effect e  -> 
  | _ ->  
    assign { expression_desc = 
               Static_index (e, name, Some pos); comment = None} value  

(* This is a property access not external module *)

let array_length ?comment (e : t) : t = 
  match e.expression_desc with 
  (* TODO: use array instead? *)
  | (Array (l, _) | Caml_block(l,_,_,_)) when no_side_effect e 
    -> int ?comment (Int32.of_int (List.length l))
  | _ -> { expression_desc = Length (e, Array) ; comment }

let string_length ?comment (e : t) : t =
  match e.expression_desc with 
  | Str(_,v) -> int ?comment (Int32.of_int (String.length v)) 
  (* No optimization for {j||j}*)
  | _ -> { expression_desc = Length (e, String) ; comment }

(* TODO: use [Buffer] instead? *)  
let bytes_length ?comment (e : t) : t = 
  match e.expression_desc with 
  | Array (l, _) -> int ?comment (Int32.of_int (List.length l))
  | _ -> { expression_desc = Length (e, Bytes) ; comment }

let function_length ?comment (e : t) : t = 
  match e.expression_desc with 
  | Fun(b, params, _, _) -> 
    let params_length = 
      List.length params in
    int ?comment 
         (if b then params_length - 1 
          else params_length))
  | _ -> { expression_desc = Length (e, Function) ; comment }

(** no dependency introduced *)
(* let js_global_dot ?comment (x : string)  (e1 : string) : t = 
  { expression_desc = Static_index (js_global x,  e1,None); comment} 

let char_of_int ?comment (v : t) : t = 
  match v.expression_desc with
  | Number (Int {i; _}) ->
    str  (String.make 1(Char.chr (Int32.to_int i)))
  | Char_to_int v -> v 
  | _ ->  {comment ; expression_desc = Char_of_int v} *)

let char_to_int ?comment (v : t) : t = 
  match v.expression_desc with 
  | Str (_, x) -> (* No optimization for .. *)
    assert (String.length x = 1) ;
    int ~comment:(Printf.sprintf "%S"  x )  
      (Int32.of_int @@ Char.code x.[0])
  | Char_of_int v -> v 
  | _ -> {comment; expression_desc = Char_to_int v }

let rec string_append ?comment (e : t) (el : t) : t = 
  match e.expression_desc , el.expression_desc  with 
  | Str(_,a), String_append ({expression_desc = Str(_,b)}, c) ->
    string_append ?comment (str (a ^ b)) c 
  | String_append (c,{expression_desc = Str(_,b)}), Str(_,a) ->
    string_append ?comment c (str (b ^ a))
  | String_append (a,{expression_desc = Str(_,b)}),
    String_append ({expression_desc = Str(_,c)} ,d) ->
    string_append ?comment (string_append a (str (b ^ c))) d 
  | Str (_,a), Str (_,b) -> str ?comment (a ^ b)
  | _, _ -> {comment ; expression_desc = String_append(e,el)}

let obj ?comment properties : t = 
  {expression_desc = Object properties; comment }

(* currently only in method call, no dependency introduced

(* Static_index .....................**)        

(* var (Jident.create_js "true") *)
let true_ : t = {comment = None; expression_desc = Bool true }

let false_ : t = {comment = None; expression_desc = Bool false }

let bool v = if  v then true_ else false_

(** Arith operators *)
(* Static_index .....................**)        

let float ?comment f : t = 
  {expression_desc = Number (Float {f}); comment}

let zero_float_lit : t = 
  {expression_desc = Number (Float {f = "0." }); comment = None}

let float_mod ?comment e1 e2 : J.expression = 
  { comment ; 
    expression_desc = Bin (Mod, e1,e2)

let rec triple_equal ?comment (e0 : t) (e1 : t ) : t =
  match e0.expression_desc, e1.expression_desc with
  | (Null| Undefined), 
    (Char_of_int _ | Char_to_int _ 
    | Bool _ | Number _ | Typeof _
    | Fun _ | Array _ | Caml_block _ )
    when  no_side_effect e1 -> 
    false_ (* TODO: rename it as [caml_false] *)
    (Char_of_int _ | Char_to_int _ 
    | Bool _ | Number _ | Typeof _
    | Fun _ | Array _ | Caml_block _ ),  (Null|Undefined)
    when no_side_effect e0 -> 
  | Str (_,x), Str (_,y) ->  (* CF*)
    bool (Ext_string.equal x y)
  | Char_to_int a , Char_to_int b -> 
    triple_equal ?comment a b 
  | Char_to_int a , Number (Int {i=_; c = Some v}) 
  | Number (Int {i=_; c = Some v}), Char_to_int a  -> 
    triple_equal ?comment a (str (String.make 1 v))
  | Number (Int {i = i0; _}), Number (Int {i = i1; _}) 
    bool (i0 = i1)      
  | Char_of_int a , Char_of_int b 
  | Optional_block (a,_), Optional_block (b,_)
    triple_equal ?comment a b     
  | Undefined, Optional_block _  
  | Optional_block _, Undefined   
  | Null, Undefined   
  | Undefined, Null -> false_
  | Null, Null
  | Undefined, Undefined -> true_
  | _ -> 
     {expression_desc = Bin(EqEqEq, e0,e1); comment}

let bin ?comment (op : J.binop) (e0 : t) (e1 : t) : t =
  match op, e0.expression_desc, e1.expression_desc with
  | EqEqEq,_,_ -> triple_equal ?comment e0 e1
  | Ge, Length (e,_), Number (Int {i = 0l}) when no_side_effect e -> 
    true_ (** x.length >=0 | [x] is pure  -> true*)
  | Gt, Length (_,_), Number (Int {i = 0l}) -> 
    (* [e] is kept so no side effect check needed *)
    {expression_desc = Bin(NotEqEq,e0, e1); comment }
  | _ -> {expression_desc = Bin(op,e0,e1); comment}

(* TODO: Constant folding, Google Closure will do that?,
   Even if Google Clsoure can do that, we will see how it interact with other
   We wrap all boolean functions here, since OCaml boolean is a 
   bit different from Javascript, so that we can change it in the future

   {[ a && (b && c) === (a && b ) && c ]}
     is not used: benefit is not clear 
     | Int_of_boolean e10, Bin(And, {expression_desc = Int_of_boolean e20 }, e3) 
      and_ ?comment 
        { e1 with expression_desc 
                    J.Int_of_boolean { expression_desc = Bin (And, e10,e20); comment = None}
   Note that 
   {[ "" && 3 ]}
     return  "" instead of false, so [e1] is indeed useful
   optimization if [e1 = e2], then and_ e1 e2 -> e2
     be careful for side effect        

let and_ ?comment (e1 : t) (e2 : t) : t = 
  match e1.expression_desc, e2.expression_desc with 
  | Var i, Var j when Js_op_util.same_vident  i j 
  | Var i, Bin (And,   {expression_desc = Var j ; _}, _)     
    when Js_op_util.same_vident  i j 
  | Var i,  Bin (And , l, ({expression_desc = Var j ; _} as r))
    when Js_op_util.same_vident  i j -> 
    { e2 with expression_desc = Bin(And, r,l)}
  | Bin(NotEqEq, {expression_desc = Var i}, {expression_desc = Undefined } ),   
    Bin(EqEqEq, {expression_desc = Var j}, {expression_desc = Str _ | Number _ | Unicode _})
    when Js_op_util.same_vident i j
    -> e2
  | _, _ ->     
    { expression_desc = Bin(And, e1,e2) ; comment }

let  or_ ?comment (e1 : t) (e2 : t) = 
  match e1.expression_desc, e2.expression_desc with 
  | Var i, Var j when Js_op_util.same_vident  i j 
  | Var i, 
    Bin (Or,   {expression_desc = Var j ; _}, _)    
    when Js_op_util.same_vident  i j 
    -> e2          
  | Var i, 
    Bin (Or ,  l, ({expression_desc = Var j ; _} as r))
    when Js_op_util.same_vident  i j
    { e2 with expression_desc = Bin(Or,r,l)}
  | _, _ ->     
    {expression_desc = Bin(Or, e1,e2); comment }

(* return a value of type boolean *)
(* TODO: 
     when comparison with Int
     it is right that !(x > 3 ) -> x <= 3 *)
let  not ( e : t) : t =
  match e.expression_desc with 
  | Number (Int {i; _}) -> bool (i = 0l )
  | Js_not e -> e 
  | Bool b -> if b then false_ else true_
  | Bin(EqEqEq , e0,e1) -> {e with expression_desc = Bin(NotEqEq, e0,e1)}
  | Bin(NotEqEq , e0,e1) -> {e with expression_desc = Bin(EqEqEq, e0,e1)}
  | Bin(Lt, a, b) -> {e with expression_desc = Bin (Ge,a,b)}
  | Bin(Ge,a,b) -> {e with expression_desc = Bin (Lt,a,b)}
  | Bin(Le,a,b) -> {e with expression_desc = Bin (Gt,a,b)}
  | Bin(Gt,a,b) -> {e with expression_desc = Bin (Le,a,b)}
  | _ -> {expression_desc = Js_not e ; comment = None}

let not_empty_branch (x : t) = 
    match x.expression_desc with 
    | Number (Int {i = 0l}) | Undefined -> false
    | _ -> true

let rec econd ?comment (pred : t) (ifso : t) (ifnot : t) : t = 
  match pred.expression_desc , ifso.expression_desc, ifnot.expression_desc with
  | Bool false,  _, _ -> ifnot
  | Number ((Int { i = 0l; _}) ), _, _ 
    -> ifnot  
  | (Number _ | Array _ | Caml_block _ ), _, _ 
    when no_side_effect pred 
    -> ifso  (* a block can not be false in OCAML, CF - relies on flow inference*)
  | Bool true, _, _ -> ifso   
  | _, (Cond (pred1, ifso1, ifnot1)), _
    when Js_analyzer.eq_expression ifnot1 ifnot
    (* {[
         if b then (if p1 then branch_code0 else branch_code1)
         else branch_code1         
       is equivalent to         
         if b && p1 then branch_code0 else branch_code1           
    econd (and_ pred pred1) ifso1 ifnot
  | _, (Cond (pred1, ifso1, ifnot1)), _
    when Js_analyzer.eq_expression ifso1 ifnot
    econd (and_ pred (not pred1)) ifnot1 ifnot
  | _, _, (Cond (pred1, ifso1, ifnot1))
    when Js_analyzer.eq_expression ifso ifso1 
    econd (or_ pred pred1) ifso ifnot1
  | _, _, (Cond (pred1, ifso1, ifnot1))
    when Js_analyzer.eq_expression ifso ifnot1
    econd (or_ pred (not pred1)) ifso ifso1
  | Js_not e, _, _  when not_empty_branch ifnot
    econd ?comment e ifnot ifso  
  | _, Seq (a,{expression_desc = Undefined}), Seq(b,{expression_desc = Undefined})
    -> seq (econd ?comment pred a b ) undefined
  | _ -> 
    if Js_analyzer.eq_expression ifso ifnot then
      if no_side_effect pred then ifso else seq  ?comment pred ifso
      {expression_desc = Cond(pred,ifso,ifnot); comment}

let rec float_equal ?comment (e0 : t) (e1 : t) : t = 
  match e0.expression_desc, e1.expression_desc with     
  | Number (Int {i = i0 ; _}), Number (Int {i = i1; }) -> 
    bool (i0 = i1)
  | Undefined , Undefined -> true_  
  | (Bin(Bor, 
         {expression_desc = Number(Int {i = 0l; _})}, 
         ({expression_desc = Caml_block_tag _; _} as a ))
          ({expression_desc = Caml_block_tag _; _} as a),
          {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = 0l; _})})), 
    Number (Int {i = 0l; _})
    ->  (** (x.tag | 0) === 0  *)
    not  a     
  | (Bin(Bor, 
         {expression_desc = Number(Int {i = 0l; _})}, 
         ({expression_desc = Caml_block_tag _; _} as a ))
          ({expression_desc = Caml_block_tag _; _} as a),
          {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = 0l; _})}))
  , Number _  ->  (* for sure [i <> 0 ]*)
    (* since a is integer, if we guarantee there is no overflow 
       of a
       then [a | 0] is a nop unless a is undefined
       (which is applicable when applied to tag),
       obviously tag can not be overflowed. 
       if a is undefined, then [ a|0===0 ] is true 
       while [a === 0 ] is not true
       [a|0 === non_zero] is false and [a===non_zero] is false
       so we can not eliminate when the tag is zero          
    float_equal ?comment a e1
  | Number (Float {f = f0; _}), Number (Float {f = f1 ; }) when f0 = f1 -> 

  | Char_to_int a , Char_to_int b ->
    float_equal ?comment a b
  | Char_to_int a , Number (Int {i = _; c = Some v})
  | Number (Int {i = _; c = Some v}), Char_to_int a  ->
    float_equal ?comment a (str (String.make 1 v))
  | Char_of_int a , Char_of_int b ->
    float_equal ?comment a b

  | _ ->  
      {expression_desc = Bin(EqEqEq, e0,e1); comment}

let int_equal = float_equal 

let  string_equal ?comment (e0 : t) (e1 : t) : t = 
  match e0.expression_desc, e1.expression_desc with     
  | Str (_, a0), Str(_, b0) 
    -> bool  (Ext_string.equal a0 b0)
  | Unicode a0, Unicode b0 -> bool (Ext_string.equal a0 b0)
  | _ , _ 
      {expression_desc = Bin(EqEqEq, e0,e1); comment}     

let is_type_number ?comment (e : t) : t = 
  string_equal ?comment (typeof e) (str "number")    

let is_type_string ?comment (e : t) : t = 
  string_equal ?comment (typeof e) (str "string")    

(* we are calling [Caml_primitive.primitive_name], since it's under our
   control, we should make it follow the javascript name convention, and
   call plain [dot]

let tag ?comment e : t = 
  {expression_desc = 
     Bin (Bor, {expression_desc = Caml_block_tag e; comment }, zero_int_literal );
   comment = None }    

(* according to the compiler, [Btype.hash_variant], 
   it's reduced to 31 bits for hash
(* FIXME: unused meth_name *)
let public_method_call _meth_name obj label cache args = 
  let len = List.length args in 
  (* econd (int_equal (tag obj ) obj_int_tag_literal) *)
  if len <= 7 then          
    runtime_call Js_runtime_modules.caml_oo_curry 
      ("js" ^ string_of_int (len + 1) )
      (label:: ( int cache) :: obj::args)
    runtime_call Js_runtime_modules.caml_oo_curry "js"
       int cache;
       obj ;  
       array NA (obj::args)

(* TODO: handle arbitrary length of args .. 
   we can reduce part of the overhead by using
   `__js` -- a easy ppx {{ x ##.hh }} 
   the downside is that no way to swap ocaml/js implementation 
   for object part, also need encode arity..
   how about x#|getElementById|2|

(* Note that [lsr] or [bor] are js semantics *)
let rec int32_bor ?comment (e1 : J.expression) (e2 : J.expression) : J.expression = 
  match e1.expression_desc, e2.expression_desc with 
  | Number (Int {i = i1} | Uint i1), Number (Int {i = i2})
    -> int ?comment (Int32.logor i1 i2)

  | _, (Bin(Lsr,e2, {expression_desc = Number(Int{i=0l} | Uint 0l | Nint 0n) ; _})) ->
    int32_bor  e1 e2
  | (Bin(Lsr,e1, {expression_desc = Number(Int{i=0l} | Uint 0l | Nint 0n) ; _})), _ ->
    int32_bor  e1 e2
  | (Bin(Lsr,_, {expression_desc = Number(Int{i} | Uint i ) ; _})),
    Number(Int{i=0l} | Uint 0l | Nint 0n)
    when i > 0l  -> (* a >>> 3 | 0 -> a >>> 3 *)

  | Bin (Bor, e1, {expression_desc = Number(Int{i=0l} | Uint 0l | Nint 0n) ; _} ), 
    Number(Int{i=0l} | Uint 0l | Nint 0n) ->
    int32_bor e1 e2  
  | _ -> 
    { comment ; 
      expression_desc = Bin (Bor, e1,e2)

(* Arithmatic operations
   TODO: distinguish between int and float
   TODO: Note that we have to use Int64 to avoid integer overflow, this is fine
   since Js only have .

   like code below 
     MAX_INT_VALUE - (MAX_INT_VALUE - 100) + 20

     MAX_INT_VALUE - x + 30

   check: Re-association: avoid integer overflow
let  to_int32  ?comment (e : J.expression)  : J.expression = 
  int32_bor ?comment e zero_int_literal
(* TODO: if we already know the input is int32, [x|0] can be reduced into [x] *)
let nint ?comment n : J.expression =
  {expression_desc = Number (Nint n); comment }

let uint32 ?comment n : J.expression =
  {expression_desc = Number (Uint n); comment }

let string_comp (cmp : J.binop) ?comment  (e0: t) (e1 : t) = 
  match e0.expression_desc ,e1.expression_desc  with 
  | Str(_,a0),Str(_,b0) -> 
    begin match cmp with 
    | EqEqEq -> bool (a0 = b0)
    | NotEqEq -> bool (a0 <> b0)
    | _ -> bin ?comment cmp e0 e1
  | _ -> bin ?comment cmp e0 e1

let obj_length ?comment e : t = 
  to_int32 {expression_desc = Length (e, Caml_block); comment }

let rec int_comp (cmp : Lam_compat.comparison) ?comment  (e0 : t) (e1 : t) = 
  match cmp, e0.expression_desc, e1.expression_desc with
  | _, Call ({
      expression_desc = 
        Var (Qualified 
               ({kind = Runtime}, 
                Some ("caml_int_compare" | "caml_int32_compare"))); _}, 
      [l;r], _), 
    Number (Int {i = 0l})
    -> int_comp cmp l r (* = 0 > 0 < 0 *)
  | Ceq, Call ({
      expression_desc = 
        Var (Qualified 
               ({id = _; kind = Runtime} as iid, 
                Some ("caml_compare"))); _} as fn, 
      ([_;_] as args), call_info), 
    Number (Int {i = 0l})
      {e0 with expression_desc =
            {fn with expression_desc = 
              Var(Qualified (iid, Some "caml_equal")) 
            } , args, call_info)}
  | Ceq, Optional_block _,  Undefined
  | Ceq, Undefined, Optional_block _
    -> false_           
  | Ceq, _, _ -> int_equal e0 e1 

  | Cneq, Optional_block _, Undefined
  | Cneq, Undefined , Optional_block _
  | Cneq, Caml_block _ ,  Number _ 
  | Cneq, Number _, Caml_block _  
    -> true_
  | _ ->          
    bin ?comment (Lam_compile_util.jsop_of_comp cmp) e0 e1

let bool_comp (cmp : Lam_compat.comparison) ?comment (e0 : t) (e1 : t) = 
  match e0, e1 with 
  | {expression_desc = Bool l}, {expression_desc = Bool r}  ->
    bool (match cmp with 
    | Ceq  -> l = r
    | Cneq -> l <> r
    | Clt  -> l < r 
    | Cgt  -> l > r 
    | Cle  -> l <= r 
    | Cge  -> l >= r
  | {expression_desc = Bool true}, rest 
  | rest, {expression_desc = Bool false}  -> 
    begin match cmp with 
    | Clt -> seq rest false_
    | Cge -> seq rest true_
    | Cle 
    | Cgt 
    | Ceq 
    | Cneq -> bin ?comment (Lam_compile_util.jsop_of_comp cmp) e0 e1 
  | rest, {expression_desc = Bool true} 
  | {expression_desc = Bool false}, rest 
    begin match cmp with  
    | Cle -> seq rest true_
    | Cgt -> seq rest false_
    | Clt
    | Cge 
    | Ceq 
    | Cneq -> bin ?comment (Lam_compile_util.jsop_of_comp cmp) e0 e1
  | _ , _ ->
    bin ?comment (Lam_compile_util.jsop_of_comp cmp) e0 e1
let float_comp cmp ?comment  e0 e1 = 
  bin ?comment (Lam_compile_util.jsop_of_comp cmp) e0 e1

let js_comp cmp ?comment  e0 e1 = 
  bin ?comment (Lam_compile_util.jsop_of_comp cmp) e0 e1

let rec int32_lsr ?comment
    (e1 : J.expression) 
    (e2 : J.expression) : J.expression =
  let aux i1 i =
    uint32 (Int32.shift_right_logical i1 i) in    
  match e1.expression_desc, e2.expression_desc with
  | Number (Int { i = i1} | Uint i1 ), Number( Int {i = i2} | Uint i2)
    -> aux i1 (Int32.to_int i2)
  | Number (Nint i1), Number( Int {i = i2} | Uint i2)
    aux (Nativeint.to_int32 i1) (Int32.to_int i2)    
  | Number (Nint i1), Number (Nint i2)
    aux (Nativeint.to_int32 i1) (Nativeint.to_int i2)
  | (Bin(Lsr, _, _)), Number (Int {i = 0l} | Uint 0l | Nint 0n) 
    ->  e1 (* TODO: more opportunities here *)
  | Bin(Bor, e1, {expression_desc = Number (Int {i=0l;_} | Uint 0l | Nint 0n) ; _}),
    Number (Int {i = 0l} | Uint 0l | Nint 0n) 
    -> int32_lsr ?comment e1 e2
  | _, _ ->
    { comment ; 
      expression_desc = Bin (Lsr, e1,e2) (* uint32 *)

let to_uint32 ?comment (e : J.expression)  : J.expression =
  int32_lsr ?comment e zero_int_literal

(* TODO: 
   we can apply a more general optimization here, 
   do some algebraic rewerite rules to rewrite [triple_equal]           
let rec is_out ?comment (e : t) (range : t) : t  = 
  begin match range.expression_desc, e.expression_desc with 

    | Number (Int {i = 1l}), Var _ 
      not (or_ (triple_equal e zero_int_literal) (triple_equal e one_int_literal))                  
    | Number (Int {i = 1l}), 
        Bin (Plus , {expression_desc = Number (Int {i ; _}) }, ({expression_desc = Var _; _} as x ))
      | Bin (Plus, ({expression_desc = Var _; _} as x), {expression_desc = Number (Int {i ; _}) }))

      not (or_ (triple_equal x (int (Int32.neg i ))) (triple_equal x (int (Int32.sub Int32.one  i))))        
    | Number (Int {i = 1l}), 
      Bin (Minus ,  ({expression_desc = Var _; _} as x), {expression_desc = Number (Int {i ; _}) })        
      not (or_ (triple_equal x (int (Int32.add i  1l ))) (triple_equal x (int i)))        
    (* (x - i >>> 0 ) > k *)          
    | Number (Int {i = k}), 
      Bin (Minus ,  ({expression_desc = Var _; _} as x), 
           {expression_desc = Number (Int {i ; _}) })        
      (or_ (int_comp Cgt x (int (Int32.add i  k)))  (int_comp Clt x  (int i)))
    | Number (Int {i = k}), Var _  
      (* Note that js support [ 1 < x < 3], 
         we can optimize it into [ not ( 0<= x <=  k)]           
      or_ (int_comp Cgt e (int ( k)))  (int_comp Clt e  zero_int_literal)

    | _, Bin (Bor ,
              ({expression_desc =
                  (Bin((Plus | Minus ) ,
                       {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = _; _}) }, {expression_desc = Var _; _})
                  |Bin((Plus | Minus ) ,
                       {expression_desc = Var _; _}, {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = _ ; _}) } ))
               } as e), {expression_desc = Number (Int {i=0l} | Uint 0l | Nint 0n); _})
      (* TODO: check correctness *)
      is_out ?comment e range 
    | _, _ ->
      int_comp ?comment Cgt (to_uint32 e)  range 

let rec float_add ?comment (e1 : t) (e2 : t) = 
  match e1.expression_desc, e2.expression_desc with 
  | Number (Int {i;_}), Number (Int {i = j;_}) -> 
    int ?comment (Int32.add i  j)
  | _, Number (Int {i = j; c}) when j < 0l -> 
    float_minus ?comment e1 
      {e2 with expression_desc = Number (Int {i = Int32.neg j; c})}       

  | Bin(Plus, a1 , ({expression_desc = Number (Int {i = k; _})}  )), 
    Number (Int { i =j; _}) -> 
    {comment ; expression_desc = Bin(Plus, a1,  (int (Int32.add k  j)))}
  (* bin ?comment Plus a1 (int (k + j)) *)

  (* TODO remove commented code  ?? *)
  (* | Bin(Plus, a0 , ({expression_desc = Number (Int a1)}  )), *)
  (*     Bin(Plus, b0 , ({expression_desc = Number (Int b1)}  )) *)
  (*   ->  *)
  (*   bin ?comment Plus a1 (int (a1 + b1)) *)

  (* | _, Bin(Plus,  b0, ({expression_desc = Number _}  as v)) *)
  (*   -> *)
  (*     bin ?comment Plus (bin ?comment Plus e1 b0) v *)
  (* | Bin(Plus, a1 , ({expression_desc = Number _}  as v)), _ *)
  (* | Bin(Plus, ({expression_desc = Number _}  as v),a1), _ *)
  (*   ->  *)
  (*     bin ?comment Plus (bin ?comment Plus a1 e2 ) v  *)
  (* | Number _, _ *)
  (*   ->  *)
  (*     bin ?comment Plus  e2 e1 *)
  | _ -> {comment ; expression_desc = Bin(Plus, e1,e2)}
(* bin ?comment Plus e1 e2 *)
(* associative is error prone due to overflow *)
and float_minus ?comment  (e1 : t) (e2 : t) : t = 
  match e1.expression_desc, e2.expression_desc with 
  | Number (Int {i;_}), Number (Int {i = j;_}) -> 
    int ?comment (Int32.sub i  j)
  | _ ->  {comment ; expression_desc = Bin(Minus, e1,e2)}
(* bin ?comment Minus e1 e2 *)

let unchecked_int32_add ?comment e1 e2 = 
  float_add ?comment e1 e2

let int32_add ?comment e1 e2 = 
  to_int32 (float_add ?comment e1 e2)

let int32_minus ?comment e1 e2 : J.expression = 
  to_int32 (float_minus ?comment e1 e2)

let unchecked_int32_minus ?comment e1 e2 : J.expression = 
  float_minus ?comment e1 e2

let float_div ?comment e1 e2 = 
  bin ?comment Div e1 e2 
let float_notequal ?comment e1 e2 = 
  bin ?comment NotEqEq e1 e2

let int32_asr ?comment e1 e2 : J.expression = 
  { comment ; 
    expression_desc = Bin (Asr, e1,e2)

(** Division by zero is undefined behavior*)
let int32_div ~checked ?comment 
    (e1 : t) (e2 : t) : t = 
  match e1.expression_desc, e2.expression_desc with 
  | Length _ , Number (Int {i = 2l} | Uint 2l | Nint 2n)
    -> int32_asr e1 one_int_literal 
  | e1_desc , Number (Int {i = i1} ) when i1 <> 0l
    begin match e1_desc with 
      | Number(Int {i = i0})
        int (Int32.div i0 i1)
      | _ -> to_int32 (float_div ?comment e1 e2)
  | _, _ -> 
    if checked  then 
      runtime_call Js_runtime_modules.int32 "div" [e1; e2]
    else to_int32 (float_div ?comment e1 e2)

let int32_mod ~checked ?comment e1 (e2 : t) : J.expression = 
  match e2.expression_desc with 
  | Number (Int {i }) when i <> 0l 
    { comment ; 
      expression_desc = Bin (Mod, e1,e2)

  | _ -> 
    if checked then 
      runtime_call Js_runtime_modules.int32 "mod_" [e1;e2]
      { comment ; 
        expression_desc = Bin (Mod, e1,e2)

let float_mul ?comment e1 e2 = 
  bin ?comment Mul e1 e2 

let int32_lsl ?comment (e1 : J.expression) (e2 : J.expression) : J.expression = 
  match e1, e2  with 
  | {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = i0} | Uint i0)}, 
    {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = i1} | Uint i1)}
    -> int ?comment (Int32.shift_left i0 (Int32.to_int i1))
  | _ -> 
    { comment ; 
      expression_desc = Bin (Lsl, e1,e2)

let  is_pos_pow n = 
  let module M = struct exception E end in 
  let rec aux c (n : Int32.t) = 
    if n <= 0l then -2 
    else if n = 1l then c 
    else if Int32.logand n 1l =  0l then   
      aux (c + 1) (Int32.shift_right n 1 )
    else raise_notrace M.E in 
  try aux 0 n  with M.E -> -1

let int32_mul ?comment 
    (e1 : J.expression) 
    (e2 : J.expression) : J.expression = 
  match e1, e2 with 
  | {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = 0l}|  Uint 0l | Nint 0n); _}, x
    when Js_analyzer.no_side_effect_expression x -> 
  | x, {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = 0l}|  Uint 0l | Nint 0n); _} 
    when Js_analyzer.no_side_effect_expression x -> 
  | {expression_desc = Number (Int{i = i0}); _}, {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = i1}); _}
    -> int (Int32.mul i0 i1)
  | e , {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = i0} | Uint i0 ); _}
  | {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = i0} | Uint i0 ); _}, e 
    let i =  is_pos_pow i0  in 
    if i >= 0 then 
      int32_lsl e (small_int i)
      call ?comment 
        (dot (js_global "Math") Literals.imul) [e1;e2]
  | _ ->
    call ?comment 
      (dot (js_global "Math") Literals.imul) [e1;e2] 

let unchecked_int32_mul ?comment e1 e2 : J.expression = 
  { comment ; 
    expression_desc = Bin (Mul, e1,e2)

let rec int32_bxor ?comment (e1 : t) (e2 : t) : J.expression = 
  match e1.expression_desc, e2.expression_desc with 
  | Number (Int {i = i1}), Number (Int {i = i2})
    -> int ?comment (Int32.logxor i1 i2)
  | _, (Bin(Lsr,e2, {expression_desc = Number(Int{i=0l} | Uint 0l | Nint 0n) ; _})) ->
    int32_bxor  e1 e2
  | (Bin(Lsr,e1, {expression_desc = Number(Int{i=0l} | Uint 0l | Nint 0n) ; _})), _ ->
    int32_bxor  e1 e2

  | _ -> 
    { comment ; 
      expression_desc = Bin (Bxor, e1,e2)

let rec int32_band ?comment (e1 : J.expression) (e2 : J.expression) : J.expression = 
  match e1.expression_desc with 
  | Bin (Bor ,a, {expression_desc = Number (Int {i = 0l})})
    (* Note that in JS
       {[ -1 >>> 0 & 0xffffffff = -1]} is the same as 
       {[ (-1 >>> 0 | 0 ) & 0xffffff ]}
    int32_band a e2
  | _  ->
    { comment ; 
      expression_desc = Bin (Band, e1,e2)

(* let int32_bin ?comment op e1 e2 : J.expression =  *)
(*   {expression_desc = Int32_bin(op,e1, e2); comment} *)

(* TODO -- alpha conversion 
    remember to add parens..
let of_block ?comment ?e block : t = 
  call ~info:Js_call_info.ml_full_call
      comment ;
      expression_desc = 
        Fun (false, [], 
             begin match e with 
               | None -> block 
               | Some e -> 
                 Ext_list.append block  
                   [{J.statement_desc = Return e  ;
            , Js_fun_env.make 0)
    } []

let is_null ?comment (x : t) =   
  triple_equal ?comment x nil 

let is_undef ?comment x = triple_equal ?comment x undefined

let for_sure_js_null_undefined (x : t) = 
  match x.expression_desc with 
  | Null | Undefined
    -> true
  | _ -> false
let is_null_undefined ?comment (x: t) : t = 
  match x.expression_desc with 
  | Null | Undefined
    -> true_
  | Number _ | Array _ | Caml_block _ -> false_
  | _ ->      
      { comment ; 
        expression_desc = Is_null_or_undefined x 

let eq_null_undefined_boolean ?comment (a : t) (b : t) = 
  match a.expression_desc, b.expression_desc with 
  | (Null | Undefined),   
    (Char_of_int _ | Char_to_int _ 
    | Bool _ | Number _ | Typeof _
    | Fun _ | Array _ | Caml_block _ )
  | (Char_of_int _ | Char_to_int _ 
    | Bool _ | Number _ | Typeof _
    | Fun _ | Array _ | Caml_block _ ), 
      (Null | Undefined)
  | (Null, Undefined)
  | (Undefined, Null) -> false_
  | (Null, Null)
  | (Undefined, Undefined)
    -> true_
  | _ ->       
       {expression_desc = Bin(EqEqEq, a, b); comment}

let neq_null_undefined_boolean ?comment (a : t) (b : t) = 
  match a.expression_desc, b.expression_desc with 
  | (Null | Undefined),   
    (Char_of_int _ | Char_to_int _ 
    | Bool _ | Number _ | Typeof _
    | Fun _ | Array _ | Caml_block _ )
  | (Char_of_int _ | Char_to_int _ 
    | Bool _ | Number _ | Typeof _
    | Fun _ | Array _ | Caml_block _ ), 
      (Null | Undefined)
  | (Null , Null )
  | (Undefined, Undefined)
   -> false_
  | (Null, Undefined)
  | (Undefined, Null)
   -> true_
  | _ ->       
       {expression_desc = Bin(NotEqEq, a, b); comment}

(** TODO: in the future add a flag
  to set globalThis
let resolve_and_apply 
    (s : string) (args : t list) : t =  
  call ~info:Js_call_info.builtin_runtime_call
       [str s ]
    ) args